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Ria Bautista Oct 2016
You with the marble eyes
Fragile with porcelain bones
You look at the stars and you wonder why
Are you as hungry as I?

I can't see me or someone I used to be
I can't see you now
or someone who used to be you
Are you someone new?
Are you someone I used to know?
Have you been there before?
Have you seen me before?

When was the last time you cried
I think it was centuries ago
A stake through the heart and sunrise
Will keep me away
A song I wrote centuries ago.
Ria Bautista Oct 2016
Little by little I am drowning
inch by inch, bit by bit.

And little by little I am losing
every breath, every sigh.

Little does it matter what I say
what I do for you, to get little
attention from you.

This little thing I do
This little thought I have
means nothing to you.
Ria Bautista Apr 2011
You shall forever live through these black lines
every stroke, every curve
is filled with every bit of you.
For no power in this universe
is as grand as words
penned by a lover's heart,
inspired by a lover's muse.
Ria Bautista Apr 2011
Words are lovely
but can sometimes be dull
depending on your mood.
You can make someone fall in love,
or break an innocent heart,
or have someone jump with glee,
or maybe have a poor soul wallow in despair.
Words can sometimes sting
just as much as it can comfort.
So next time you write something down,
think twice.
You may not be saying something nice.

Found this as I was rummaging through old tattered notebooks. Enjoy.
Ria Bautista Apr 2011
Cocked my shotgun today
Barrel in tow
A slight click
A slight ****
Fired my first shot

Cocked my shotgun again
Barrel still in tow
A violent click
A violent ****
Fired an angry shot

Cocked my shotgun one last time
Barrel confidently in tow
A trembling click
A trembling ****
Fired a self shot
Found this piece of write on one of my old notebooks. Thought I'd share it.
Ria Bautista Apr 2011
Come hither and feel my touch
My fingertips fueled by desire
Exploring every inch of you
Under this burning blue star

Dim the lights, My Love
Keep your eyes shut
And let your body move as it will
To the rhythm of my beating heart

Your voice sounds so tender
Flesh warm to the touch
As I ****** you deep, your dampness so sweet
Come hither and make my yearning complete
Ria Bautista Apr 2011
and every morning when I wake
I see your shadow there
beside me in the bed in which I lay
your scent fills the empty air
I reach out my hand desperately
trying to feel what remains
but there was only coldness
and fear, heartache & pain
every bit of memory consumed
and devoured by time
I could never have lost you
for you were never mine
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