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Dec 2020 · 175
A Moment of Beauty
I think about you. I see you. You smile a lovely, wonderful smile. Seeing you smile is a moment of beauty. That I treasure. You look so lovely every time I see you. I am captured by your beauty. I look at you. All I see is you. Beautiful you. Your beautiful smile. And I treasure you. Being with you is a moment of beauty.
Jul 2020 · 112
I was thinking about you when we were apart. I was listening to a song that reminds me of you. It makes me think about you. I feel like I should tell you how I feel about you. When we're together. When we're apart. The way I feel about you is I like you. I like seeing you. I think about you. Then I want to see you. But we're apart. And I can't see you as I would to. But I hope you know I miss you. And I'm thinking about you. And I'm looking forward to seeing you again.
Feb 2020 · 143
I see you after what seems like a lifetime of not seeing you. I missed you. I missed you a lot. I like seeing you. I know that. I was staring at you. I saw a little smile on your face. These words came out of me on their own. "Say. If in five years, you're single. Will you marry me?" I was looking at you but then I couldn't decipher your look, your face or your answer to that question. I just knew that I was going to be in suspense until I hear from you about it / again. I don't know what to hope for. I'm hoping for a positive answer though.
Nov 2019 · 150
I was thinking about you. I was seeing you in my mind. When I thought about you. I felt my heart was beating. My heart already knew what my mind knew. That I'm in love with you. My heart already knew I love you. And when I see you, I see you already knew that too.
Nov 2019 · 297
I thought about you. I saw you in my mind. I like seeing you. You are so beautiful. You are lovely. Seeing your smile, makes me fall for you ever more. Seeing you makes the love I feel for you even more. I like you. I love you. I wanted you to know that.
I thought about you. Then I found myself in a place (that I thought you wouldn't be at, I didn't expect to see you there at the time). I was looking around then you came into view. I thought you wouldn't be happy to see me again. Then you looked at me. I saw a small smile on your face. You did look happy to see me. And seeing your face like that filled me up and gave me hope. We briefly talked. Then the next day, I saw you again. I was surprised, but also happy to see you again (so soon) . We briefly talked again. You were walking to somewhere else. I would have walked with you, but I had to go someplace else. If I had walked with you. I would have told you that "I miss you" and "I like you". Then I saw you once again. I was surprised and happy to see you. I was even more surprised that you were talking to me/that we were talking (again). I know I wanted to talk to you more, but you couldn't. And now I'm hoping that I will see you again. That I can ask you/tell you, "Wait. Wait. When can I see you again?"
Jul 2019 · 212
Missing You
You entered my mind after a long absence. I saw your beautiful face in my mind. I felt my feelings for you in my heart. I saw something that you would like. I thought about you the whole time I read it. Then I heard songs that you liked. And that made me think of you even more. Seeing you in my mind. Feeling you in my heart. And I realized, I was missing you.
Mar 2019 · 165
In Fact
There is a woman I know. I think about her every day. I find her so beautiful. She is so lovely. I like and enjoy when I see her. Seeing her smile makes me happy. When I hold her, I don’t want to let her go. I just want to hold her and spend our time together. Because of what I feel towards her. I like her so much. I, in fact, love her.
Jan 2019 · 270
When I see you, I am struck by your beauty. I see you smile, you are beautiful. The way you look. I fell for you after I saw you smile. I look at you, you are so captivating. I am enraptured by you. Every time I see you. Seeing you smile, seeing you is lovely. When I see you, I keep falling for you.
Dec 2018 · 197
I've just encountered someone beyond thoughts, beyond words. I look at you and you are dazzling. You have a capturing element. You have a hypnotizing look. I look at you and you have an element that I really like. The element is always going to be there. It's always going to draw me in. Because I behold a sight, you are a sight of beauty.
Nov 2018 · 352
an acrostic poem
I like seeing your beautiful face. you are so
Lovely. when i see you, you
Outshine the sun. i really enjoy the
View when i am with you. your beauty is
Your smile bewitches me.
