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CamiliaMhd Jun 2017
From that day onwards
I felt like I have lost my only past
Not only that
I know I have lost my future path
That I've been seeing for so long
Living in for so long
Its not easy to take these things you know

I know you have planned out a better future for me
I know you have written down years of brighter days for me
I know you love me
as much as you do to the others
who are now free little bees
I know you love me more than I love me.
CamiliaMhd Jun 2017
Everyday i pray and pray for God to give me what I want,
that I've been working so hard
I can't fathom why others can go ahead,
And leave me behind instead,
I just don't want to do this anymore.

EverydayI wish for my fate today would be okay,
I also hoped that my motivation
doesn't go astray
I couldnt fathom why others can play
Yet I am here,am here to stay
I just don't want to do this anymore

Ai give me strength
Please give me strength
CamiliaMhd Jun 2017
Aku sering di beritahu
bahawa apa yang kita buat
pada hari ini dan sebelumnya
bakal ada balasannya di kemudian hari
sama ada dalam bentuk baik atau tidak
dan aku sering berfikir bahawa
tidak kira berapa teruk kita di layan orang
dan berapa buruk perlakuan yang orang lakukan pada kita
akan di balas dengan kebaikan
pada masa hadapan.
Sabar itu indah,
tapi ter kadang aku hilang sabar,
menghadap manusia yang ignorant,
menghadap manusia yang bodoh,
manusia yang pentingkan ego,
dan manusia yang kurang ajar.
CamiliaMhd Jun 2017
She is both,
hellfire and holy water.
And the flavor you taste,
depends on how you,
treat her.
  Jun 2017 CamiliaMhd
R.S. Thomas
We met
           under a shower
of bird-notes.
           Fifty years passed,
love's moment
           in a world in
servitude to time.
           She was young;
I kissed with my eyes
           closed and opened
them on her wrinkles.
           'Come,' said death,
choosing her as his
            partner for
the last dance, And she,
            who in life
had done everything
            with a bird's grace,
opened her bill now
            for the shedding
of one sigh no
            heavier than a feather.
CamiliaMhd Jun 2017
Accept that you deserve more
Than painful love
Life is moving
And the healthiest thing
For your heart is
To move with it❤️
CamiliaMhd Jun 2017
I let you in my brain
Using your black magic on me.
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