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4.2k · Jul 2010
Rishabh Shah Jul 2010
Let me burn on the love drenched piers of your soul,
Let the ether from your burning heart fill me of your musk,
And let it last till the longing fades, until the moment we are one.
Copyright © 2010 Rishabh Shah. All rights reserved.
1.5k · Jul 2010
High Profile Renegade
Rishabh Shah Jul 2010
Designer clothes, glittering cars,
A million buck fragrance,
Costly drink at the bars,
Flying in chartered planes,
Your so called stars ,
Celebs at the parties,
Smoking cigars .

Oh, you like calling it high society ?
Then please do, mister,
I can take facts with ease.
I've been a slave to it, since so long,
I know how ******* high it is.

Effin brats of billionaire dads,
Acting cool with pricey ****,
******* roaming in alluring rags,
All slaves like me, of tempting fads.
Copyright © 2010 Rishabh Shah. All rights reserved.

This piece may seem ******, but I need the reader to know that it's from the characters perspective. Someone who has wasted years in vices, and has now come to realize that things can't be changed much from thereon.
1.3k · Jul 2010
Cuckoo In The Clock
Rishabh Shah Jul 2010
Today i feel like time wins
We never had row, no we didn't
But now she refrains from walking slowly
Coz when she did i was wasted,
Snoozing her out every time she tweeted
And I never knew when she flew out of that door
And flew and kept on flying
Until that day when i got up
And i was like
What the hell is that grey thing on my head!
When her voice grew louder
From within the cuckoo
The cuckoo in the clock
I was a boy when papa got her home
Now i am old and grey
But she is still yellow and pretty
And tweets every single day
Waiting for and bowing to none
And she never loses
For she has got eternity
And what have I got?
A packet of black dye.
A small introspection & retrospection made by an everyday guy facing mid-life crisis.
1.3k · Jul 2010
Departure Plane
Rishabh Shah Jul 2010
Paint the dark in white,
A night in city light,
Climb in, see the sight,
Life drifting on a speedy flight...
Wrote these four lines while departing from Delhi while coming to Bombay. I was mesmerized by the lights and the twinkle of the city. "Drifting on a speedy flight" also explains the nature of life and time. When we feel like life is drifting like one long boring movie, time, is actually on a speedy flight.
1.1k · Jul 2010
Recesses Of Mind
Rishabh Shah Jul 2010
Stop running through the recesses of mind. Erase them, erase that line between madness and sanity. Amidst the chaos of blabbering thoughts lives a silent melody, a genial song, a poetic essence, where this and that sound the same and kiss and bliss go out of rhyme. Beauty they say is in the eye of beholder, so behold every futile image and splash it on a canvas. Watch it, caress it, embrace it till the last colour of it fades, and then behold another image. Stop running through the recesses of mind..Crack them from the inside and revel in the sight of a thousand butterflies fleeing from their cocoons..
Copyright © 2010 Rishabh Shah. All rights reserved.
750 · Feb 2010
The girl in yellow sand
Rishabh Shah Feb 2010
I could see her face
her eyes were green
she was sitting there
sitting and staring
looking at the waves
they touched her feet
oh what a girl she was
could I hold her hand?
would she have shone on me?
the girl in yellow sand
oh what a girl she she was
I should have held her hand
would she  have been my love
the girl in yellow sand.

'twas a sunny noon
where I had been
I was sitting there
sitting and staring
looking at the waves
they touched my feet
what a sight it was
she had been looking at
oh what a girl she was
the one in yellow sand
I think of her
and all she things she had
in her beautiful mind
the girl in yellow sand.
744 · Feb 2010
Merry Mind
Rishabh Shah Feb 2010
The flake of snow on this twig of grass

Reminds me of a little young boy

He would sneak into fridge & stick his head in

And the cool air would soothe his merry mind

The deep blue valley takes me back

To the third storey

From the window of which he would

Watch the birds fluttering

And below, people rushing by

But it’s been long since the time I met him

He sure does stay within

Within the dark abyss of my mind

He can’t feel the joy of little moments anymore

Nor would he smile when I play a tune

They leave him hollow from inside, the memories of her

On a crucifix they nail him every single day

But their strength won’t crush his bones

And their hammers wont hurt him anymore

Coz the soul oozes out from the slit in his heart

The wound she left behind

It soars up in the light of an angelic voice

Leaving me hollow from inside

And here I sit, on this rock

On the edge of it

Thinking what am I without him

Without the merry mind

So I look down, breathe a gush of breeze

And leave along with him.
726 · Jul 2010
A Child In Your Eyes
Rishabh Shah Jul 2010
I'm a child in your eyes mother,
and a child I'll always be.
Because I may grow in numbers,
but your eyes know not math.

For they are filled with love,
and it flows out in tears,
at every little pain,
and scratch on my skin.

They don't see my evil mother,
though sins I have made.
Because I sinned I know,
but your eyes know not judgement.

For they are filled with compassion,
which is ever growing,
and it contains misdeeds,
and my senseless actions.

I'll be a big boy someday,
and earn my bread & butter.
But never so big to not fit in your eyes,
because I'm a child in your eyes mother.
Copyright © 2010 Rishabh Shah. All rights reserved.
719 · Jul 2010
No God In Prayers
Rishabh Shah Jul 2010
Once on a teeming square
A guitarist came and played a song
A Rabbi walked to him and said
“My dear friend, the song you play
Proves my existence wrong”
“Pay no heed to me sir”, said the singer
I am a novice, you are the master
The Rabbi smiled, and went on
“I stayed in parish since I was born
Read books of religion
On the way along
Said prayers in the church
Joint hands at the synagogue
But never did I feel, love for The God
Like I did when I listened your song
I guess…
There is God in music, there is God in duty
There is God in people, there is God in beauty
There is God in love, a sense of security
Sad though it may sound
There is no God in Rabbi”
Based in the medieval era. A Rabbi finds an opportunity to preach in a very casual and easy way.

— The End —