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547 · Dec 2014
In the air there is a smell of rime
In this darkest corner of time

The whole world silent as a choir of mutes
Save for the crunching of one pair of boots

Breaths become ghosts that flee into the night
As the chill devours the last of the light

All love now as dead as the skeletal trees
Icy doom brought nature to its knees

Trudging along a forgotten road
The coffin heavy with its lifeless load

Its bearer now left alone
Of his companions remains nothing save bone

The grave already an open wound in the dirt
And yet the one who carved it is the one who was hurt

Now the bundle is tucked into its earthen bed
Tears freeze with memories of the life she lead

Layed to sleep beside your mother
All alone with your stillborn brother
Father now wishes that the reaper would claim just one other
301 · Dec 2014
Behind bars of black
painted red white and blue
singing songs of your freedom
the cameras laugh at you

You twitter chirp and tweet
cheep cheep
about the shiny frivolities
disguising bleak realities

Ignore a war
or three or four
Look away again
a time or ten

Don't look down
that's where you'll drop
when they break your wings
because they don't like how you sing

Don't look up
that's where they sit
and it will only show a reality
free of reason or morality

You only exist
so they have someone serving
who'll believe the lie
that they serve you

You know that you're trapped
and there's nothing you can do
but you can still move enough
that you can pretend that the cage isn't there

And so you sit
and you sing
about the lie of freedom
that you made yourself believe

— The End —