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Rishabh Shah Feb 2010
I could see her face
her eyes were green
she was sitting there
sitting and staring
looking at the waves
they touched her feet
oh what a girl she was
could I hold her hand?
would she have shone on me?
the girl in yellow sand
oh what a girl she she was
I should have held her hand
would she  have been my love
the girl in yellow sand.

'twas a sunny noon
where I had been
I was sitting there
sitting and staring
looking at the waves
they touched my feet
what a sight it was
she had been looking at
oh what a girl she was
the one in yellow sand
I think of her
and all she things she had
in her beautiful mind
the girl in yellow sand.
Rishabh Shah Feb 2010
The flake of snow on this twig of grass

Reminds me of a little young boy

He would sneak into fridge & stick his head in

And the cool air would soothe his merry mind

The deep blue valley takes me back

To the third storey

From the window of which he would

Watch the birds fluttering

And below, people rushing by

But it’s been long since the time I met him

He sure does stay within

Within the dark abyss of my mind

He can’t feel the joy of little moments anymore

Nor would he smile when I play a tune

They leave him hollow from inside, the memories of her

On a crucifix they nail him every single day

But their strength won’t crush his bones

And their hammers wont hurt him anymore

Coz the soul oozes out from the slit in his heart

The wound she left behind

It soars up in the light of an angelic voice

Leaving me hollow from inside

And here I sit, on this rock

On the edge of it

Thinking what am I without him

Without the merry mind

So I look down, breathe a gush of breeze

And leave along with him.

— The End —