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You are the one.
You are the one I think of.
You are the one that I have in my heart.
When I'm with you, you show me you are wonderful.
You show me you are beautiful, cute, adorable.
You shine.
You sparkle.
You light up my day every time I see you.
You are.
You have.
You are and have my love because you.
That's what I love about you.
Adorable. That's what you are.
I see you in my dreams. Our moments together seem both long and brief. I can't get over how beautiful you are. There's two questions I want to ask you. But when we look at one another, I can't get the words out. Then you leave and I'm filled with regret by not saying the words that I feel I need to say to you. But hopefully when I see you again I will ask you the words I have been feeling. To ask you out. To tell you I want to be with you.
My Dear N[      ],
I'm thinking about you. I miss you. I found myself falling in love with you. I want to be there with you. But the memory of you must hold me over until I see you again. Until then.
I found you so beautiful. I love your smile. When we were together I am so into you. I am captivated by you. I keep looking at you and I feel my love for you. I almost told you that. Along every time I thought about kissing you. You are special. You have a special place in my heart. But one thing is certain I belong to you. Heart, body, and soul.

Yours, R
I'm trying to think and figure out something to say to you about what I feel about you. I like you. I deeply care about you. I hope you're doing okay. I just don't want me to say that every time I talk to you. The surprise I got you is your summer vanillas berry perfume and a sketch book with pencils, colored pencils. I want you in my life. Even if we only see each other once in a while. I'll take it and it would mean a lot to me. More than anything. Oh and I do have a secret. I love you, [  ]. I don't know what else to say to you.
We met. I kept looking at you. Your simple beauty is drawing me in. We glance at one another. The brief moments of your beauty strikes me every time. And I hold onto those moments between us. The moments reside in my heart. With each moment the love I feel fills my heart. And when I finally told you that I love you; your beauty radiant beyond anything I've ever seen. And it dawned on me, I will always love you.
I think about you. I see you. You smile a lovely, wonderful smile. Seeing you smile is a moment of beauty. That I treasure. You look so lovely every time I see you. I am captured by your beauty. I look at you. All I see is you. Beautiful you. Your beautiful smile. And I treasure you. Being with you is a moment of beauty.
Trying to work up the courage. I saw her last week, but she wasn't available to talk to me for a minute. It was still nice but I know I still want to see her. Thought about her all day yesterday. I conger up the smallest amount of courage. And I went to the place where she is. But then I stopped a couple of places away. Then I got frightened and turned and ran away. I'm thinking about her again. Trying to work up the courage. I have her in my mind. I have the time that I want to go down there and see her (at 2 p.m.) hopefully. Now I have to move my feet towards her and see her. And I hope this time she does have a minute to talk.

I gathered all the courage that I could mustered and I went down there. Went over. Went in. And I didn't see her. She wasn't there. Looked around for her. I didn't see her. I left. Hoped that the next time I come down there and see her again.
I like seeing your beautiful face. you are so
Lovely. when i see you, you
Outshine the sun. i really enjoy the
View when i am with you. your beauty is
Your smile bewitches me.
Our togetherness is what i hold dear. i am
Under your spell.
Miss and love you.
Idea Image Imagine Mirage Imagination Ghost Spirit Angel Love
That is how I describe you. That is how I see you. You look so beautiful every time I see you. That is the way you are. I see you pass. I see you for a moment. Then I try to see you again after that and you are gone. I'm not sure if I really saw you or if I just imagined you. Then when I go around I see a flash of beautifulness and loveliness. Then I see you smile. And I fall. Lovely. That is what you are.
What's better?
You wrote something i.e. "Story about Miss Lady". You think you have a name for the Miss. Now the choice is either:
1) Either rewrite the story
2) Either keep the story the same just change the possible name of the Miss
3) Cancel the story altogether

