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Riq Schwartz Feb 2012
There is a beauty in my life like air--
that is she follows me and fills me up,
and when my lungs in joyous mirth erupt,
it is by her my song is even there.
And should the gathered throngs around me stare,
or try to cease my song or interrupt
the rhythms of my heart, and so corrupt
the flowing of my verses, then beware.
The tumults of a love perceived too soft
may soon upset the sails of those too near;
these very winds hold eagles' wings aloft,
cause waves to break, and on a lesser tone
may carry whispers, tho it be a mere
few inches, saying "you are not alone."
Riq Schwartz Feb 2012
I would distain to be a character
in one or many of the classic acts
wherein I’d sacrifice myself if e'er
I might find presence only in the past.
There all would look at me and wonder how
an artist with such skill could sculpt me so.
And in this irony, as 'tis called now,
still those who "know" me best, me hardly know!
I would distain to live by others words,
each hanging my intentions to their own.
While screenplays dare not script the flight of birds,
instead, expect love, ne'er having been grown.
What I would rather do had I not been
so tightly reined by such a sharpened pen?

— The End —