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 May 2013 Rida
My Whole World
 May 2013 Rida
No finer purity
Standing in the sunny grass
I hold a small posy of yellow flowers
Off to seek my fortune in the spring of my life
Open eyes, half-smiling and shy, this is my whole world.

S T, 9 May 2013
Fotograf Printanier.

A beautiful snapshot of my son (then aged 4-5 years) in our overgrown garden, exploring the joys of insects and vegetation.

He is so lovely and very inquisitive, always full of questions, half of which I find myself unable to answer!

 May 2013 Rida
choo choo

next stop.....perdition

(no, not believes this Stygian opacity)

look how Time doth ravage thee
look what it did to thy visage
in smithereens, lies youth
it so artfully takes away
what is held so dear

rivers and streams
valleys and hills

arching to ecstatic heights
plunging to abysmal lows

into the ravine of chance
stirred by the spoon of Time
slowly around the cauldron
brews the self-same mixture
then poured into chasms of forgetfulness

using the eternal sledgehammer
smashes the foundation of thought
grinds the nutmeg of speed
pulps the fruit of mentality
slows the pulse of sensation

and pardons none.

what was once sensuous and voluptuous lips
now are merely two dry slits on your face

once stared-into eyeballs, now glass over
vitreous cataracts steadily grow, ****-like

toned into lithe elastic bands now stretch
away into forever, a pale platform to walk on

life's morn is encompassed by years' slanting
clouded and bedimmed by mists of age

butterfly's existence outweighs a man's
by mere night-veiled windowpane of true sight

draw the curtains; close the shutters; screen the eyes
the time has come to shed all blinkers and face the sun.


mud cracks down a dipping dale
scalding pain sears sore half-foot

yes, time is but a disease
ravaging all
without fear or favour

sunken eyes
slower reflexes
tardier mind
scraggly body

hides not
condescends not
forgets not

the glimmer of ....
a time of ...

cathedral invites the walker in
cool and calm recesses
sit silent

then *they
walk in, carrying
one who had but a lucky half-score lot

clear soprano note becomes a rudderless bleat
announcing the folly of stifling ego

now shorn of burning frost of circuitous fervour
beams of mercy cast a final look-see
jump the barriers of
carry thee off.

pipe *****-stops are pulled out

(art thee ready?  platform number 5)

S T,  9 May 2013
How age doth touch the brow of one and all.

Looking at pictures of and being inspired by the writing of esteemed Anglo-American writer W. H. Auden (born in 1907, York, UK - died in 1973, Vienna).

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.
Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead,
Put crêpe bows round the white necks of the public
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.
He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.
The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.
For nothing now can ever come to any good.
 May 2013 Rida
I was on top of the world
but look how much I've broken.

Torn between past and future
I live in the present, a ruthless place.

The past used to look peaceful,
the future warm and exciting.

But now they're exploding stars
the things set in stone, the things meant to be.

The shards form dwarf planets
that I won't live to see.

For my time is ticking, ticking away
for I'm taken by the sea.

I stand on the dock, the wind
ripping and ripping at my clothes.

A tear slips only once
before I jump.

And before my eyes I see the exploding stars
they burn bright as the water surrounds me.

Reminders of what I have done,
and reminders of what I could have done.

Then I fall from space with a jerking tug
and when I open my eyes, I am alive.

He stands on the shore, because
he saw the exploding stars too.

Not alive, then.
Just between, like I've always been.
Blech I really hate this but I'm going to post it anyway xD
 May 2013 Rida
 May 2013 Rida
[]­h.may.year 2059

got cyber-pests?







S T, 9 May 2013

Who knows what the future may create....some interesting but annoying cyber-problems:
cyber-pests / cyber-pain / cyber-noise / cyber-traffic, blah.

Hence, the new range of Insta-magic products designed to help one cope....ta-da!

We're not there yet!

need a pet?!
oh, let's not EVEN go
 May 2013 Rida
Kindly open up
Are you there?
Real time, I need the right one.
Enough of crap.

Let's get real.
In time, you will see.
Now or never, how you waste!
And as you always vulnerable, never ready.

S T, 8 may 2013
Just some stereotypical rambling.

Love European (art) movies.

Can anyone figure the acrostic?

 May 2013 Rida
Willing you
 May 2013 Rida
You will not find a more willing participant
To join you on this serendipitous adventure of luck.