The reason for the change is because it doesn't fit in anymore, or you don't like it as much as you did when you started it, or you're possibly slightly hurt.      Thank you. Appreciate it.
I was thinking about you when we were apart. I was listening to a song that reminds me of you. It makes me think about you. I feel like I should tell you how I feel about you. When we're together. When we're apart. The way I feel about you is I like you. I like seeing you. I think about you. Then I want to see you. But we're apart. And I can't see you as I would to. But I hope you know I miss you. And I'm thinking about you. And I'm looking forward to seeing you again.
I'm effected by you; by your beauty. I'm drawn to you. You are so lovely. When I'm near you, you become my world; you are my world. I like seeing you smile. Your beauty expands when I see you smile. You encompass me. I get lost when I see you. You are something to behold. You are the someone I love.
Part One:
I think about you and I write. I've rewritten this (the following) letter a few times. And I've always been on the verge of sending this to you every time I write it. But the reason I didn't send it is because I don't know how you're going to react to it. I'm fine thinking it. I'm fine saying it. But I'm nervous about how you're going to react. Nervous about what you're going to think about it. Nervous about what you're going to say about it. Say the word and I will send it. Say nothing and I won't. I'll keep it to myself forever.

Part Two:
My Dear [  ],

I'm thinking about you. I can't stop thinking about you. Being with you is the best thing in my life. It might be too early to think and say those things, but I can't help it. I feel it. I feel that way.

I want to be there with you. But the memory of you must hold me over until I see you again. Until then.
I find you so beautiful. Inside and out. I love your smile. When we were together, I am so into you. I am captivated by you. I keep looking at you.

I like you. I deeply care about you. The surprise I got you is your summer vanillas berry perfume and a sketch book with pencils, colored pencils.

You are special. You have a special place in my heart. I want you in my life. Even if we only see each other once in a while. I'll take it and it would mean a lot to me. More than anything. Oh and I do have a secret to tell you. I love you, [  ]. I belong to you. Heart, body, and soul.

Part Three:
. . .
If I don't send this to you then I'm going to leave you alone for a while. To see how I feel or to see what you're going to say.
And I don't even know if you want to know this or not.
A picture of a small rose bouquet.
I look at it and I'm reminder of you by it. A beautiful stunning thing of beauty that I hold dear. The love is there in my heart for you. When I pick it up, I see your reaction in my mind when I gave you the actual rose bouquet. I saw the bright lovely smile on your face; my love for you was swelling in my heart. My love. As I looked at you, looking at your smile. I leaned over and kissed your cheek. Your smile brighten. "My love," I said. You looked at me. You were smiling. Your smile will always stay in my mind. Forever.
I went to your job to see you and to give you a rose. Walked in and I didn't see you. I bought a can of Coke and waited patiently nervously for you. Time past and you didn't come in. Yet I still waited. Hoping you would appear at any moment. Couldn't wait there any longer. My Coke was empty soon after I sat down and began to wait for you. I went up to the man behind the bar and asked, "Is [  ] going to be here today?" "No. She's going to be here on Sunday." "Okay." I put the rose onto the bar. "Can you give this to her?" "I'll make sure she will get it." "Thanks."

