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Restivo Oct 2010
4:45 am.

who would torture a seal with fluorescent objects?
it no longer trusts anything but fish.
unless they are day-glo.

5:03 am.

it is not in the pit of stomach, like everyone paraphrases from everyone else.
fear is located within my pores, it is seeped out with my sweat and soaks through my sheets and leaves damp uncomfortable spots underneath my armpits, lower back, ***, knees, and the soles of my feet.

5:26 am.

nodding implies agreement but I never allowed this!
(someone is going to lose their job for this, I swear.
this needs to go through ME for approval first.)
I just want to go to sleep.
nodding off but NOT approving my eyes to snap open again, I HEAR EVERY SOUND in my house right now.
the only people home are the creaks and cracks and apparently my creeping paranoia.
james doesn’t count, he is too far away, we are separated by a wall that doesn’t even allow the sound of a ****** to pass through, we might as well be on different planets for all of my subtle cries for help.
and what could he do?
I am naked, literally, figuratively, I am frightened of sleep and what can he do about it?
and right now,

5:41 am,

I am almost certain his face will be decomposing.
and if I wake him, will he be too groggy to put it back together before he comes to see me?
(and so we are all one-time mozarts, the very first time we fall asleep in our existence we must learn to compose our faces. we are all prodigies but we lose our creativity as time goes and we put ourselves together the same way every day for the rest of our lives. maybe if we all woke up in the middle of the night and saw that unraveled mess in the mirror, we would become geniuses again and compose a new piece.)

6:00 am.

my heart is beating like a vertical iron rod placed straight in my middle, from my throat to my crotch, stiffening me, now disappearing, now back again, and when it fades away, I fear moving, I am afraid of curling up because of the horrendous wrenching I would get when that beating heart rod returns.

6:06 am.

I think of the seal, which confuses me now as time is the greatest murderer of dream images so the fluorescent objects no longer make the sense they did when the dream was whole but the feeling I got from that dream leaves an uncomfortable sticky residue!

6:10 am.

the sun makes its presence known as a strip across my door.
if I leave and come back, and the strip is broken, I’ll know someone was in here.
Jul 2010 · 1.1k
my muse, the tease
Restivo Jul 2010
I believe my muse may be a tease.
It will visit me with an idea,
but not the words to express it.
I am
My vocabulary
and eloquence
and articulation
A poem will start itself;
The end product will be
(Although this is a poem -
and in being a poem, has created a paradox.
Nobody think about it!
If you do it will all disappear:
Poem, muse, and me.)
- 2003
Jul 2010 · 1.5k
tea-coloured day
Restivo Jul 2010
hot water administered directly into a teabag-filled mug.
clear first - but then, morose gray!
curious, and off-putting.
the world outside is gray, as looks my immediate future.
I refuse to also ingest this nothingness!
I will only blend in with the depressing surroundings when I so desperately desire to be
- wait -
- ah -
a swift tug on the teabag produces an instant blossoming of
cranberry crimson throughout the luridness.
this is the deeply emotional colour I want to infuse myself with.
now I see the shots of brightness throughout my bruised world.
- october 2009
Jun 2010 · 823
Restivo Jun 2010
le couloir de mal
c’est un hôpital
où la gardien de la mort
habite; il te donne,
avec un frisson,
un baiser: et tu dors.
- 2003
Restivo Jun 2010
i don’t know what it is
you know that thing that makes my stomach -
and my throat -
and my brow -
and my breath -
and my eyes -
and my anger -

well whatever the hell it is
you are ******* LOUSY with it
- july 2010
Restivo Jun 2010
Dear *******,

