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Sep 2013 · 609
You are MY Sunshine
Renee Ransom Sep 2013
To the one who brightens my day.
To the one keeps me warm.
To the one who glows brighter
than anything.

To the one who surrounds me in their light.
To MY Sunshine

I love you.
Apr 2013 · 793
"The Sacred Bond."
Renee Ransom Apr 2013
You stood before man.
Before God.
And you swore,
To love eachother.
Protect one another.

What happened?

You argue.
Spew venom into each and
Every insult.
Hurl words into eachothers faces.
Clawing at their self esteem.
Dragging them down.
Down with you on a level
That is highly impossible to return from.

So much for *"honor and love"
I feel like there could be more put into this...
Apr 2013 · 1.1k
Renee Ransom Apr 2013
She was strong.
She was confident.
She had it all.

Until you came along.

You ripped her apart.
Tore her heart up piece
By piece.

She used to be the wind to trees.
Now she's still, barley moving.

She was someones world.
Now she's the dirt beneath your feet.

She was a free spirit.
Now she jumps at her shadow.

She was a pearl,
She's not even a grain of sand.

*Congrats, *******.
As you can see, I like to base poems off of songs... Mainly just practice for me.
Apr 2013 · 589
My Best Friend's Poem
Renee Ransom Apr 2013
The crinkle of your eyes
When your lips curl
Makes me feel
Like I am home

My best friend wrote this. And I wanted you all to know how amazing a writer she is!!!
Apr 2013 · 1.5k
Extreme Measures.
Renee Ransom Apr 2013
She was a sweet straight A student.
She was quite and an intravert.
But she lacked friends.

She wanted to fit in so bad.
And she took extreme measures.

She dyed her hair.
She pored on make up.
She started showing of her ***** and ***.
She shattered her innocence by sleeping with
The first man she could.

She went from a sweet shy girl to a royal *****.

But hey.
At least she's "popular".
At least she has "friends"

She finally done it.
She got everything she "wanted".
*kay soooooo NOT one of my best. but i wanted to write something along these lines. let me know what you think!* :)
Apr 2013 · 751
Pretty On The Outside
Renee Ransom Apr 2013
Boys want her.
Girls envy her.
Kids worship her.

All because of her looks.
All because her dimples are deep.
Her teeth are straight and gleam.
Her eyes are clear and sparkly.
Her hair is long and shiny.

But no one sees the inside.
They don't see the pain she hides.
Don't see the tears she holds back.
No one sees her loneliness.

They don't take the time to ask.
They just assume she's alright.
All because she's pretty on the outside.
I kinda used the bullet for my valentine "Pretty on the Outside" but twisted it a bit.
Apr 2013 · 1.0k
Home Of The Fighting Tigers.
Renee Ransom Apr 2013
We are the "Fighting Tigers".
We fight, all right.
But not in the way others think.

We fight with our fists.
An for the stupidest reasons you could think of.
"Oh, *****! You ****** my man! Imma beat ya *** now!"

You're in highschool.
Not MTV.

Here's what they say about tigers,
"tigers are perhaps the most emotional of the big cats. They react to stimulation of any type to a greater degree than do other species"

Says a lot about us.
Such a drama filled school.
Reacting to the littlest things.

Such as a smack on the arm.

We're highschool.
Not Pre-K.

These people make me ashamed to be apart of this school.

Pants sagging below their butts.
Talking like you're in kindergarten.
No wait.
They talk better than you.

Women degrading their bodies.
Having *** before they turn 15.
Dressing so their **** are overflowing from their shirts.
Threatening to bust out of their too small shirts.

Yup, for such an amazing animal,
We act much les than that.

We sure are, "The Fighting Tigers"
For the information on tigers I used for this poem, here's the link,
Apr 2013 · 782
The Last Night
Renee Ransom Apr 2013
A night filled with passion.
Filled with sensual caresses and steamy kisses.

In the aftermath you lie in each others arms.
And as you catch your breath,
Reality sinks in.

You don't want to leave but you know you must.
*****  your feelings, spare her the heartache.
Spare her having to put up with your constant
Absence .

You feel your heart breaking at the thought of leaving.
And in her sleep she fumbles for your waist.
Pulling herself closer to you.

