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Richard Simunac May 2013
I have heard it is easier to forget
that one day we will all die
A solemn fading of the wind past the horizon
to where the evergreens no longer grow
and the ground is gray with dust

I have heard it is easier to forget
that one day the person I know as myself
will cease to be

I have heard it is easier to forget
about death
And live as if I shall always be

But I do not yet know how to forget
The only thing I am certain of
Aug 2012 · 1.3k
Richard Simunac Aug 2012
Each day I wake and wonder
if I'll ever find the strength
to spell out my soul
to remind you
that sometimes it's okay
just to let go of all your control

But like the clouds in the sky
I'll rain down on you
And cool down your eyes
That burn with anger from
the mess you made.

Misery has made you his slave.

Tonight a cold breeze will find you
The past that you lived through
is present again in
The roots that pull you down under
Deep in your slumber
The nightmare returns

And like the stars in the sky
I'll pierce through shadow
Open up your eyes
And guide you away from
the mess you made.

No longer will you be misery's slave.

When spring wakes from his hibernation
All of creation will view you and smile
With the clouds gone
Your precipitation
And stars blotted by the sun
Your gaze turned away...

But still I found you,
Beautiful and mute.
In the glow of the evening's light,
I held you once more, but too tight.

Blood dripped down my arm,
And stained the grass surrounding you:
Soaking the coarse earth that was your womb.

You are a rose

newly bloomed
Aug 2012 · 1.1k
You were never mine.
Richard Simunac Aug 2012
I remember the days before,
when I could feel my veins
pumping through my chest
as I gasped for air
each morning,
my eyes shuddering
from the dawning sunlight.

The dreams were always the same,
always of you
your eyes;
those perfect spheres
that collected the pain
and suffering
of those who gazed upon them.

And then you began to cry...
your sea is too much for me.

I begin to drown.

You are not there to take me
from the turning tide.

And then I wake,
as if I spent years
down in that well to your soul,
with no hope but the cobblestone
walls that surrounded me.

And every morning
you would turn to me
as the light draped down
the arch of your back,
and those eyes would steal
another piece of my heart.

But those days are gone,
and your eyes have moved on.

Each day I lie still and stare
at the imprint your body has left
on my bed.

There is no heartbeat left here.

I am left with only a memory of cold,
biting air tinged with lavender
as we walked through gardens
at midnight.

I always thought it would be much louder than this.

A snap of a twig,
the crunching of leaves,
a whisper of your soft voice
in the brisk autumn air...


For you stole my heart
in the quiet of the night...
I listen to the silence of my soul
and finally understand.

You were never mine.
Jul 2012 · 709
You are a rose
Richard Simunac Jul 2012
I think back
to when I first held you.

You were not yet in bloom,
merely a green stalk
that still could not resist
the temptations
of the morning breeze.

I fixed you each day..
held your heart close to mine,
so you could hear the whisper of eternity
that lay between us.

Your voice echoed through my soul,
a song that did not yet know
the freedom of the
eastern wind.

Like a moth I was led by your love,
until the cold December rain
washed away the melody that brought me
to you all those years ago.

But still I found you:
beautiful, mute, radiating
in the glow of the evening light.
I held you once more,
but felt a sting in my heart.

Blood dripped down my arm
and stained the grass
that surrounded you...
soaking into the coarse earth
that was your womb.

For you are a rose,
newly bloomed,
and your gaze is set

Jun 2012 · 711
You are the moon
Richard Simunac Jun 2012
Being with you is like
being in
the sea.

Void of worry,
I am filled
with the infinite

wonder of your ocean
eyes that whisper
a depth of meaning
like the morning sunrise on the top
of the highest mountain -

a promise

And when you smile
I am reminded of the hint
of lavender in the crisp
morning breeze that fills
the echoes of my past:

a summer

that never ended

in the heart of a broken
waiting for her
love to wash
away his sorrow in
the cold river that
lies in the heart
of an evergreen

A line

a touch on the arm..

the mark of pure bliss,
marred only by the fading
of the seasons and the falling
of the stars.

But you will never fade,
for I am forever lost
in your

and you are the moon
that carries me

May 2012 · 2.0k
The Storm
Richard Simunac May 2012
I. For Love

For love has found me,
Resting under an old willow tree.
Gazing at the stars, glistening, glowing, love's purest art.
The echoes of an ancient melody written in the sky,
The memories of those who were destined to die.
For they had dared to dream of an ocean serene,
Filled with beauty and passion in the heart unseen.
So with fire in their soul and light in their eyes,
They were led by sweet music as starlight disguised.
And when they heard deep lullabies sung by stars up above,
They had finally found peace in their quest for love.

For a dream has found me,
Aching, silent, wondering, why?
Was I not one who was destined to die?
Like roses that bloom and try to reach the light,
My hands shall grasp and seek without sight
A burnt out love that had once been so bright...
But I found no respite in the coolness of night.
With the sky clouded and murky, no stars here would gleam,
Like the cold lifeless trees that winter picks clean.
I would have been left with only memories of the stars I had seen,
Were it not for the melodies found in a dream.