          This is the hateful letter. This is the one in which I tell you how much of a ****-head you are and how I am so much better off without you, so thanks for leaving me. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. This is where I tell you that you’re an idiot if you ever thought I depended on you for my self-worth, because I don’t need you for validation, and I never have. I was trucking along just fine before you came along, and will continue to do so without you, so you can go **** yourself.
          This is the part where I call you a dumb-*** for saying all those things you said. If you weren’t trying to hurt me, you must be an idiot to think that it was a good idea to say what you did. I’ll tell you that it ****** me off to realize that you obviously didn’t know me as well as I thought you did. It ****** me off that our communication was clearly not functioning like it should have been.
          And I’ll tell you how ******* livid it makes me that you just sat there and thought and thought and ******* thought about this while I was still writing ******* poems for you. I am angry at how oblivious I was, which I also blame on you. I blame you for being so introspective and quiet, for needing to think important issues through in your head, only with yourself, before you can voice them, and I am angry because you thought and thought and ******* thought and made a decision that was logical from the inside of your head and you were confused by my reaction because, surprise! Owen’s-head-logic is not the same as Katie-is-being-broken-up-with-logic. And that’s where your speech faltered, where I stopped saying the lines that you wrote for me in your script, and that’s when all of those stupid words came tumbling out of your stupid head and things continued to not go as planned and it all eventually cumulated in this: zero contact. I know it’s not what you wanted but you’re a dumb-***. If you were smarter about it, we may still have been talking, but you said all of the exact wrong things. So I am angry at you for hurting me with your idiotic words, but I am also angry at you for pushing me away. I may have liked to still be talking to you, but all of the **** that came out of your mouth just ruined whatever chance we could have had, so way to go. You are a ruiner - and so concludes the part where everything is always your fault.
          This is the part where I understand where you’re coming from, I would have broken up with me too if I were you, I know it’s hard for you to put your words together sometimes, I know your (brutal) honesty only comes from a place of love, I know you love me, I know you miss being my friend…and so on.
          That last section makes me sadder than I am willing to be at this point, so I think I’ll stick with anger for the time being and you can **** my nonexistent ****, *******.

Your Ex-Girlfriend.
Jun 2010 · 793
Love Letter XXII - Echoes
Restivo Jun 2010

          I know where you live (how many times have I walked in the door, as if I lived there myself? Opened the cupboard, filled a glass with water, asked about your roommate’s days? Kicked my shoes off nonchalantly, checked my email on your computer, spread out on your bed and read a novel while you played video games? Sat on your couch to watch television with the rest of your house, my legs draped over yours? Slept in your bed, pressed up against your body? Was woken up to satisfy a primal urge, knowing what you like? Kept the volume of my moans down, not out of embarrassment, your roommates have heard me so many times it hardly matters, but out of respect for the early hour? Made myself some toast, drank some juice from your fridge, left you sweetly sleeping to catch the bus?).
          I know where you work (and when, when there is no point for me to look for you, glimpse you in your uniform, a quick kiss before class, join you on your break while you eat turkey and cranberry sauce).
          I somehow find myself in these places. I look up from being lost in thought, and panic as I realize that I could run into you at any moment. Seeing you hurts me so I rush away from these danger zones - but always glancing back.
          Why do I torture myself so, with the hurt comes from seeing you, thinking of you? Because one day, I know I will see you without distress. One day I may smile in recollection at the love we once had. I am tortured every day with the sight of you by the hope that finally, this day is the last you will cause me pain.

Jun 2010 · 584
Love Letter XXI - The End
Restivo Jun 2010

          You have caused the salutation and signature of this letter to reverse. You belong only to yourself and I suppose it should be the same for me, but you will always hold something of mine. I am not less because of it; I have and always will have the full complement of myself. But you carry something that is me as well.
          I am angry about this. Why should you have some of me to take away, like a doggie bag of our year and a half? You should be stripped of me, I want to reabsorb that piece, I want to be greedy and have all excesses of myself back.
          There was something else too, something that was not just me but something that we created together, something that we shared and was more than you plus me. It has died now; you cut it in two and each half has perished of loneliness. That is what I feel like I have lost. A part of it died inside of me and compressed itself into a hard little ball that sits in my heart. Sometimes I forget it is there and then I feel its calcification against the soft parts of my body and I collapse and re-realize what it means.

Jun 2010 · 538
Love Letter XVIII
Restivo Jun 2010

          You are blah, blah, blah, something-or-other. Murmur murmur mumble hum, sigh.

Jun 2010 · 517
Love Letter XVI
Restivo Jun 2010

          I do not enjoy missing you. I had forgotten that it hurts a little bit to miss someone; I suppose I cannot love to be with you so much without it hurting to be without you. You and me together are more than the sum of our parts. When we’re separate, we are both missing that difference, that creation.

Jun 2010 · 493
Love Letter XV
Restivo Jun 2010

          Today someone I haven’t seen in years asked me about my love life. A big stupid grin appeared on my face and I couldn’t shake it all day.

Jun 2010 · 2.5k
Love Letter XIV
Restivo Jun 2010

          I am not inspired. This page was blank for so long, my fingers poised over the keys to play scribe to the muse that is missing you, but nothing. There is no poetic language in me tonight. No flowery prose, no clever literary devices, not even any cliché. Today there is only *****, raunchy and blunt: I want to ******* so badly I ache.

Jun 2010 · 589
Love Letter XIII
Restivo Jun 2010

          Today, I simply, if not originally, wish you were here.