Your resolve crumbles.
And you think,
Just give me this.
Give me her.
One last time.
One last night.
Kay, not one of my best, but I needed to upload SOMETHING.
Apr 2013 · 595
Renee Ransom Apr 2013
You're gone.
And you took some of me with you.
Not caring that I would never be the same.

Leaving me with the sense of emptiness.
Leaving me incomplete.
Just leaving me in general.

You were my other half.
The person who made me whole.

And now that you're gone..
I'm uneven.
Apr 2013 · 556
Let Me In.
Renee Ransom Apr 2013
I watch you go about your days.
In pain.
A pain that only I can see.
The pain that you won't let me help with.
Can't you see that I have a shoulder big enough to cry on?
That I want you to open up to me?
That you can trust me with anything?

It kills me knowing you're going through this alone.
It kills me to know that you won't talk about it.

Why can't you,
Just this once,
Trust me enough to
Let me in?

Why do I have to watch you suffer in silence
When I'm willing to share your pain?
When I'm willing to do anything to make you smile again?
Apr 2013 · 1.7k
The PuppetMaster
Renee Ransom Apr 2013
The strings are in place.
The stage is set.
The curtains rise,
And you're brought to life by
The PuppetMaster.

All your life you felt as if you've been controlled.
By family.

You've fought the strings that want to hold you down.
Struggled against it's sting as they lash out at your skin.

But in the end,
You have no choice.
You let them tie knots around your ankles and wrists.
You let them do your makeup.
And you follow their every command.

With nothing but a blank look on your face.

Because you're just the one puppet out of millions.

And you must do the bidding of The PuppetMaster.
Apr 2013 · 539
Renee Ransom Apr 2013
The darkness closes in.
Leaving you suffocating.
Gasping for breath.

Fear grips you in its deathly clutch.
You try to scream,
but you can't make a noise.

You try to struggle against it.
To try and free yourself.
But your muscles are locked.

Something is holding you down.
Squeezing the very breath from your body.
Dark spots cloud your vision.

You feel yourself getting weak.
You give up your fight for life.
And the REAL darkness washes over your body.
You let yourself sink, in to eternal oblivion.
Middle of the night writing, probably the best time for me. xD
Apr 2013 · 1.5k
Renee Ransom Apr 2013
We all have those shoes.
The ones where you've had for years.
The amazing ones that have fit you for about
Three or so years.

They have writing on them.

No they aren't worthless.
They mean everything to you.
They've been with you through the tough times.
And the easier patches of life.

Just because they're ***** doesn't mean throw
Them away.
If anything,
Try and clean them.
If they don't, those are the special ones.
The ones you hold closer.
Dearer to your heart.
The ones who will be the closest when you need
Them the most.

They are your safety blanket.
The one thing that is your constant in life.
Your rock.
Look back and you'll see,
They've always
been there.

Moral of the story,
*Never Underestimate Your Shoes
Apr 2013 · 615
Try And You Don't Suceed
Renee Ransom Apr 2013
try your damnest to not show fear.
If you do, they're going to eat you alive.
So you put on a brave face,
Trying to make others believe they don't affect you.
Trying show that you can rise above the torment.

But they see right through it.
They just let you make a fool of yourself.
Silently laughing at your pain.
Your agony.

Your brave face begins to crumble over time.
Leaving a tear stained face.
Leaving you exposed and
Because you didn't have the strength to go on.
Because you're tired of trying.
Apr 2013 · 413
I Want You To Know
Renee Ransom Apr 2013
I want you to know that
I don't know happened
I want you to know that
As I sit in the dark,
I can't help but wonder.
I want you to know that
I can't help but think about what
Went wrong.
I want you to know that
You were everything to me.
I want you to know that
Now you're nothing to me.
according to you
I want you to know that
You just up and left me for no reason.
But you probably knew that already.
I want you to know that you taught me
That it's okay to talk.
I want you to know that
I'll be waiting.
Waiting for the day when you finally
Leave my mind.
I want you to know that
I want you back.
I want you to know that
I want US back!
I want you to know that
I love you.
I want you to know that
I'm here.
I want you to know that
I can't wait forever.

That's what I wanted you to know....
Apr 2013 · 325
All I Want
Renee Ransom Apr 2013
What do I want?
I want a lot of things.
But mainly?