We will merrily hijack the trippy ride of Helios
And daringly traverse the long way around the sun.

We will sleep together in the heart of the meadow
Where sun-dappled leaves and rabbits frolic in jolly romps.

We will swim in salmon-filled rivers and go upstream
Where many-coloured coins glint upon the surface.

We will not curb our enthusiasm to conceal the truth
Fixing Nyx, we share unbridled passion upon the moon.

We will cradle each other's fears within parched lunar craters
While the world waxes on the rim of existence, our love will not wane.

Let us be more than willing to unshackle the mind
To explore lost messages in a bottle on the high seas.

Yet I'm willing to journey through the darkness even
With eyes closed
In an attempt to reach you
To find you.

I am so willing to play the fool advocating love
Than to be over cautious and lose out big time.

So, I am willing you let drop the scales
'Twud be astounding to have a
Willing us to deflect this way untimely contretemps
And placing us this day upon an unbroken tide beyond.....

S T, 8 May 2013
Term used as tiny nod to cool programme, Curb your Enthusiasm.

Love it......doesn't Larry just rrrrrock!

Be willing to take that journey, for you never know where it may lead...or more importantly, what happens along the way.

In the time it took you to ponder and deliberate the pros and cons, think on this:
dreams slipped and broke its ankle and went down drains ......
while time just oh-so gleefully tick-tocked on....
and before you could wipe your eyes....
this chance will be packed away a casket.

Nobody can live your life...but you.
Choose YOUR

Only NOW counts.
Be willing :)

So, like in that amazing film featuring Jim Carrey, say YES!
 May 2013 Rida
 May 2013 Rida
standing in the kitchen
just the two of us
and a flame
flickering blue
the smell of a gas stove
and your soap
that's too strong and too earthy
i lied and said that it smelled nice in the store
because you liked it
and now it simmers in the foot between us
and we watch the processed red "food" burn
from a can
watery thin red
it tastes like nothing
in the clear bowl we used since the beginning of time
words slip out
between the carefully guarded gates of my mouth
empty empty sad sad
all a facade
that you now see though
2 minutes together
and my mind is screaming
secrets well hidden
lies well deceived
you press the bowl into my hands
and turn out the light
you apologize
no real need
i've walked enough times in the dark to know my way around
in the quiet pocket of my room
the 4 walls
soul witnesses to my fall
watch as my head spins
and my eyes close
heat burning through the bowl
burning fingers
but i don't feel anything
no more room for food
i can't find the strength to place it down
i wasn't really that hungry anyways
ew gross **** poetry get it away
 May 2013 Rida
Opened a book today
My eyes fell upon a page of poems
How odd, it feels so familiar to me
Yet, how can this be?

Picked up an organic instrument
And played a song I do not know
Whence cometh the inspiration?
Only from the whispers of ..... a previous life....

These things I see doing, I claim not expeditious
For it's only if and when....the muses decide to see fit
A mere vessel to transport what already is there!
Every possible thought-combo has its keen template.

Never did an equestrian thing before
Yet I find me mounting superb horse and ride
Flowing action, wide awake and so thrilling
No expletive required to tell of happy lingering.

Going upon the mountain to pray, this day
Not to find you
But that you ....find me
Don't you just give up so fast!

Can't deny strong polarising effect in here
This life affords us another chance: second time around.

S T, 4 May 2013
Hey, man...hello.

 May 2013 Rida
 May 2013 Rida
i like to look in the mirror
and dissect the person staring back
until features are just jagged lines
and stolen shapes
protruding chin
witchy nose
curved into a long *****
a beard of pimples
surrounding small lips
and a mustache to strike envy into any man
caterpillar eyebrows
darker than the hair on my head
which is dry and flat and falls into my face
chipmunk cheeks
practically falling out of wide cheekbones
long legs
too skinny
knobby knees
hairy white tree trunks
that i suppose pass for legs
spider fingers
no curves
just a pale board
with eyes and skin covered in mold
and red
always red
always tears
society's worst fear stares back at me
my own words
i say them to myself now
i see your point
i wrote this on the back of my math homework and then forgot about it
but listen to me now
if you're reading this
you're ******* beautiful
don't let anybody ever tell you otherwise
and if they try to tell you otherwise
eat them.
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