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RJC Oct 2015
River floods make planted buds  
Unclean, sweating blood for the seeds
Hidden in unfound prophets.
The pollen prophecies hinder
The far lost lovers, star-crossed
With their eyes to the skies and
Hands reaching deep in the seas above.
We wait, silent, and wonder. Swamping
Our stomata vision with couplets
Formed from stigmas of all the years.
Rhyming, but avoiding the answers
We crave. From cradle to grave is not
Enough. Searching signs and science
Beyond our learning, lessons hard learnt
From love itself compromise the beauty
And mistakes found on the surface of
An eclipse – blinding men and hanging
Martyrs from the stark tip of a half moon.
Sharp, revealed, they sacrifice what the church
Could not. Would not. Poison or paradise?
We will never be sure but it still fuels
The passion and bakes the bread we need
To eat and live. The sour lips of life tasted
Sweet before, but the flowers have died
Now and left their ****** marks on
The garden path. When we were young
The stigmata did not stain so much.
Clandestine and concealed to the world,
Invisible - striving for the word to be known,
But strife was not The Way. Doth with their
Own death they curse those who engendered
Them, like Faustus, who flew but twas
All in feign, for he fell in vain - and did not live
To taste the wine. Yet fallen are we all
For the sake of those two lovers –
Biting deep into the rigid skin of solid
Poison. The sickly sweet juice running
Down the side of her cursed lip
As the serpent swept their souls away.
A sharp tongue will keep the commands
At bay like spears in the sides
Of the stammered. The swollen dagger
Hearts were bitten by a Cancer
Of the stars, spreading like luminaries
Devouring ***** by *****. Only
Your hands are free to tell the story now
To bathe in the rich fountains of new-born
Life, flowing from river to river carrying
Moses baskets and delivering us to
Our stolen caskets.
RJC Oct 2015
The ivy gave us burgundy
Reflections, a journal in return
Clasping your nostalgic dreams;
Postcards from former selves
Asking how have you been?
Grey between the lines of lives
You lingered and loved

Coloured ink spills tainted
The unwritten pages of
Our favourite names of ages,
Soaking the past with
A future mask. They asked,
Was it all you had hoped?
Sit back and relax, watch

Wait, only you can see,
Your eyes build those towers
While fingertips crumble them
Like rocky waves, on a
Sandy stage. Breadcrumbs of
Your soul, scented by sunlight.
How did she change you?

Ride the cracks, paper over
The tortured, unbeaten tracks
With words of others. Their
Bodies, ripened, stifled
For starters, let us begin on
Paths that lead somewhere
In between, this life and yours

Let me explore you
Deeper. Undress your mind
Swallow your limits and
Leave them dusted, behind.
Will the currents carry me?
Drown the taut thoughts, the
Drifting taunts. Enough now

Roped into settling down;
A murky sunset or a foamy
Mountain, painted between
Frothed skies, and your eyelids.
Dive into this moment, tempted
Gasping for salty air, was
It the sea that saved you?

Choked as you realise you
Can’t breathe and dream
At the same time. Another
Day, another lifetime,
Rehearsed. Wish I were there,
See you next year. How
Can I know your universe?

— The End —