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Aug 2010 · 1.2k
Rhiannon Best Aug 2010
Seconds tick by
Time inches forward
But I can't tell
Slow down or speed up?
I can't make up my mind
I can't wait for tomorrow
But I'm running out of time
Bittersweet time
My fear and my foe
Longing for the simpler days
Longing for a home
Waiting for everything
And nothing at all
Today we may fly
And tomorrow we fall
Temporary permanence
To stay or to go?
Eerything matters
And nothing does too
One love dies
And another one blooms
Equilibrium off-kilter
And balance upended
One thing begins
Because another one's ended
Nothing's forever
Everything's eternal
Contradictory agreement
And heavenly hell
Squalid splendor
And honest lies
What happens to the universe
When forever dies?
Aug 2010 · 1.4k
Rhiannon Best Aug 2010
The tyrant reigns from his throne
Chosen by the blind
To lead them
Fooled by lovely words
And illusions of familiarity
Everything will soon be gone
Now the tyrant reigns

The tyrant reigns from his throne
Over a people once great,
Now a tempest of selfish cruelty
Mirroring his own -
Double-sided words
And beautiful lies
The true intentions of the tyrant's reign.

The tyrant reigns from his throne
Lying to our faces
Confounded by his silken tapestry
Of deceit
Once strong, now meek
They bow before
The tyrant
The tyrant on his alabaster throne.

The tyrant reigns from his throne
Basks in his success
The price of our freedom
Our lives
Sold for his power without a thought -
For his alabaster throne
The throne
The throne from whence the tyrant reigns.
Aug 2010 · 707
Rhiannon Best Aug 2010
I speak
No one hears
Am I here?
Seeing right through me
Breath of air
No one cares
Notice me, notice me
See me, hear
I have something to say
I'm sitting right here
Hello, hello
I'm right in your face
I know you can see me
I'm right here
Aug 2010 · 477
Six Years Since
Rhiannon Best Aug 2010
Old wounds ache
Half-forgotten face
Floats across my mind
Where are you now?

Your face is almost gone for me
Your voice melted away

Six long years
Since I saw you
Since I offered my heart
Since you ripped it to shreds
Did you mean to?
Did you know?

Four long years
Since I stopped
Lying awake
And wishing
For you to appear

Three long years
Since I met another
Who accepted my heart
And made it whole

But still
Burned there
Is the ghost of you
Why are you here?
Here in my mind?
I loved you so hard
But that was before

Was it all even real?
Or was it a dream
Of a boy
Who was a best friend
And nothing more
Who won my heart
Who didn't know
Who tore it up
Who I never saw

You stuck in my heart
For two long years
Before I figured out
How to live again
Breathe again
Loosen your grip

But you stayed there
Lurked in the corners
A phantom
Of a broken dream

Then I met a man
With heart of gold
Who loved me
Loves me still
Who I love back
So much it burns

But still
You're here
In my secret heart

Six years
And not a word
Still nothing
No sign
You fell off the earth
But you didn't fall out of
My heart

You've faded now
An echo
But I doubt you'll ever
Truly leave
My heart
The way you
Aug 2010 · 766
Addiction for Attention
Rhiannon Best Aug 2010
So the hours keep slipping by like mercury
The drug of your attention drags
Me so far down
Keep letting you sink your claws into my heart
Though I know it's a lie
Doesn't mean I won't try
To make you love me

And though I know
It's a trap
I can't let go
You're stuck in my mind

Old habits die hard and I know that I'm breaking
My mind has gone away
Now I'm yours for the taking
I can't stop myself
I just want to die
And I know you don't care and that nothing is real
But ******* I'm a ******* sucker for you
And when you hold me I think it all could come true

And though I know
It's a trap
I can't let go
You're stuck in my mind

I can feel I should hate you but I just can't
Should despise you for forcing your way into my head
And building a nest
Of your lies and deceit
And feeding me wishes and broken-off dreams

Why do I keep letting you in
When I know you couldn't care less
Why am I losing myself
When God knows it's nothing
As far as you're concerned
And I'm spiralling into
The cold-hearted desert of you

And though I know
It's a trap
I can't let go
You're stuck in my mind
And I'm running the hell out of time

— The End —