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Why do we dream
little yellow bird
of captivating the winsome
just to witness
their slow, rotting demise

Why do we dream
little yellow bird
of sharing our sorrows
our contagious illness
with the well and healthy

It makes our insides
toss and churn
to see pleasure and pride
in the charismatic rover
as they pass and sing

Why do I dream
little yellow bird
of the day you cease
to give me a tune
to allow my axe to rest.
O you would clothe me in silken frocks
And house me from the cold,
And bind with bright bands my glossy locks,
And buy me chains of gold;

And give me--meekly to do my will--
The hapless sons of men:--
But the wild goat bounding on the barren hill
Droops in the grassy pen.
 Apr 2010 Rigo Torres
Matt KH
When we were kids we had ideas and dreams,
Of what we wanted to be.
It boiled down to one thing,
We wanted to be a somebody.
We could go as far as our imagination would let us.
And the stars were just figures in the sky,
That one day we could reach out and touch.
Maybe we just wanted to leave this world a better place,
Than when we met it
Maybe we just wanted to be remembered for something great.
But we grew up.
Dreams faded into the ether of the past.
And we became what we become.

Waitress' and waiters.
Callous palmed factory workers.
Ticket booth operators.
Cleaners, tradesmen and
Bus drivers.
Barmen, bank clerks and
Insurance salemen
People that make the world tick.

When you walk down the street,
You can hear a chorus of unsung hymns.
The girl who just wanted to sing.
But was too afraid to take to the stage.
So her songs remain hers.
The unseen kid.
Who's got a notebook of broken dreams.
But remains alive.
Because it's through the ink that his heart beats.
Through his words that his thoughts breathe.
Or the man who works a job he hates.
Just to hold up his family.
These people are just living their lives.
But these people are somebody to someone

Don't let this be just another poem.
Don't let these words mean nothing.
Their is more in life than being great.
Is it not enough to make one person happy.
Is it not enough to make yourself happy.
Nobody can define you.
The walls might not fall but
You got to try and make them
You can be anything you want to be.
Sing like no one's listening.
Dance like no one's watching.
Shine as bright as you can.

You are a somebody.
You always have been.
And you still have time to be.
Twice the light burns heat.
Submarine finds the mind in a deep sea sleep.

If only.

Lie still and silently cry out to the dark.
Listen to the drip drip drop of the faucet.
A pocket watch.
You plead for the pulse thump to stop.
Agonizing over greenbacks and life plans
Paralyzing thoughts of What’s next? And where now?
Questions void of answers.
Answers crammed with doubt.

The red sticks re-arrange once more.

Bargaining with time declines result.
She has it in for you friend.
A million memories churn and wrestle
While each flickering moment blurs away.
Straining to relax,
Exhausting yourself to find peace.

And there it is.





— The End —