I hoped that he texted you and told you, you have a rose waiting for you. I hope you got it. I'm unsure what to do. Either go back and see you and tell you I was the one who gave you the rose. Or just let you think I'm just a secret admirer of yours.
There's this woman that I know and like. I want to ask her out. I want to get to know her better. I'm thinking about asking her the next time I see her. Which is at the end of the week. I'm going to tell her. But since I'm a week ahead. I'm going to be thinking about this and her non stop all week. Possibly overthink this all week. And I really shouldn't be thinking about it or overthink it as much as I already am. When I see her I'm going to be more nervous about it then I am right now. And when I see her I hope I don't panic and run away from her. But I know I'm going to say the words/the question to her. "I was wondering if you wanted to get dinner tonight with me?". But her reply/her answer I'm not going to have any idea what she is going to say/tell me. I have no idea at all what it's going to be. But I'm hopeful.
Hi. Do you want to go do something? Take a walk, go eat some food? It's my way of asking you out.
I'm sitting with you. I'm looking at you. I like being near you. I like being with you. I like your pretty smile. I like your beautiful face. I am captivated, compelled, and mesmerized by you. In my thoughts and in my dreams. I see you in my mind. I see you in my dreams. Then I want to see you and when I see you, I can't stop looking at you. You behold me. You entrance me. You are so lovely. I love you.
I was living a lonely life. I didn't have anyone special in my life. I went to work just like a regular typical ordinary day. And after I walked in. I saw you standing there. Our eyes met. You were looking beyond beautiful. I saw a little smile appeared on your beautiful face. Your smile made you glow. And I was captivated. Then we started being "together". And suddenly I was feeling love when I saw you; when we're "together". But there was something else inside (just besides) the beauty. I saw the inner beauty that you possess. And I felt the love for you both in inner beauty and beauty.
I'm thinking about you. I miss you. I liked seeing you. I liked seeing you smile. Sitting next to you. We held hands for a moment. Electric. I felt. Looking in your brown eyes. I got lost in your eyes, in your face. I almost leaned in to kiss you at every moment. But sitting there, being with you felt right. And I hope we get to do that again soon. Because I miss you.
I've just encountered someone beyond thoughts, beyond words. I look at you and you are dazzling. You have a capturing element. You have a hypnotizing look. I look at you and you have an element that I really like. The element is always going to be there. It's always going to draw me in. Because I behold a sight, you are a sight of beauty.
That's a strange word Something or someone owns that thing. Has possessing over something. She can say, "He belongs to me.". I can say, "My heart belongs to her.". Both are equally true because I and my heart belongs to her.
You are my beloved.
Dear Miss [     ]
I spend my day thinking about you. I look at things that I like. That you've done. And I am entranced. Something. There is something there. Beyond what you've done. And as I look I try to capture it in my mind. And I do and I don't. I don't because I can't see you. But I do because I know how I feel about you. The way I feel is I love you.
No writing. No ideas. No words leading to other words. Just a blank. I'm trying to think. I'm thinking and nothing is coming. Nothing is forming in my mind. I'm looking at the blankness and I see something is there. Something that is getting bigger and closer with every passing thought on it. Then when the something is so clear to me I saw that it's you. You're standing in front of me. I see you and you smile. And suddenly you became surrounded by words, thoughts, ideas, and feelings that I have for you. But in the center of all that what I clearly see is you. And I know when I think about you, I am not going to draw a blank or have a blank thought again.
I've blinded myself. Into believing. Believing in the unattainable. Believing that I could get the unattainable. I saw someone I want to be with. I saw the person as perfect. I didn't see beyond the person I saw. I didn't try to look under where the person resides. And I was so completely into her person I saw that I didn't even try to look beyond. The signs and sight were there in front of me and I didn't "see" because I thought I could make a small difference. But now my thoughts are being torn into two. I see and feel it as one way. Then the other side of seeing and feeling is completely opposite of what I originally thought of. And as I think of it, the separating in my mind is getting stronger. The doubt about it (everything) is flooding my mind. And I don't think I could go back to the original way I thought of. I don't know what I'm thinking of, I don't know what to think about it, I don't know how to feel about it, I don't know what to do about it either.