Our togetherness is what i hold dear. i am
Under your spell.
Oct 2018 · 166
you look nice pretty when I see you. The way you move catches my eye, my attention. I look at you. I don't know if you know that I look at you. You must know. We steal glances at each other. I like your face. I want to hold your face in my hands and stare at your face and tell you how I feel about you. If you don't already know already.
Oct 2018 · 170
Wish List
1.) You
2.) Pepperoni and Sausage Pizza
3.) Coca-Cola
4.) Reese's Milk Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups
Sep 2018 · 304
I Find
I find myself thinking about you. I see your beautiful face in my mind and that generates the love to my heart. I feel my heart beating for you. I am so mesmerized by the sight of you. That you are the only thing I see and as I look at you, I feel my beating heart growing stronger. And the sight of you is compelling me to which I see you next time I am going to hug and hold you and I am never letting go.
Sep 2018 · 257
[   ], I was walking around. I thought about you. I'm happy that you are in my life. I'm happy I know you. I miss watching films with you. I also miss: hanging out with you, talking with you (the verbal kind), seeing you, I miss you, I will always love you, [      ]
Aug 2018 · 350
I was walking through a neighborhood that seemed to be a maze. Made it through. On the sidewalk where I was, I saw a pretty woman walking. We were heading the same way. Found myself inline with her walking. We looked at one another. We smiled. We said,  "Hi." We walked on together for a few blocks. We didn't say anything really. I saw a construction site ahead. I heard an alarm go off for me. I didn't want to be late so I started to run. I saw she started to run too. We swapped positions. We almost bumped into one another. We said, "Sorry." We ran together, towards the site. We saw a cross the street in front of us. The pretty woman that I was running next to and with (and who I should be talking to) turned left. She started going down that street. Time slowed down. "Wait, where are you going?" I asked her. She turned towards me, she smiled, she laughed, she looked pretty. I kept running forward. A cross street was ahead of me. I saw her coming from left to right in front of me. Then just as quickly I saw her go right to left. I wondered why. I stayed on my side and I ran into a dead-end. Retrace my steps. Found my way out. Started running again. Then we encountered each other again a block away from where I was heading to. We started running together again. Looking forward and at her at the same time. I saw the pretty smile. I said, "I feel my heart running for you." She smiled.
Aug 2018 · 190
I was walking by a store front. Looked through the windows and the place business was completely empty save for one beautiful woman sitting in the corner near the counter. She looked up as I went by. I smiled at her. I saw a little smile appear on her face. I walked on. Went down a few more steps then I turned around. I started heading back to the empty store. I saw she was still sitting there. I walked in. She looked up at me. I went over to her. "Hi," I said, "I'm here to take you away from here." I reached out my hand to her. She was looking at me. She . . .
Aug 2018 · 202
I find myself thinking about you. Seeing your beautiful face in my mind. Feeling the love that I have for you. Seeing you smile. Falling in love with you again. I can't stop thinking about you. And you know I will always stare at your face and at your smile. Because I love you. Feeling the love that I have for you in my heart. I realized something. You own my heart. You are the owner of my heart.
Aug 2018 · 894
Idea Image Imagine Mirage Imagination Ghost Spirit Angel Love
That is how I describe you. That is how I see you. You look so beautiful every time I see you. That is the way you are. I see you pass. I see you for a moment. Then I try to see you again after that and you are gone. I'm not sure if I really saw you or if I just imagined you. Then when I go around I see a flash of beautifulness and loveliness. Then I see you smile. And I fall. Lovely. That is what you are.
Jul 2018 · 220
Made A Wish
She was alone. Looking out the window. She saw a shooting star. She made a wish. To find the man of her dreams. "I wish to meet the man of my dreams," she said. "He's going to fall in love with me the first time he sees me." She went to sleep. Believing her wish will come true.
