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Rachel Jan 2013
My roots grew deeper
Than I found comfortable
But now I can fly.
Rachel Dec 2012
The opposite of kind-of.
Not to be mistaken with fake.
Is similar to real.
Something I am embracing.
Not just a version of a carefully crafted story.
Life in the raw.
I crave to be–
Actually me.
Rachel Jul 2012
There comes a point in life when
no compromise seems too large if it
dulls the ache of
being alone.

There comes a moment in growth when
memories are deceptive and lure us
back to seasons of
embittering pain.

There comes a fork in the road that
forces us to choose whether we will
have the freedom of courage or
crippling fear.

There comes a stirring in our soul that
whispers of journeys worth daring because
we have faith that love
rewards the brave.
Rachel Jul 2012
Sea salt curls
surrendered to breeze
the taste of
Rachel Jul 2012
Counting the chips in my nail polish
Scuffing my sandals against the pavement
Watching the hem of my dress blow in the night breeze

******* in breath for courage
Praying my words come out right
Hearing that final sentence thicken the air

I think this is goodbye.

Waiting for the world to stop its orbit
Marking the seconds of silence
Avoiding your empty eyes

Hugging the warmth of your skin
Wishing we could have belonged
Mourning the smallness of our love

I think I am alone.
Rachel Jul 2012
I steal a glance and see your
calloused fingers drumming a
careless rhythm on the table
that separates

I tune my ears and hear your
eager lips pour out a volley  of
empty words into my hungry heart
that separates

I need to run my hands down your
warm body so that I can ignore this
ache of loneliness
that separates
Rachel Jul 2012
You can crawl to Him on your hands and knees.
You can grovel and groan at the feet of the King.
You can scratch at your sin until you bleed.
You can try to pull up the roots of your weeds.
But when, my daughter, will you dance in His grace?
When you will you rise and seek His face?
When will you be washed in the blood of the lamb?
When will you accept the seeds of life from His hands?
Why do you spurn the pain that I bore?
The curse is broke; your freedom for.
Get up and walk; sin no more.
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