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Mar 2014 · 363
Rinny Johnny Mar 2014
Deserted,without a soul  or shadow
to speak to
Despair and loss, seen and felt
put us in solitary confinement
of silence
Human noise let out by this body
seems to be  the only comfort
consolation of a life going on,
despair going on.
Credence of his words linger
in the air, as air
never to be seen,
only felt
when sight is the remedy.
Dec 2012 · 502
Irrational fear (1)
Rinny Johnny Dec 2012
Bright red when fresh,
Crimson when stale,

I don’t want to faint everytime
The nurse pulls out a sample.
It’s absurd
Fear of something that belongs to me?

I’ll be bold!!

“Wait. Nurse…is that…”
Dec 2012 · 610
Make Believe Solacer
Rinny Johnny Dec 2012
She needs sleep, which would last forever.
She would like it if, for once, the bad took a long break.
If he decides to go on a vacation, maybe, she'll be free.
She needs to pretend.

Welcome make-believe solacer.
Dec 2012 · 415
Rinny Johnny Dec 2012
Was it I who missed out your words or was it you?
Either way we are lost.
You could be happy now or be taking Prozac
Either way I’m lost.
You could think I am relieved or I’m dead
Either way you’re lost.
We could think of ill of each other or mourn each other’s absences
Either way we are lost.
Lost in the crowd,
Lost, in a way we’ll never recognize each other.
Yes, I lost my sanity. I hope you did too.
Dec 2012 · 1.9k
The Stalking Man
Rinny Johnny Dec 2012
As I was searching for truth, I realize that nothing is true.
And so it leaves me only pain, I could escape but what is the use?
It is all temporary.  
Well, what could one expect out of an illusionary world.
So I cease my search and shed my feathers, lay down still.
Till time itself runs out.
Till the stalking man comes and he takes me to its darkness.
The stalking man was my shadow, my playmate, my truth
He invites, lures me but what is it that pulls me from behind,
It is frightening how an illusion can have control.
But my playmate calls, pleads and lures again
And again.
Pulls back the illusion
Am I to be stuck in this tug-of-war?
To be pulled till I lose my sanity.
The illusion spoke; it is all a part of the game it whispered.
In a voice so surreal
That I walked back inside the illusion.
Lost my playmate,
My shadow,
My truth,
The stalking man.

— The End —