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Rin Jun 2013
I had fun today.

We played hide and seek,
your memories and I.

I was it
so I closed my eyes
and counted to ten.

I heard them scatter
and run.

I think a couple left
through the back door.

The house,
it got quiet.

I opened my eyes
and ran after them.

I tried to look everywhere.
They just disappeared.

Somehow I have a feeling
I'll never see them again.

Nevertheless, it was fun.

Hello, I'm Rin.
What's your name again?
Rin Jun 2013
They're all delusional.*

They can only wish they're as flammable as we are,
because together we make the sun look like a chunk of painted rock...

**..and they're all freezing.
Rin Jun 2013
There is beauty in things unknown
and lies in all that we are shown.
So close your eyes
and forget the world with all its lies.
On that distant moon
is where we will meet soon.
Rin Apr 2013
"It has to be white!"
It's an obsession.
Every night
She's in the shower,
Scrubbing away.

"It has to be white!"
She keeps scrubbing.
Some days
She doesn't stop
Until she feels the sting.

"It has to be white!"
She can't stand the filth.
All the time
She waits
For the color to change.

"It has to be white!"
It takes hours
Every time.
Over and over
She scrubs.

When it's finally white,
She lets the water run,
Watching the suds
Like pure snow
Wash away
From her body.
She closes her eyes
And smiles.

In that moment
Of ephemeral bliss,
She hugs herself.
Gripping her shoulders tight,
She whispers,
"I am clean."
Rin Apr 2013
Everything burned like fairy dust scattering in the night.
Teardrops danced like silver shadows reflected in moonlight.
Poison spread like wildfire ripping through her veins.
She's a dying flower soaked in acid rain.
Rin Apr 2013
It rained in the kitchen this morning.
Oh, what a mess!
You should have seen it.
The cat was furious.
Your breakfast was ruined.
And the tea couldn't be saved.
I wanted to be upset.
I wanted to cry.
I tried so hard to make you breakfast.
But then I noticed you weren't here.
And I realized I didn't really care.
So I left everything as they were.
Your breakfast is still on the table.
The tea is sitting on the stove.
I don't know where the cat went.
But I'll be gone by the time you read this.
Rin Apr 2013
they bloom
pink popcorn
sprouting on trees
cotton candy flowers
soon to be devoured
by hundreds of hungry tourists
at the click of a button
one flash
and the moment
is over
beauty becomes litter
and litter turns to dust
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