Can I be blind still or will I get my sight back?
Will I be one again or always be in two?
I was walking along, looked to my right and I saw you just sitting there. I was struck by how cute you are. I smiled at you. You asked me to sit down and join you. I did. And as I kept looking at you, I couldn't focus on getting words out. I just focused on you and on how cute you are. You kept the conversation going for the both of us. You asked, "Don't you have anything to say?"
"You're really cute," I said. You smiled and got cuter.
I’m thinking about you. I’m making a pizza for you. I’m going to deliver it after it’s done. Then I’m going to see you. See your beautiful face. See your beautiful smile. All the times I deliver to you. I enjoy seeing you smile. I enjoy seeing you. I think about delivering again. I thought about you. Seeing your smile, seeing you is a reward. I realized delivering pizzas has its own rewards. You.
I wrote a romantic story. And I thought about my dear friend. Then I thought I should name the woman I wrote about my dear friend's name. I told my friend about the idea and she told me it's up to you i.e. me. And now as I think about it, I don't know what to do. Since I have her pseudo-approval about it, I can do it, but I am still not sure about it or what to do.
She does a say about if I use her name or not. Is she going to be happy that I used her name for the story? Is she going to be disappointed and/or sad that I didn't use her name for the story?
I'm taking a walk and you enter my mind unencumbered. It's always nice to see your face when I don't expect to see it. I see your pretty smile (The one you gave me.) and then I start thinking all about you. Then when I try to think of something to say to you, nothing comes to me at all. I get fragments of words to say to you; like "Hi." "Miss you." "Love you.". Then I think I can and can't send those fragments to you. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to say. But I have a feeling I am going to try to talk to you very, very soon.
What is doubt? Is it good? Is it bad? It makes thinking more difficult than it already is. Does the doubt help when you try to come up with the decision or choice? Does it impede your thoughts about the subject you're thinking about? Is it a friend sometimes? Is it a foe? Does it keep you from making the choice you want to make? Does it freeze your mind and block out the other possible outcomes and answers? Let doubt in or do you keep it away from your thoughts and actions? I think I don't like doubt.
I was thinking about you. You moved away. I miss you. I dreamt about you. The dream was of I was too shy to tell you how I feel about you. But I heard you talking about how shy you are about it too. Then I heard you call out to me, "Can you come over here that we could talk?" I did. "I want to be with you," you said. I said it too. We put our hands together. Looking at one another. We shared a kiss.
"I have always loved you," I said. You smiled so wonderfully. Your beautiful face was the last thing I seen then I woke up. Now I'm hoping that you will come back to me that we can be together. Because I love you.
I dreamt about you. You came back to visit. I was really happy to see you again. I saw you were surrounded by friends. Then I found you alone. I went up to you. You ha your pretty smile on your face. "Hi." "Hi." We hugged. I felt love. "How are you?" "I'm good. I . . . I missed you." "I missed you too." We hugged again. We started walking. Tell her you love her, my mind said. "[  ]." You looked at me. "Yes?" "I love you. I'm in love with you." You seemed to hesitate. "Richard, I . . . I don't feel that way. Well not exactly. I mean I do love you just not completely romantically." I was feeling love being with you, but also some heartbreak by you not saying it back the right way. I waited for you to the start talking again about your feelings. I was still feeling we could be together somehow. "If you hadn't moved away then could we have been together?" "Yes." I couldn't control myself. I kissed you. "I love you," I told you again. Your response was lovely. You kissed me back. We parted. We were looking at one another. A pretty smile on your beautiful face. "I'll come back," you said. I smiled at that, at you. Then I woke up.
I felt the love that I have for you during the dreams and after I wake up from these sweet dreams.
I dreamt about you. I was in a kitchen. Looking out the window. I saw you. You started walking to the kitchen. I saw you come through the door. "Hi." "Hi." We hugged. We parted. Looking at your pretty face. I missed seeing you. We stayed close together. I was filled with the love that I have for you. I reached out and gently took a hold of your hand. Tell her how you feel, my mind said. "[  ], are you happy?" "I . . .' You were hesitating. "I don't know." I felt my grip gently tightening. "You know that I care about you." "I know." We looked at our hands. I looked up at you. Tell her. "[  ]," Looking at you. I almost told you, "I want to be with you. You deserve to be happy with me.". "I love you, [  ]." I leaned forward and kissed you. You kissed me back. We parted. Still close. Your pretty face was all I saw. We leaned each other's head onto one another. And kept looking at one another. "I love you," you whispered. I saw your pretty smile the one I missed. Then I woke up.
When I'm with you nothing else penetrates my mind except you. I'm in love with everything you do. I am so in love with you. I like you more than anything. I miss your brown eyes and your smile. I know it's been a while since we've seen each other, but not a day goes by and I don't think about you. I treasure our time together. My love for you is being kept and dwelling in my heart.
I went to eat by myself. I thought about inviting someone. Finished eating. Then I went to this store to pick up steno notebooks. Then I went to this store by the first store and I saw a small bundle of roses. I smiled and thought of the someone. Picked them up. Got in line. Patiently waited my turn. The employee asked another employee to help out. She called me over. I went. Handed her the roses. "Aww," she said.
"They're for a friend."
"That's why I said, 'Aww.'. She's going to like them." She sounded so sure. Almost as if she read in me my feelings about the someone somehow. "I hope it works out."
"Me too."
She smiled at me. "Good luck."
"Thanks." I smiled and walked out. Amazed that that woman didn't know me, but also knew what I felt about the someone.
I was walking by a store front. Looked through the windows and the place business was completely empty save for one beautiful woman sitting in the corner near the counter. She looked up as I went by. I smiled at her. I saw a little smile appear on her face. I walked on. Went down a few more steps then I turned around. I started heading back to the empty store. I saw she was still sitting there. I walked in. She looked up at me. I went over to her. "Hi," I said, "I'm here to take you away from here." I reached out my hand to her. She was looking at me. She . . .
I look at you. I find you so beautiful. I like seeing you. I like seeing your smile. I like your pretty smile. I like your beautiful face. I am engulfed by you. I find myself wanting to see you. I go. When I see you, I am captivated by you. It's your smile. It's you. That does it. You make me shriek with enjoyment when I see you. You are so lovely. I am drawn to you. You are special to me. I like it when I see you. Then I see you. See you and see your smile. And I fall more.
I fell in love with you. I feel it when I see you. I feel it when I'm near you. The moment when I fell for you was when you gave me an undeniably cute look. I knew after that moment that I'm yours.
I always like you. Your beautiful. I miss you. I miss seeing you. I like seeing you when we hung out. It was always fun. We never, really didn't have a chance to be together. Though no fault of our own. We could have been together for a while, but something held us back, didn't it. Can the time for us be now or do we have to wait a little bit longer?
Why didn't get closer than we did? We have/had a chance to be together didn't we? What held us back? Was it the wrong time or was it the right time and we let the moment pass between us? Will we get it again? The moment? What will happen this time if we try? Or are we scared/afraid of what might happen? Or it might even go faster or easier if I see you and tell you everything. Then see where we go from there. Or have you always known? What I feel about you?
I'm sorry it didn't work between us. I'm sorry it didn't work out for us. I'm sorry we didn't try to be together.
This is for you, my love.

