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581 · Mar 2014
Prodigal self
rita macedo Mar 2014
You’ve been gone for too long.
Do you still remember me?
Release all my demons;
The residues of self-hate,
Exhale my problems:
No time to condemn
No time for shame
No time for penance …
Just forgiveness.

Embrace me with grace
Prodigal self
462 · May 2014
rita macedo May 2014
The sun shines red under the heavy lids,
The pages unfurl in the wind.
It blows salty gusts and ocean spray
Making it a lazy day.

The white sand and lonely seagulls make the light flicker
as they fly.
The wild current and washing waves lull me into a deep , deep sleep.

Reflections of the cliffs carved by the storms are painted onto the sky
A hint that the sun will break through and shine on me again.

I open my eyes only to see
The nap I’ve taken spoke in dreams to me.
455 · Mar 2014
Acid Rain
rita macedo Mar 2014
Jagged drops fall on my back,
I feel every spiteful and poisonous thought
Tear at me from above.

My damaged soul,
Naked and afraid,
Tries to cast aside the wounds
To start anew.

The putrid words you made me believe
Lay stagnant,  festering.

The whirlwind of shame will not let me rest
Until all the despair has vanished into the acrid rain of destruction.
337 · Mar 2014
According to Eve
rita macedo Mar 2014
The world blames me, Eve,
For all that’s gone wrong.
And If one is to believe …
I am mighty and strong.

I opened my third eye
With the help of a serpent,
Reached toward the sky,
And the world was the present.

Why do you fear me?
I ask so sincere … For
Under the apple tree
Everything is clear.

Join me in the garden
From which I've been banished!
If what you want is a pardon?
Then we will simply vanish.

— The End —