Jun 2010 · 2.0k
Love Letter XII
Restivo Jun 2010

          Clouds gather ominously. The creak of a decrepit windmill cuts through the howling wind. Still, crickets are chirping, until the rain starts. I stand at the screen door, watching the clouds swirl and the windmill turn slowly, listening to the light patter of rain changing into a pounding downpour, feeling the angry wind lashing me with spray, thinking that this could only be better with your chin on my shoulder and your arms around my waist, keeping me warm through the storm.

Jun 2010 · 499
Love Letter IX
Restivo Jun 2010

          If you ever worry that you are smothering me, that’s alright, I worry the same thing. I worry that one day you will become too much for me and I will need to detach. I rarely worry that I am smothering you; I suppose the irony in that ending is too sad for me to believe it would happen.
          But also know that my worry of suffocation becomes less and less and less and less and less as our time passes. I love your hands on my body and your breath on my skin. I enjoy your presence in my room when we are not touching. I like to think that sometimes you are thinking of me at the same time that I am thinking of you when we are separated by countless little towns and a few long hours.
          I also shake my head at my over-poetic dramatics. Would you truly overwhelm me, wrap me past the point of warmth and comfort, remove my oxygen, leave me kicking and gasping? How could either of us let it get to that point? If I am uncomfortable, I stretch, I rearrange my body, I lie back down next to you. If you sense I am unhappy, you shuffle yourself around, you ask if I’m more comfortable now.
          We need this honesty. There is nothing worse than two people, each lonely without the other, sitting alone because each thinks it’s what the other wants.

Jun 2010 · 579
Love Letter VIII
Restivo Jun 2010

          Today I miss you like a forgotten toothbrush. An uncomfortable feeling in the back of my mind that something’s not right. All day, it’s nagging me, not completely reaching my conscious thought, just there. Every time I forget about it, there’s a twinge in my memory, like something important is missing but I can’t quite form its idea fully. Today I miss you like I know that when I see you it will all click into place, oh, that’s what’s been missing this whole time! Click, as we fit together like puzzle pieces.

Jun 2010 · 429
Love Letter VI
Restivo Jun 2010

          Love is overrated. If I can feel this way about you without actually being in love, then I don’t need love. I only need you.

Jun 2010 · 616
Love Letter III
Restivo Jun 2010

          Thanks for forcing me to claim you as such. There was an unspoken, possibly unknown, ultimatum, to either claim you as my own or lose all that I was experiencing of you. The risk was getting too much, but the alternative was nothing at all. The risk meant belonging to someone too, myself, me being yours. Reciprocation has never been my strongest point, but I think I’m learning.

Jun 2010 · 867
...thank you
Restivo Jun 2010
You gave me your heart in a poetical way.
I figuratively hold this anatomically incorrect symbol in my hands…where do I put it?
For though it terrifies me, I know it is precious. I am worried of it…but I can still feel its warmth and I want to keep it close.
I cannot carry it. Absentminded as I am, I will place it somewhere and it will be gone forever.
I cannot keep it in my pocket. It will go through the wash and I will get it back shrunk and shriveled.
Maybe I will open a door in my breast and place it with my own heart…
But that is grotesque.
This perfectly symmetrical, immaculately red symbol cannot sit next to my own, lopsided, beating flesh!
The juxtaposition would unravel the facade and leave me with…what?
A puff of smoke?
A second heart, beating opposite my own, wearing me down?
Or would the disappeared symbol instead free its meaning throughout my body, disintegrating into tingles that run along my spine and down my arms and legs, that make me shiver imperceptibly as my motion is suddenly guarded, and yet pull up at the corners of my mouth, causing me wary warmth, this oxymoronic push-pull
- -
this feeling that makes me want to fight-or-flight to attack or recede inside myself that starts my adrenaline rushing from unwarranted panic yet also makes me want to freeze time as I close my eyes and smile slightly to bask in the redolent warmth to pull my extremities close in order to let them experience what starts in my chest and then stretch into a star for this feeling to extend its reach to my edges and further
- -
Then this symbol, this encasement of hard metaphor, becomes unwanted.
Its protection, previously so needed, becomes unbearable.
How can I hold it in my hands, in my pocket, coolly perfect, frozen in shape, knowing what it holds inside?
How can I not grit my teeth through the disquiet, the sweaty palms and surge in my gut, knowing the halcyon happiness that lays beyond?