I went to my favorite pizza place. I was walking to my table and I saw a woman sitting alone with a glass of Coca-Cola in front of her. I looked at her face. I fell for her. She looked at me. She is so beautiful. She has a lovely, bewitching, haunting beauty. That I'm always going to look at and be in love with. I smiled. She smiled. I was drawn over. I sat down across from her. She's looking at me. I believe I'm supposed to meet this woman. "Is it you?" she said. "Yes," I said. She smiled.  I reached out and held her hand. She looked at our hands. Then she looked at me. "I love you," I said. She smiled her lovely smile.
Jul 2018 · 177
No writing. No ideas. No words leading to other words. Just a blank. I'm trying to think. I'm thinking and nothing is coming. Nothing is forming in my mind. I'm looking at the blankness and I see something is there. Something that is getting bigger and closer with every passing thought on it. Then when the something is so clear to me I saw that it's you. You're standing in front of me. I see you and you smile. And suddenly you became surrounded by words, thoughts, ideas, and feelings that I have for you. But in the center of all that what I clearly see is you. And I know when I think about you, I am not going to draw a blank or have a blank thought again.
Jul 2018 · 175
We met. I liked you right away. I find you so beautiful. Your smile enchanted me. I fell for you. I told you what I feel about you. You gave me your enchanting smile. And what I do know is I'm staying in love with you.
Jul 2018 · 302
Ask Her Out
There's this woman that I know and like. I want to ask her out. I want to get to know her better. I'm thinking about asking her the next time I see her. Which is at the end of the week. I'm going to tell her. But since I'm a week ahead. I'm going to be thinking about this and her non stop all week. Possibly overthink this all week. And I really shouldn't be thinking about it or overthink it as much as I already am. When I see her I'm going to be more nervous about it then I am right now. And when I see her I hope I don't panic and run away from her. But I know I'm going to say the words/the question to her. "I was wondering if you wanted to get dinner tonight with me?". But her reply/her answer I'm not going to have any idea what she is going to say/tell me. I have no idea at all what it's going to be. But I'm hopeful.
May 2018 · 226
I'm thinking about you. I'm seeing your beautiful face in my mind. I find myself reaching out to you. Trying to grasp you again. Every time I feel I am getting closer. It's like you are in my reach. I am drawn to you. I told you that. You smiled sweetly. You captured my heart. As I think about you and see you in my mind. I find myself writing to recapture your beauty that beholds me. I get closer every time I rewrite because I found myself in front of you. And you are reading these words and I recapture you. And you recapture me and my heart.
May 2018 · 156
I can come see you this weekend. I want to see you this weekend. Question is, do you want to see me this weekend? Tell me you want to see me this weekend. Please tell me to come see you this weekend. Because I know I want to see you this weekend.
I’m thinking about you. I’m making a pizza for you. I’m going to deliver it after it’s done. Then I’m going to see you. See your beautiful face. See your beautiful smile. All the times I deliver to you. I enjoy seeing you smile. I enjoy seeing you. I think about delivering again. I thought about you. Seeing your smile, seeing you is a reward. I realized delivering pizzas has its own rewards. You.
Apr 2018 · 176
Towards You
I was thinking about you. I enjoy our interactions with one another. I enjoy seeing you. I like it when you come to see me. I like how you look at me. I know you have feelings for me. When you see me I hope you know that I have feelings for you and they feel the same towards you.
Apr 2018 · 184
Ruler Of My Heart
My Dear Princess,
when I first saw you I was struck by how beautiful you are. As we spent time together my feelings for you developed more and more. I'm happy being with you. I fell for you when I saw you. I want to be with you because I love you.
Princess Lana, you are the ruler of my heart.
This poem is for my "Captain N: The Game Master" story: "Game Over".
Mar 2018 · 137
That's a strange word Something or someone owns that thing. Has possessing over something. She can say, "He belongs to me.". I can say, "My heart belongs to her.". Both are equally true because I and my heart belongs to her.
