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Martin H Samuel Aug 2020
"There's only one kind of way out of here,"
said the burglar to the fool
"There's too much to clarify
you can't break the rule."
"No reason to get disconcerted",
the fool he softly spoke,
"There are many here among us
who feel that death
is but the punchline to a joke.
But you and me we both know that
and what will be will be
so let us not think different now
the time's a-flying free.
And time flies
on a one-way ticket
never to return
let's light the candle at both ends
while we have one to burn."

For Jimi Hendrix ~ with a nod to Bob Dylan
Martin H Samuel Aug 2020
Foggy went a courtin'
"Ribbit" he did sing
altho' singing weren't his thing
more like the punchline to a joke
"Please don't smoke or I might croak"
in the deep end of the pond
true love was his goal
and by the dawn help to spawn
a few more tadpole souls
hopped on to a water lily
where he espied a fine-looking froggy filly
and in her mouth a red red rose
but wait something's amiss
one quick kiss and he froze
just when he had it in the bag
oh what a shame ain't it silly
our frogly friend hit a snag
for she was a he dressed in drag
Martin H Samuel Aug 2020
The letter 'F'
is a fugly one
when used in a word
rhymes with duck
if it looks like a Donald
swims like a fish
and sounds like a quack
then I probably want no truck
however it's my all-time fave
in fabulous freedom and fun
tho' there are so many F-words
I'll leave it with you to come up with one
Martin H Samuel Aug 2020
"Holey all over
seen better days
worn out and threadbare
can't mend its ways
not worth keeping
its time has come
that's one bad habit”
so said the nun
Martin H Samuel Aug 2020
If the bottom line's fine
let me remind you
it'll come from behind you
if costs you cut
for in the end
it will rear up
and bite you in the ****
Martin H Samuel Aug 2020
Once upon a time
I set out to write a book
about going to north Africa
an expensive, soft, leather-bound book
and altho' I took more than one look
I could not find the words would fill a tome
and so tho' second-best I settled for less
and instead I wrote this pome
Martin H Samuel Aug 2020
On those dreary days
when skies are grey
and all the clouds are black
hey that's me I'll be
running through the raindrops
in my torn and worn out mack

it may be gloomy yet
when the weather is wet
and the day is dark
that's me you'll see
splashing through the puddles
out there in the nearest park

I love a rainy day
a rainy day is fine
I gotta say
altho' I love a rainy day
in November I prefer
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