I will not suffer this symbol to stay intact!
I will scratch lines in its colour!
I will peel its icy layers off one by one!
I will ****** it to the ground, and **** its sweet juices from the cracks!
I will descend upon it until it bursts, its shards transforming sweetly into its message.
Connotation broken into denotation, truth unobscured by this superfluous poetry.
This sensation, this meaning, this feeling, this actuality, this state, this phrase
- -
this i love you playing across my body running through my hair
- -
It simultaneously freezes and thaws me.
- may 2008
Jun 2010 · 4.9k
Restivo Jun 2010
I time-travel in my dreams.
I am not awakening from sleep,
                    but returning from a sojourn to the past.
My eyes carry freshly-plucked anguish to the present -
                    though it belongs here only after being wrapped tightly by years of time,
                                        well-preserved but impossible to taste directly.
- june 2010
Jun 2010 · 1.4k
geek haiku
Restivo Jun 2010
Bootcamp helps me out:
running windows on a mac.
traitor to both sides!


I try and try, but
the force won’t bring me my juice.
sigh. robot it is.


the borg ship attacks!
shields down to twenty percent!
but first: earl gray, hot.
- 2009
Jun 2010 · 520
Restivo Jun 2010
your touch is clichéd electricity and I am struck.
- june 2010
Jun 2010 · 818
Restivo Jun 2010
she wears this shirt
because it’s comfortable
oversized and soft
and just as easily

any other shirt

and all it smells like
is new laundry

and her *own

- april 2010
Restivo Jun 2010
People do not flow as water;
There are too many stones of human behaviour.
They are instead a choppy rhythm;
A fledgling orchestra,
Constantly squawking to a halt with
Niceties and


- march 2007
Jun 2010 · 769
Restivo Jun 2010
it’s inky water
flowing behind me
trying to nip at my heels.

it’s dulled now,
by the intoxicating liquid
burning down my throat.

it’s molasses

i step in its sticky puddle,
and it’s carried up my leg.
disgusted, i reach down to wipe it off.

it only clings to my fingers
and oozes up my arm
and leaves my hand covered
in the thick

i am frightened now

i freeze.

dread fills my features
i know it will not stop
and on and on it goes

i am immaculately sticky
shining and

it’s panic epitomized.

it surges up my neck.
i hold my head high
although i know it won’t help;
it’s just instinct.

i scream.

it flows down my throat.
into my stomach, into my lungs
into my core, into my being.
my eyes are flashing
it’s all over

i drown

in more ways than one

and the inky substance
exudes from my body
and seeps into the ground
and is gone
leaving the residue
of me.
- 2003
Jun 2010 · 794
Restivo Jun 2010
katie is stuck on a blank word document that
is not glaringly white but invitingly blue!
katie is watching a cute thing brushing his teeth a half hour’s
walk but a longer time’s preparation and mental strength away.
katie is fighting tears for no good reason and would like to fall asleep.
katie is wondering where this newfound malaise has come from, and would
like to tell it: I know you are fighting for strength but I will fight for my freedom!
katie adores her cute thing’s pixilated mug flashing across the screen.
katie is absolutely dreading her inevitable trip home
at some point during the next week and a bit.
katie is angry at her *** drive for disappearing on her so gradually
that she didn’t really notice it was gone until it was too late!
katie is unsure about the future and thinks that being
psychic might be a really big help with planning her life.
katie is not sure what’s going to happen next year, but does
know that it will include more yarn and fresh vegetables.
katie is unsure of her relationship status.
katie would like to sleep now and forever.
katie is never going to start working today.
- march 2009
Jun 2010 · 704
Restivo Jun 2010
(OH GOD to be effervescent)

leave them all behind
they’re up and down and in and out and i

in a time lapse photo

          you can still see me

my face is blurred
as if i am looking at myself through my own tears
          but of course
that’s exactly what i am doing.
- april 2010
Jun 2010 · 1.6k
cunning linguist
Restivo Jun 2010
‘i’m a real cunning linguist’

‘prove it’
i said

and the proof was all over her face
- november 2009
Jun 2010 · 472
by the end
Restivo Jun 2010
of course the only thing i miss of you is your body.
                                         by the end
it was the only thing of you i really truly ever had.
- january 2010
Jun 2010 · 639
Restivo Jun 2010
things continue to break within me.
the weight of this slowly snaps the supporting structures of my body.


a creak
and a small quantity of burning liquid
sloshes over the edge of its fleshy chamber
dripping down the sides of my lungs,
my heart,
leaving streaky yellow marks down the insides of my ribcage.

a crack
and i freeze
suddenly scared to move lest my now unstable stomach container should fall
and my guts topple over themselves
landing spaghetti-like
draped over my womb.

a dull snap - muscles in my face break like aged elastics
they do not spring back quickly
but creep and crinkle slowly away
leaving my lips trembling to support themselves and leaching with them the red from my cheeks.