Feb 2018 · 151
Hi. Since we're apart from each other I thought I would let you know that I'm doing the following everyday:
thinking about you, dreaming about you, seeing you in my mind, holding your hand in my mind, looking at the pictures of you, missing you so much and completely, being yours, reliving the things we've done together, the dancing, the holding, the being together, our get togethers, being with you, our time together, loving you, us, you, (in other words) I love you
Feb 2018 · 157
My Dream
I think about you. I have dreams about you. My dreams are about you. I look for you in my dreams. I see you in my dreams. My dreams are sweet. My dreams are lovely. My dreams drive my thoughts. My dreams drive my feelings. That I have for you. My dreams are the only thing that I see. Until I see you. I see you smile. I feel love when I see you in my dreams. I feel love when I see you. You make my dreams come true. My dreams. Have I told you, “I love you.”. You are my dream, my love.
Jan 2018 · 243
Holding Hands
I was thinking about you. When we get together we hold hands, it's the best thing. To have my hand around your hand. To know that we are together. I like holding your hand. I like having your hand in mine. Then our fingers come together. Our hands, our fingers stay together it's the best thing. When we hold our hands, I know you are mine and you know I am yours. I wish I was there with you. Holding hands with you.
Jan 2018 · 203
I look at you. I find you so beautiful. I like seeing you. I like seeing your smile. I like your pretty smile. I like your beautiful face. I am engulfed by you. I find myself wanting to see you. I go. When I see you, I am captivated by you. It's your smile. It's you. That does it. You make me shriek with enjoyment when I see you. You are so lovely. I am drawn to you. You are special to me. I like it when I see you. Then I see you. See you and see your smile. And I fall more.
Jan 2018 · 154
I like when you hold me and carry me. As I hold you I look at you and I see you looking at me. I see in your face that you like me, that you feel love towards me. And as I look at you, I hope you see the same feelings in my face as well. Because I know those feelings are there for you.
Nov 2017 · 175
I was struck by you, by your beauty. I look at you. You smile. I look at your smile. I feel - I become entranced and I find you so beautiful. You have a pretty smile. I like your smile. And also I like you.
Oct 2017 · 224
"What realm am I in? I haven't figure out what this realm is." you asked me. I know you are lost. I know your thoughts are beyond your understanding. I try to figure out what realm you are in as well. The realm you are in is only temporary. Because I know you. You are so strong. You will pull through and figure out your thoughts. As I think about you. I know you're out there alone, struggling. But I'm still here. Still waiting for you. Still wanting to be with you. Still yours. Because I know when we are together it's a sweet dream. That's the realm we are in when we are together. I want to go back to that realm with you. Because I still love you.
Oct 2017 · 274
We've talked for a while. We still talk. I've only seen you a handful of times. You are constantly on my mind. All the time. You are constantly in my dreams. I see your extremely beautiful face. In my thoughts and dreams I repeatedly tell you, "I love you". I see the pretty smile (that I've seen before when we've seen each other) on your face. And I know that the love I feel for you is always going to be there. For you.
Sep 2017 · 242
Happy Places
I got to my happy places. I like them. It makes me happy. The first one is a bookstore. I go around to look for something to catches my eye. I went down an aisle. Then I saw you. You looked at me. I saw a smile on your face. Then I got even more happier.
The second one is a pizza restaurant. I go to it for pizza. I looked around as I waited for my pizza. Then I saw you. You looked at me. I saw a smile on your face. Then I got even more happier. Then you came over and sat across from me. We smiled. "Hi," I said.
"Hi," you said. And I knew that I have a third reason to be happy. Because of you.
Sep 2017 · 185
Only In
I'm thinking about you. I want to see you. I want to take you to my favorite restaurant to share a pizza. I want to take you to go watch a film. But we've already tried. I have no problem inviting you to things I want to do with you. I want to try again. I know it's going to be difficult if not impossible for us to get together. As I think about you. Everything I want to do. Everything we can do. We can do, but only in my dreams.
Sep 2017 · 408
My Dear Princess
My dear Princess,
I'm walking in the grove where we've walked before. I looked to my right hoping to see you there. I did see you in my mind's eye, but not there in person. I walked on. Ahead I saw the castle. I saw your window. I looked in and I saw you. I saw you quickly leave the window. When I made it to castle. I saw you, Milady, standing there waiting. I saw the verily beautiful smile on your pretty face. The smile that I love as equally as I love you.
