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Jun 2015 · 1.4k
Richard Autry Jun 2015
You are my life's apostrophe
The part that has always been missing in me
You're right where the hyphen used to be-
You are my life's apostrophe

Once a question mark was all I had?
And commas dominated my soul,
Semicolons; separated my dreams
And the ellipse was firmly in control...

Then you placed your brackets around my [heart]
Your braces around my {soul}
Your parentheses surround my (dreams)
You're the exclamation mark in my life so droll!
Jun 2015 · 469
Summer Whirlwind
Richard Autry Jun 2015
I was a summer whirlwind
Dancing lightly over the dust of the past
Spinning in a dizzy ecstasy
Finally freed from my tasks

Jun 2015 · 355
My Gifts To You
Richard Autry Jun 2015
My first gift to you is
All the love within my heart
Wrapped so tightly in my affection
That it will never be torn apart

My second gift to you is
All my hopes and all my dreams
That all center entirely upon you
And all the promise that it brings

My third gift to you is
All my steadfast and undying trust
To always and forever belive in you
And never ever ever give up

— The End —