I want the kind of love that lasts.
One that will go on.
Even when the passion dies.

I want a man's arms around me
When I fall asleep.
I want to wake up to his sleepy smile
Every morning.

I want to laugh when he acts silly.
Or laugh when he's not even trying.
I want to cry when he hurts.

I want someone to look at me,
And like what they see.

I want him to smile when he thinks about me.

That's all I want.
Apr 2013 · 691
Thursday Night
Renee Ransom Apr 2013
You laugh.
You dance.
You flirt.
You eat.
You have fun.

You walk down the beach at sunset.
You gaze at it.
His arms around you.

It's that time.
Where you wish it would never end.

The warm feeling.
The feeling at home.
You don't want it to end.

He somehow reads your mind.

"I wish Thursday would never end.."
Apr 2013 · 1.1k
Renee Ransom Apr 2013

You're complaining over your potatoe?

Because its just a little cold?

Oh I'm sorry.

Let us all up and tend to your needs.

Because you're so ******* special.


You're acting like a two year old...

Grow up.

And eat the ******* potatoe...
Mar 2013 · 369
Don't Waste it.
Renee Ransom Mar 2013

It's a gift.

A precious one.

One that shouldn't be wasted.

So don't sit there.

Live it.

You can't waste it

by sitting there moping.

You have to pull yourself up.

And get out there.

Don't say you can't.

Because I know you can.

You were put on this world for a reason.

That reason doesn't include you

hiding behind pain.

Let that pain go.

Mar 2013 · 1.6k
Little Dance Of Love.
Renee Ransom Mar 2013
We dance circles around each other.

Making eye contact every now and then.

Smiling, giggling like 2 year olds.

Making flirty remarks to each other.

We promise.

We try not to fall.

But in the end one of us does.

In our little dance of love.

Usually me.

And you're  never there to catch me.

Like a good partner should.

I hit the floor.

And I hit it hard.

I pick myself up, dust myself off,

and we start the dance the dance over again.
Mar 2013 · 630
Renee Ransom Mar 2013
Probably the most misunderstood creatures.
Just because we experience horomones,
doesn't mean we act impulsively.

Just because we go through changes,
doesn't mean we all cut.

Just because we date more,
doesn't mean we have *** all the time.

Just because we act nosy,
doesn't mean we ALL gossip.
We're just nosy/curious.


Before you think just because you're older,
that you're better than us,

you were us at one point.
Mar 2013 · 354
Remember Them As They Were.
Renee Ransom Mar 2013
How does it feel?
Watching someone you love,
slip away?

they get treated,
but never really cured.

You watch them turn from
Fleshy and vibrant,
to sickly and pale.

They lose weight.
They lose hair.
They quite down.

They embrace the inevitable.
But not you.
You can't let go.
No matter how much they tell you
"It's gonna be alright."

You love them.
You don't want them to leave you.
But they're going to a better place.
Someplace where there is no pain.
Where there is no worry or tears.

And you'll see them again.
So dry up your tears.
And be happy that they don't have
to be in pain anymore.

They wouldn't want you to be upset.
They want you happy.
Remember them as they were before
they left.
Laughing and happy.
With a twinkle in their eyes.

And remember.
They're watching you.
And become more proud of you more and more
every day.
Mar 2013 · 650
Home Sweet Home.
Renee Ransom Mar 2013
You smell the bacon cooking on the stove.
You hear your siblings bickering over the remote,
like they always do.
You hear dad in the garage working on his Plymouth
Reliant, with no floor in the passenger side
and a plastic back window.
Hes always working on that thing.
You hear the family pet Bennie chasing butterflies in
the backyard.
You see the tire swing in the big oak in the front yard.
You smile, feeling at home.
Feeling yourself being wrapped in warmth and love.
You walk to the front door
prepared to knock.
As you raise your hand,
you wake up.
The image fades to a yellow ceiling.
It felt so real.
But it hasn't been real for years.
They're all gone.
You lay back down and hope your pillow muffles
your sobs.
Mar 2013 · 1.2k
Welcome Home! (His P.O.V)
Renee Ransom Mar 2013
She came.
She really came.
Look at her.
So beautiful.
So radiant!
And she's mine!
Hopefully forever.