Aug 2017 · 217
Well I Did It
Well I did it. I met a woman. We went out. And I fell for her. And I forward her what I've been meaning to tell her. Been meaning to say. I told her my feelings that I have for her. I told her "I love you". I haven't heard from her yet. I don't know what she is going to say, going to do, going to think. I don't know what if anything we are going to do after. She has all the power over me now. It's up to her. But I hope for the best.

But if she decides against me. I'm going to be saddened. There is a perfect song that song is "Love In Vain" by Robert Johnson. It totally reflects my feelings.
Aug 2017 · 261
Dreamt Part III
I dreamt about you. I was in a kitchen. Looking out the window. I saw you. You started walking to the kitchen. I saw you come through the door. "Hi." "Hi." We hugged. We parted. Looking at your pretty face. I missed seeing you. We stayed close together. I was filled with the love that I have for you. I reached out and gently took a hold of your hand. Tell her how you feel, my mind said. "[  ], are you happy?" "I . . .' You were hesitating. "I don't know." I felt my grip gently tightening. "You know that I care about you." "I know." We looked at our hands. I looked up at you. Tell her. "[  ]," Looking at you. I almost told you, "I want to be with you. You deserve to be happy with me.". "I love you, [  ]." I leaned forward and kissed you. You kissed me back. We parted. Still close. Your pretty face was all I saw. We leaned each other's head onto one another. And kept looking at one another. "I love you," you whispered. I saw your pretty smile the one I missed. Then I woke up.
Trying to work up the courage. I saw her last week, but she wasn't available to talk to me for a minute. It was still nice but I know I still want to see her. Thought about her all day yesterday. I conger up the smallest amount of courage. And I went to the place where she is. But then I stopped a couple of places away. Then I got frightened and turned and ran away. I'm thinking about her again. Trying to work up the courage. I have her in my mind. I have the time that I want to go down there and see her (at 2 p.m.) hopefully. Now I have to move my feet towards her and see her. And I hope this time she does have a minute to talk.

I gathered all the courage that I could mustered and I went down there. Went over. Went in. And I didn't see her. She wasn't there. Looked around for her. I didn't see her. I left. Hoped that the next time I come down there and see her again.
Jul 2017 · 279
I come here. To see you. I see you. You look beautiful as always. You move around the room. I steal a glance at you, at your beauty. You look at me and smile. You steal my heart. I want to approach you and tell you, "You have my heart.". But since I haven't told you yet. Know your beauty, you radiates in my heart.
Jul 2017 · 241
I'm sitting with you. I'm looking at you. I like being near you. I like being with you. I like your pretty smile. I like your beautiful face. I am captivated, compelled, and mesmerized by you. In my thoughts and in my dreams. I see you in my mind. I see you in my dreams. Then I want to see you and when I see you, I can't stop looking at you. You behold me. You entrance me. You are so lovely. I love you.
Jul 2017 · 353
I See
I see something. Well I see someone I like. Someone who is beyond pretty. Someone who is all-encompassing. Someone who gets more beautiful every time I see her. Someone who is the center of my universe. Someone who I love.
Jun 2017 · 273
My Babygirl. I see you. I miss you. I think about you. I dream about you. I find you beautiful. I find you pretty. I hug you. I hold you. I like you. I love you. I am yours.
Jun 2017 · 227
Have A
I have a question for you.
Do you like me?
[  ] Yes
[  ] No
Jun 2017 · 193
Dear Miss [     ]
I spend my day thinking about you. I look at things that I like. That you've done. And I am entranced. Something. There is something there. Beyond what you've done. And as I look I try to capture it in my mind. And I do and I don't. I don't because I can't see you. But I do because I know how I feel about you. The way I feel is I love you.
May 2017 · 256
I've got a secret. I love you.
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