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Kendall Reich Apr 2021
My heart shattered to a million pieces
As my happiness decreases
Struck to the core
Unable to take it anymore
My heart ceases to pound
All the words we’ve ever said surround
The tears start to fall
But I don’t feel them as my world grows small
My mind goes numb
Not able to see what I have become
All the effort I put into all the years
But I guess that's what love is
Kendall Reich Apr 2021
Stuck, trapped between the two doors that make up my world
Just a small crack that allows me to be myself
All my life stocked up one shelf
Isolated from everyone
Separated by my one difference
Looked down upon by society
But who I am shouldn’t be there priority
Playing pretend is my favorite game
For that is my life
A game of pretend
Trapped in a body that is not my own
Forced to hide who I really am
The crack between the door widens
The light floods in
For the first time
I see me
The real me
Kendall Reich Apr 2021
I see the world
But I don’t feel it
It passes me by as I sit
Watching without an opinion
Just a spec within 7 billion
Without waiting for me to catch my breath
All I can wait for is my foreseeable death
I try to grab on to memories and moments as I go
But they don’t want me to stick around for the show
The numbness of the life I live settling in
I give up knowing I will never win
A game rigged against you
Something you will never make it through
The blood pools around me
The world disappears and black is all I see
Game over

— The End —