a slight ******* sound as my retinas detach
but only momentarily: i fling my eyes open in shock and alarm
knocking them back into place.
this sudden movement
stretches out my eyelids
and leaves them slack and sluggish.

i am so tired of this constant pressure slowly condemning my body
and now it shows in my eyes.


a desperately bound memory of
- greasy hair and welling eyes -
breaks free of its haphazard moorings and wreaks havoc throughout:

falling first past my face
spilling all holds of liquid there
which pour out of my body
gushing free
dripping and messy

it sticks next in my lungs
blocking my sighs
it bounces upon my diaphragm
gaping gasping for air
that i cannot use

it congeals in my bowels
sticking them in their place
preventing their minute movements
those tiny undulations that are the visceral workings

it finally crumbles and filters through my bones and blood
this fine memory powder filling my feet and calves.
it is heavy and densely packed
and i must move ploddingly now.

though dry and breathing and vibrating again
the memory’s toll is seen and heard and felt on my
salty cheeks
wheezing throat
tense body
and slow pace.
- october 2009
Jun 2010 · 1.1k
bone marrow
Restivo Jun 2010
remember when you ****** the marrow out of my bones
                    slurp and down in your belly
and how angry empty it was
and how you tried to fill them back up
                    with words like cottonballs
and how hollow they were and how hollow were my bones
and how our sounds had changed
                    from warm and slick slippery ******* when we parted
                    to dull clackety skeletons
                    accidentally bouncing off each other:
                    dry tock-tock-tocks and echoes
and now my marrow’s all grown back
and rosy is my colour again
and if i jump your bones now
                    maybe it will sound softer and squashier
                    maybe we can be moist again
                    maybe we can be apart but not lacking warmth
and maybe we can be parted but not lacking warmth
- december 2009
Jun 2010 · 482
bitter much
Restivo Jun 2010
can you pick up more chicks if they don’t think you’re in a relationship
                                                    ­         probably
                                                        ­                  so can i
- december 2009
Jun 2010 · 1.4k
a kiss
Restivo Jun 2010
sometimes a kiss is just a kiss.
sometimes it doesn’t represent
or need,
or loyalty.
sometimes it is just one pair of lips
no sparks,
no lust,
just touch.
- 2003
Jun 2010 · 550
la petite mort
Restivo Jun 2010
your hot little hands shoot fire in through my genitals and out through my teeth.
i strain my spine in an electric arch.
my muscles - seared from the inside out, they stick together and to my skin.
i am contorted in flames, white-heat melting my eyeballs.

                                                      ­                          gasp it’s gone

i consist of a heart and lungs in frantic motion.
all the rest has died.
- april 2010
Jun 2010 · 691
the beast with two backs
Restivo Jun 2010
lying there,
throats raw from roaring,
finger-shaped bruises all over,
too sore to move,
when we slowly uncloud from the bliss,
do we even remember the moves?
- november 2009
Jun 2010 · 497
so many tears
Restivo Jun 2010
so many tears:

and dripping down my face i tasted them
they were all bitter
- january 2010
Jun 2010 · 901
your body
Restivo Jun 2010
your body

(yes, that, sinewy soft and
constellation-spotted, traced by sweetly
shining snail-trails, tongue-glossy)


it whispers I love you (so quietly) across me, all of me.
it speaks simply, conversationally, of what we are entwined.
it screams, clinging, that it cannot be without me, urgently.
- june 2008
Jun 2010 · 893
post-coital environment
Restivo Jun 2010
the room is saturated with the sounds and smells of post-coitus:
          heavy breathing, a gasp for air, still audible past the music turned up to
          mask those initial, irrepressible moans.
                    humidity, hanging moisture created by two bodies in vigorous
                              sweat, still slick, still dripping down thighs, *******, still
                              pooling in those wonderful crevasses the body creates, now
                              extinguishes, with the bend of a limb or turn of a neck.
                                        the sharp and penetrating undertone of saliva.
                                                  that unmistakable stink of *** that is not one
                                                  thing, but two things, and many things, mixed,
                                                  merged into one heady, oppressive, still
                                                  intoxicating cloud.
          movement, and a window is opened.
                    the moisture and floating heat are whisked out into the cool night.
                              sweat droplets maneuver between suddenly formed goose
                              bumps, then are gone, evaporated.
                                        breathing is lower; heat, inescapable earlier, is now
                                        eagerly sought through blanket and body, two forms
                                        disappeared together in warmth, in slow sleep.
- august 2008

— The End —