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Jul 2013 · 825
Remember That
Rikky S Anderson Jul 2013
A backwards obsession.
A closed confession.
Checking the scale too often.
Smirking at the pounds,
I've somehow managed to shed.
Welcoming the protrusion of bone,
Disregarding the tautness of skin.
Compliments stupidly fuel my craze,
But lack thereof builds motivation the same.
Ill reassure you it’s fine,
If you show any concern.
But still watch old clothes grow
drop around my tender ankles
reassuring myself, your opinions don’t exit.
Jul 2013 · 953
too muchh
Rikky S Anderson Jul 2013
Ill try to go to sleep early.

long car rides have given me too much time to think,
belittling the pitch crevices of my heart.
Because craving something out of reach hurts.

And my dream world is cracking open,
Egg shell delicate problems littering in.
Slurring memories and insecurities into an eyesore.

Not to mention,
you were incredibly right,
I’m going to get hurt, but not because of you.
Because of me.
Jun 2013 · 822
After The Wedding
Rikky S Anderson Jun 2013
As they got back into the car
They smelled of freshly ignited cigarettes.
(Deep breath in)
My aunt and uncle,
Whom had before been taking a smoke
Around the gas station,
Were asking me (jokingly)
If I wanted a cigarette.
Or if I had ever smoked one.
They often act as if,
I've never known or never seen them smoke.
I'll always be their young niece in their eyes.
The smell is incredibly enticing though
Which ill never bring myself to tell them.
The thinning screens of smoke
Straying from ones slightly parted lips,
Causing anyone to look slightly more
Thoughts I had scribbled down in the dark during a long car ride.
Mar 2013 · 433
Another Perspective
Rikky S Anderson Mar 2013
i am for you and you for me.

and even though the mountains bleed
i inscribe scars into my knees

tragically unable to recognize
the gentle kindness of your eyes

pleading me to reconsider
but the months have made me bitter

oh how did the moments glitter.
Jan 2013 · 747
Rikky S Anderson Jan 2013
She was an arrow
my heart, made of stone
even though wind blows through me
She turned my heart to gold
wearing lipstick to impress her
never seemed to work
internal butterflies dancing
heart racing like a herd.
Dec 2012 · 1.1k
Easier Said Than Done
Rikky S Anderson Dec 2012
sewing needles
always find their way into my fingers.

stitch by stitch my fingers mingle
sewing my half to your half.

always feel i've searched the earth
with each single red-letter girl

disentangling our knotted thoughts
braiding our interests and fingers.

twined through careful timing and concern
wreathed in gentle memoirs.

you were mine and I was yours.
Dec 2012 · 563
The Girls
Rikky S Anderson Dec 2012
she opened up her secret garden
every fragile flower a kiss.

the other girl smelled the flowers
eventually plucking them from her lips.

the girl pressed them in a book
and left it on the shelf.
dead flowers withered.

the garden,
left withering as well.

another girl found the garden by mistake
the leaves, she began to rake.

instead of taking for her own
she gave water so it could grow.

then in time the flowers bloomed
truely a wonderful gift she knew.
praise for "Gardenia Girls"
Dec 2012 · 870
Rikky S Anderson Dec 2012
sometimes I think of the night.
I cried so much over you
my eyelashes became crystalized, encrusted,
with salt.
an ocean just previously
gushing from within
my cavernous diaphragm.
I could pull it off with the tips of my fingers
touch it to my lip
taste the brine.
Forget-me-nots laden in my skin
shrieking memories
calloused thin.
Dec 2012 · 526
Kiss Me
Rikky S Anderson Dec 2012
excavate my heart

my ribs feel like their on the surface.

just pinch my skin apart

but don’t dive in without a purpose.

pluck the pins from my chart

I want your touch to make me nervous.

with a sudden start

make my soul your home

but be careful with my heart.
Dec 2012 · 498
Amber Nights
Rikky S Anderson Dec 2012
promises, lies.

taking taking taking your time
surrendering in full with a white dress
to the the the unscrupulous nights

screaming without a single sound
just wrap me up in amber
and put love to the the test.

time could stop and none would know
try to not make or play the foe
words no longer make sense

sleeping death is what it is.
Dec 2012 · 653
Those Things
Rikky S Anderson Dec 2012
I’m craving bonfires,
inhaling the lingering musky scents
that characterize such memories
and urge our existence to continue

I’m craving bonfires,
letting them ****** me in their dance
with a mirror reflection in my eyes
and strings tugging on my heart

I’m craving bonfires,
saving us from the ebbing edges of darkness
tickling our necks and raking our backs
until we turn to it in anger to gaze at its beauty

even in the chill,
even through the thrill,
even though looks can ****,

I’m craving bonfires.
Dec 2012 · 543
Fertilizing Flowers
Rikky S Anderson Dec 2012
I might as well lie with the flowers,
my body their grand gesture.

they understand my grief.

I draw tick marks on the hours,
releasing each weighted breath.

aching only with relief.

even happiness induces showers,
postmark my heart and send it off.

words acting as a thief.

I’ll always lie along with flowers.

body no more concrete.
Dec 2012 · 661
petite fleur fanée
Rikky S Anderson Dec 2012
forgive me

for allowing the winter to soak into my bones
stealing my grace.

forgive me

for being an inconvenience
by giving into my medical inheritance.

forgive me

for letting my sentiment oxidize
under the pressure of existing.

forgive me

for becoming a synonym;
withered little flower.
Dec 2012 · 794
Mountain Song
Rikky S Anderson Dec 2012
keep me here

with the trees my skyscrapers
with the stars my infinite ceiling

keep me here

with the bonfire my blanket
with the crickets and coyotes my symphony

make my home

in the colors of autumn
in the crisp clean mountain air

take me away
to this place to escape
never go back to broken cities

keep me here
Dec 2012 · 539
Rikky S Anderson Dec 2012
the wind is pounding at my heart,
not only on my skin.

my body is a shell,
like a june bug’s hollow kin.

a peach so savory sweet,
turned to reveal a bruise.

the leaves swooning for the ground,
part of a clever ruse.

again, again, again,

i’ll always lose.
Dec 2012 · 4.7k
Gardenia Girls
Rikky S Anderson Dec 2012
Gardenia girls are never safe,
a secret love you can’t replace.

Bitter pit stuck in her chest,
dragging skin with nails of grace.

All her fears were once at bay,
now creeping from a darker place.

Her secret garden wrecked and wrought,
briny gems, each other chase.

“It’s not enough.” she tells the birds.
the flowers grieve with down turned face.

“There’s nothing we can do.” they say.
It’s fate, but we will miss your trace,

your breathing space,



Dec 2012 · 1.2k
Forestem sylvam
Rikky S Anderson Dec 2012
I would be forever grateful to the woods.

let me be a humble fir
let me be a consequential balsam
let me be a great-hearted cypress

I would slowly stretch my branches
forever wishing to embrace the forest,
forever green and thirsting for compassion.

I would carve rings in my *****
maybe one for each year I’ve survived,
maybe one for each year I’ve lived.

I would hope for lovers to inscribe professions in me
then I could pray their passion endures,
then I could know I did my part.

let me be a modest cedar
let me be a blushing pine
let me be a pining spruce

I would be forever gratetful to the woods.

— The End —