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RKJ Legend Nov 2019
Your eyes are fire,they shine brighter than the stars.
Oh how the stars envies you my dear.
The angels sing when you are near.
When you take the stage, we can hear them cheer.
Of course, you're probably the queen of angels.
Oh! About your magnificence, I can write pages.

My queen! I want your splendor to triumph always.
For which I shall pray ever more.
I want the world to know you my love.
I would do anything so that you see your glory.

One look at your eyes and I am frozen.
I Still remember that night
When I got lost looking into them.
Oh! They hold more depth than the Atlantic ocean.

Your smile that day showed me magic exists.
I wake up every day with your smile on my mind.
It's a beautiful sight to behold, so warm and so kind.
The sound of your beautiful voice
when you talk about the things you love.
Ripples through inside me, melting my heart.
And then I look into your eyes again.
God! I never knew something so hot can leave me frozen.

#starfishdiaries 6
RKJ Legend Aug 2019
There she stood all alone,
staring into the emptiness.
All her dreams and aspirations gone,
Cause she didn't prioritize her happiness.

Bound by the thoughts of others,
from spreading around her joy and colors.
Her wings chopped off and hands chained,
The mind made her become self contained.

But it is now time for you to rise,
Yes, rise my child, break your chains,
full your destiny, and its whatever you choose it to be.
Time to end the pain and to start the gains.

You are bound by your mind,
and only you can do something about it.
For anyone who wants to chain you, stop being kind
May they face nature's wrath, fcking hypocrite.

So release yourself from the cage,
and take your place upon the world's stage.
And rise like you were meant to rise.
As for the words and opinion of others,
Ignore them cause they aint your mother's.

#ElightenmentParables 2
RKJ Legend Aug 2019
You're just like an angel.
Being in your presence leaves me breathless.
Everything you do is so graceful.
And my love for you is endless.

My love, I'd do anything for you,
I would  even fall for you
And break all my bones and
Hand you all my broken pieces,
Then find a way to give you more.
Because I don't think I deserve you

My dear I miss you everyday.
Even though I pray daily for us,
I fear that I should go away.
Because ultimately I'd want the best for you
and how can I pray to god to bring us closer
when I know that you deserve a lot more.

I would give you anything in this world,
That you are deserving of,
No, I'd give you the whole world.
Because you deserve that much.
I wish to give my everlasting love.
but, I can see that I will never be
near as good for as you are for me

#EnlightenmentParables 1
//starfishdiaries 5
RKJ Legend Jun 2019
You loved me more than how much I loved you.
Something that I previously thought wasn't possible.
Which was why I couldn't accept the fact that you left me.
Another event which I thought was implausible.

Blamed for you the mishaps that followed.
Justified my first drink with your name.
and also the ones came after it.
Guess it was easier than just facing reality

I'm sorry I didn't want a friendship.
I was too much immersed in our relationship.
Took me two years to move on.
To learn that life goes on.

But I wanna thank you for everything.
You showed me how much I deserved to be loved.
The love you gave me, reignited the flame within me.
I will always remember our love with a smile on my face.

You left a scar in my heart that will never go.
But it reminds me how much I deserve to be loved.
Whenever someone hurts me or undermine me
I am not sad because you showed me the value of my broken pieces.

So thank you, thank you for the memories.
I am grateful for the love you gave me.
Thank you for kindling the flame within me.
Thank you for helping me make my light shine.

RKJ Legend Jun 2019
These stars, they keep reminding me of you.
Of course, they don't shine as brightly  as you do.
But I guess they'll have to make do till I see you again.
Ah but this magic is beyond our ken.

And girl, you're like a shooting star.
Maybe that's why I always made a wish,
Every time I saw your beautiful face afar.
And you know I'd never relinquish.

I love the way your eyes twinkle
When you talk about things you love
But next time I'll need a map,
Cause I keep getting lost in your eyes.
And that's why I truly believe
That You are a gift from above.

I may not be a photographer
But I  sure can picture us together.
So I look up as I make this prayer.
Praying that things were more than just fine,
Dreaming about playing with your hair.
Cause don't wanna die wishing you were mine.

//starfishdiaries #4
RKJ Legend May 2019
A chill in the air awoke him,
It was another cold night in that lonely forest,
The light that he was searching for was dim,
but he still kept his stride for the moon's light was just too hard to resist.

Though he had  thick fur, it wasn't enough to keep the cold at bay.
The brave wolf had been traveling for quite sometime now,
All this struggle based on a small glimpse of hope that he'd reach the light someday.
He stayed true to the path for he'd fallen for its glow.

Winter's bite slowly depriving his senses
He knew the costs of this journey,
and wishes that this might finally be the key
No turning back but he knows that the moon cleanses.

He had previously lost his pack to the storm,
Another beguiling sight that left him devastated
Maybe that's why he decided not to leave the forest
But the moon's rays saw his decisions altered.

He finally found himself out of the woods,
It was the first time he was  in the open fields
Seeing the moon in all its full glory,
He felt relieved, but this wasn't the end of his story.

Now he was completely unprotected from the cold.
The journey left him starving
and he thought this was where his story would unfold.
But it ends with him dying.

Legend has it that, you can still hear the ghost.
The ghost of the lonely wolf howling at the moon.
But is it to mourn what he lost?
Or to warn other travelers on the same road about the despair.

//starfishdiaries #3
RKJ Legend Apr 2019
Falling in love with you was easy
Everything about you
Your smile, your kindness
Your caring heart
Eased any doubts I had, not about you
But about love and giving my heart away

There are times
when I feel your presence
at my side.
There are times
when I see
your face in a crowd
and I turn around

But that moment when I looked into your eyes
you smiled as wide as the skies.
Yup you did, just like how you are smiling
as you are reading this.
I love you is eight letters long
and so is your name, so think about it.

My patience has no end
when it comes to loving you
and I will wait a lifetime
for you to see the truth

No matter how much time
there is in this life
I’ll think of you
from time to time
and remember you with a smile.
So open your eyes and see
The way our horizons meet

Your smile does so many things
it brightens up my day
Your smile is like a promise
that things will be okay

If my heart could talk,
You would understand how deeply I love you.
But you already know that, don't you?
I see my future in your eyes
And I have faith in what I see

I know that you want  a sign.
For I've already seen the signs,
So  all I ask  is that when you do see the signs,
Would you see the signs as they are?
or would you change your perspective to see the signs differently?

//starfishdiaries #2
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