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Repentant Mar 9
Love is a pain
That we all agree
To share indefinitely
At every moment
With each other
And a lie
That every day
We are happy with it
Repentant Mar 8
Was the word
Who I born into
Though I burned every bridge
And I hurt every girl
Before I got the chance
Because I was assumed to be dead
But I will never forget
Though I forever forgive
All the women of the world
Are mothers of humanity
There let it be here
Happy women's day
Wish you find the happiness
You look forward in a year
Happy women's day to all the people who are privileged to be one. Wish luck for men :)
Repentant Mar 7
How much for another shot?
20 and something till you get 30
And what would be the common side effects sir?
Nightmares will be your new dreams
Repentant Mar 3
Monday came again
Key to your week
with a twist of delay
In the The raven's song manner
Look me in the eyes
To see the passion
of the deadly curiosity
That got me in the cage
I am the monkey in your museum
amused to look at you
feeling like it last
forever for us to lose
Repentant Feb 25
I thought of the ways it could've been
And the facts that I may have missed
And only then I remembered
Only an idiot would save a puppet
While he is playing with the puppet master
Thanks god, I am only a fool
Repentant Feb 24
Whose here not what they are?
Like, if you feel it's true
Love will disappear
And forever blinded
You are
Repentant Feb 23
I asked a bird in a cage once
What's your message to the world
At least I see my cage
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