For winter has found me,
Aching for a summerset breeze.
Love, once mine, was now lost at sea.
The path laid before now only a memory.
Lost and alone I sought with despair,
The meaning of life in winter's cold air,
But the chill in my bones was too much to bear.
As I laid there in silence I soon discovered,
Out of the shame and guilt I had kept hidden and covered,
The songs in my heart that would have faded and withered,
Were blossoming like flowers in the cold of that winter.

For love has found me,
Waiting under an old willow tree.
I had been patient and faithful, and finally found peace.
By listening to my heart and the words that it gave me,
I found that the soul is deeper than the sea.
And when I heard deep lullabies sung by stars up above,
I knew surely one day a cadence would come.
Although rich and full it would be sadly sung,
Not for sorrow, or pain, but surely, for love.

       II. Take Me Away

Take me away in the wind of a melody,
Take me away from the clouds that cover me.

As the tide rolls in from darkness,
The moon shines on waves of silver crests,
And the current cascades into my soul.

A sudden gale rises from the sea,
It's chill consumes my entire being,
And my heart sings to just let go.

Take me away to a cadence sung in dreams.
Take me away in the harmony of the sea.

A story written in the darkness of the deep,
A song in the sky - an ancient melody.

Wildflowers sway softly in the morning breeze,
A sunrise.
The meadow's cool touch draws me to sleep -
Amidst the willow trees my soul finds peace.

The storm seems to call a melody from the sea,
The thunder awakens me from my summer dreams.
I long to find a midnight breeze..
For the breath of the stars to come and carry me.
Away from the tempest that stirs in me,
The tidal storm threatening my bravery.

Wildflowers glow warmly in the afternoon sun,
A reminder of the things I've overcome.
The sound of wind-swept melodies from an ocean serene,
Resonates amid the sea of evergreen.

But a darkness hangs over my dream,
A misty tide come to take away the stars I have seen.

Rain falls down on me,
Weeping clouds drown out my every plea.
The whisper of a melody too faint to hear,
The storm of the symphony now buzzing in my ears.
Tear-stained words I can no longer say,
The longing for a cadence to take me away.

Wildflowers glow faintly in the evening light,
A sunset come to take me into the night.

Take me away to the willow tree,
Where the stars echo an ancient melody.

Take me away, in the storm of a symphony.

       III. A Cadence Sadly Sung

Alone at sea,
I long to leave but your eyes captured me.
Waves crash on me,
The stormy seas will not leave me in peace.
Clouds cover me,
The stars that led me now fall to the sea.
Now you remain,
Your voice a storm's dark refrain that marks
A cadence sadly sung.

Songs reside in my heart,
Fill me with hope like blooming roses,
Wait until the moon was new and sun was high.

Inside my heart,
Deep, dark,
Diamond so pure inside,
Never given the chance, never the dream,
Secrets of life remain unseen,
In broken hearts that led me to fall.
And in that smile that had started it all.
Without a word,
Without a whisper, a call or a plea.
But you somehow have brought me
down to my hands and my knees.
But you somehow found your way
into the story of me.

And now you remain,
like a storm's dark refrain,
Passion and thunder.
And the story goes on,
Like a never-ending song,
A cadence sadly sung.
The text for my symphonic piece titled "The Storm", written in 3 parts. I wrote the piece, and the text, backwards. The first section I wrote last, and the last section is what I wrote first. There's a link to the MIDI simulation of the piece in my About Me section.. thanks for reading and listening :)
May 2012 · 969
You are like nature.
Richard Simunac May 2012
My life consists of snapshot moments I keep in my head
Drops of rain in a passing shower that one day find their way
back into the ocean.

Scribbled words on faded paper that I keep
tucked away in an old wooden box
in the drawer of my desk.

All so that one day I may take them out again,
and show them to you.

To try and tell you how you make me feel.

But I can never tell you.
the rain in my dreams
wipes away the tragedy of a soft-spoken man
in a blue-grey watercolor wash.

You are a wind
tiptoeing in the back of my mind
a child who wanders the gardens at twilight.

the essence of a poem,
words felt yet not seen.

You are like nature,

the melody I fall asleep to,
a sweet kiss that softly fades into the evening light.

a silent song
your voice haunts me
thunder piercing the twilight

But I can never tell you,
the songbird outside my window
Waking me from the nightmares of a soft-spoken man
in the bright yellow warmth of your song.

But I will try to tell you how you make me feel,

so that I may take out the melodies of my soul
and show them to you.

Fragments of a song on faded paper that I keep
locked away in an old wooden box
in my heart.

Droplets of water form crystalline towers
in the caverns of a cadence.
Your life was a snapshot moment that I keep in my head

— The End —