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 May 2013 Riianie Teroza
A face never changes, it's features stay the same.
When you talk to the person, remember there name.
Because if you forget, in an embarrassing way.
Questions will haunt you, for the remainder of the day.

First you say "hello", then you talk with them a bit.
Understand what they say, and offer them to sit.
You tell them your name, and they tell you there's.
Soon you will know, that someone else cares.

Friendships built on kindness, always seem to last.
A truly good friend, will forgive you for the past.
Heart's will grow, and friendships won't die.
If you trust in them, and give them a try.

Don't try to hurt them, and they don't hurt you.
Then you will be friends, with a friend that is true.
It can last for a lifetime, and you will see.
That a friend is the best thing, that you can be.
I hate it when I hear,
"Depression means you hate yourself"

I think,
"You shut your ******* mouth"

Let me tell you why:

I'm apathetic towards myself,
I think I'm alright, I'm quite okay
I'm not perfect

But the questions which haunt me
taunt me, tear at my insides,
bring me down

It's a daily dose of helplessness
A jolt of shakes, half an hour long
Can't concentrate to save my life,
and even then I couldn't give a ****

I'm not clueless to the things around me
I'm wrapped up in them
they consume me

I think about the deaths,
the murders, the rapes,
the wars, the addictions,
the illnesses, the schemes,
the scams, the
lack of compassion

And death

I think about death a lot

I'm not scared to die
or be insignificant

I'm scared to think of
my family's skin and bones
in a hole in the ground
Of my best friends' cries
and smiles
and their dreams let down

I don't hate myself

I'm scared to be alive
because it means I know what will be lost
by the hand of inhumanity
and the Grim Reaper's bony grip
A spoken word piece that I'd never actually have the courage to perform for anyone (In all honesty I was pretty enraged when I wrote this)
Who am I?
Seems like lately I've had to ask myself that way too much
Why is that?
Hell I don't even know
Who am I?
I know who I was before
I know who I was during
I know who I was after
But now I, I just don't know
I know who I'd like to be:
The me before but less naive,
The me during but with my feet on the ground so I don't hurt
The me after but happier, more hopeful, more alive
Anything would be better than the numbness
I've done things the true me wouldn't be able to do
I've done things I shouldn't have yet I don't feel remorse or guilt
Who am I?
Now that I'm able to smile from my soul once again
Now that I find moments of peace and lightness
Now that I'm not miserable, not stuck in the past
Now that I feel the sun shine and warm my soul
Now, I search and grab for anything and everything
I can to resurrect some of that beauty and grace
Who am I?
Well for now I'm still trying to figure that one out
As my heart rebuilds, I will try to not break all of my morals
I'll try and try; I've failed more than once already
I still continually ask:
Who am I?
Who am I?
I'm really trying to figure it out and fix the bad. Seems like the more I try, the more I find I'm doing wrong.

— The End —