I always see your pretty face in my mind. I see your enchanting smile. I see how I fell in love with you again and again. I even feel your hand in mine. I want to see you again. I want to hold you again. I want to tell you the words that I haven't told you. The words I feel about you. I love you.
I think about you. I think about your pretty smile on your equally pretty face. I like you. I feel my love for you, Rose. I love you, Rose.
We're having conversations at four a.m. in the morning. Both kind of conversations. The deep personal ones and the totally random ones. I like both. It's such a good way to start the day. Talking to you about anything that is on our minds. It makes me feel like we are so close to one another when we talk. I keep seeing you in my mind when we talk. I look out the window into the darkness of the early morning thinking of you. And I see in my mind that you do the same.
I've got a secret. I love you.
We've talked for a while. We still talk. I've only seen you a handful of times. You are constantly on my mind. All the time. You are constantly in my dreams. I see your extremely beautiful face. In my thoughts and dreams I repeatedly tell you, "I love you". I see the pretty smile (that I've seen before when we've seen each other) on your face. And I know that the love I feel for you is always going to be there. For you.
I got to my happy places. I like them. It makes me happy. The first one is a bookstore. I go around to look for something to catches my eye. I went down an aisle. Then I saw you. You looked at me. I saw a smile on your face. Then I got even more happier.
The second one is a pizza restaurant. I go to it for pizza. I looked around as I waited for my pizza. Then I saw you. You looked at me. I saw a smile on your face. Then I got even more happier. Then you came over and sat across from me. We smiled. "Hi," I said.
"Hi," you said. And I knew that I have a third reason to be happy. Because of you.
You are someone who I hold dear because you have my heart.
I have a question for you.
Do you like me?
[  ] Yes
[  ] No
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