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Martin H Samuel Aug 2020
If I owned a circus
for you I'd play the clown
(do jugglers ever tire of throwing up?)
or if I had a rickshaw
I could run you round the town
and if I had a row boat
I would float you down the stream
as I have none of these
all I can do is dream
Martin H Samuel Aug 2020
They are now but cash cows
(a trough in which to quaff)
for the many attendees
who sit on long-winded
investigation committees

no one around to hear the sound
(of whispers in the woods)
while their coffers swelled
for all the papers printed
on the ecology
several trees were felled

the fracking drilling boring too
(found underground)
wastes water in copious quantities
releases greenhouse gas
and undermines the earth
in the final analyses

deliberate discussion and debate
('til the cows come home)
to which they are compelled
only exacerbates the issue
of global warming
with their hot air expelled
Martin H Samuel Aug 2020
Hot coffee
black coffee
really has the means
(when I sup but half a cup)
to make me feel
quite full of beans
only one requirement tho'
no decaf if you please
(altho', born in Kenya
where the coffee grows)
why it's called
'a cup of Joe'
I'm sure I do not know
hot coffee
black coffee
is the best ammo
(when I do a mug or two)
to give me the
right get up and go
Martin H Samuel Aug 2020
"Go along to get along"
a wise man he once said
(altho' I don't concur)
but it occurred to me
neither follower nor leader be
if you want to get ahead

And if the herd you stroll behind
please do consider the view
(but not too closely)
yet what is worse
yes you may curse
that which you step into

Some believe the squeaky wheel
it should be removed
(not receive the grease)
as all's smooth-run
when replaced by a working one
or so it has been proved

To mindlessly open the mouth
thoughtless of going caput
(only to change feet)
it seems to me
an opportunity
to put a bullet in one's foot

The nail that sticks out
it should be applauded
(not hammered down)
as one may fall for anything
and those who stand for something
they should be rewarded

I'd rather see one good deed
putting things back on track
(actions speak louder)
than hear one more kind word
lip service it's absurd
a verbal pat on the back

Tho' possibly preaching to the choir
some say it's idle chatter
(*****-nilly silly patter)
let's not forget to forgive
or to live and let live
ALL lives matter
Martin H Samuel Aug 2020
Not a lot of ocelots
are seen in the day
they prefer the evening
or the night
if an ocelot you want to spot
altho' it's quite a long shot
an ocelot you want to sight
you may even hit the jackpot
if you do it right
all you've really got to do
is switch off the light
Martin H Samuel Aug 2020
Some say
“The glass is half full”
with accent on the positive
some see
the glass half empty
and focus on the negative
two sides to every story
supposedly that implies
as for me I see
something else entirely
and for size I will apprise
but before I do
I beg of you
allow me one more swig
(cheers salud prost cin cin)

the glass is too **** big!

— The End —