Whats it like?
Like the ninth level of Hell.
Did I miss you?
My heart ached with longing for you.
Did I think about you?
You were the only thing I thought about.
Did you follow into my dreams?
I didn't sleep.
I was thinking about you.
I love you more than even then.
And that love grows stronger,
with each passing moment.

Now is the time.
I won't get off the floor.
I think you know what
this is.
Not earrings.

Her eyes go wide.
"Will you marry me?"
Yes it's a wedding ring.

She said yes.
She said yes.
Mar 2013 · 1.3k
Welcome Home! (Her P.O.V)
Renee Ransom Mar 2013
I can't believe it.
You're here, actually
What's it like?
Being away for what seems
like an
Did you miss me?
Did you think about me
as often as I did
Did I ever follow you into your
Do you still love me like you
did before you left?

What are you doing?
Get off the floor!
What's that box doing in your
Is that what I think it is?
A wedding ring?
Mar 2013 · 1.2k
Death- I Mean, Date Night.
Renee Ransom Mar 2013
The anticipation leading up to this night.
Where you finally get to be with him.
You pamper.
You wax,
you highlight
every part of your body.
Doing your best to look amazing.
Dress to impress right?
Searching for the perfect outfit.
The perfect accssories to go with it.
And finally,
you are complete.
A spritz of perfume and one last
look in the mirror.
You wait.
Then, the noise you have been waiting for
all day happens.
You open the door,
and there he is.
In all his God-like
With that half smile you adore.
He takes your hand and leads you to his car...
And drives to the woods.
The doors lock.
You look at him.
He looks back.
In his eyes you see,
You see no sign of the playful glint that
you fell in love with.
He drives deeper.
Thousands of thoughts race you through your
Finally, he stops,
he goes to your door grabs you by the hair and
yanks you out.
Drags your thrashing body to a clearing.
You beg.
You plead
for him to spare you.
The man you fell in love with,
Who would've thought he is the one who ends it
for you?
He stops, grabs a rock by your bodies and
the one thing you think before it all goes black,
I Love You.
I Forgive You.
Close your eyes and embrace death.
Mar 2013 · 437
My Ode To Bradley Miller
Renee Ransom Mar 2013
Stay away!
You've lost the right  to touch me!
You betrayed my trust.
The one thing you know I don't
give it freely!

By doing what you did,
you destroyed something precious to me.
My ability to truely trust.

I will never be able to
really give myself to a man.
All because of you.

Because you couldn't keep
in your pants.

Because I wasn't good enough for you?
Is that it?

Saying you loved me,
then "loving"
another girl.


Because that's what love is.

my over active *** fiend,
are nothing to me.

And I hope you get
you deserve.
Mar 2013 · 766
Daddy's Little Girl
Renee Ransom Mar 2013
The Person Who Created You
The one loves you unconditionally
The man who you learned to love first

The one who protects you from the world.

He is king.
And you are his little princess

He spoils and pampers you.
Treats you to every comfort he can.

Turns into a raging bull to defend your honor.
Ready to defend his little treasure.

Because you are his heart.
His Little Girl.
Mar 2013 · 434
Stand Up. Be Heard.
Renee Ransom Mar 2013
You see that girl in the hall again.
The same one who you watched get pushed around.
And what did you do?
Absolutely NOTHING!
You watched as she was spit on.
Ridiculed because she's a little different.
But still,
you did nothing.
You can't even look her in the eyes.
Because if you do,
the same treatment will befall you.
As it did her.
Think about it like this,
as you walk by her,
you could've been that one voice.
That one voice who could save her.

And did you know, that as she was tormented,
she looked up and saw you laughing.
and in that moment
she realized.

I am alone.

All because you didn't stand up for her.
All because you had to be "cool".
All because you're another drone.
Just like the rest.
Mar 2013 · 2.2k
The Pencil
Renee Ransom Mar 2013
The pencil.
Such a simple thing.
Useful and a Convinence we abuse.
Stronger than any man
More feirce than any beast in the world

They say sticks and stones may break my bones,
But words shall never harm me.
What if those words
Were written down?
Would that still be the case?

Would you just sit by as those pencils
Scribbled lies
For others enjoyment?

Would you destroy someones life by passing a  Written note?

Would you start a war by signing a document?

Put thousands in poverty because you wrote
A bill?

And to think.

All this?

Comes from

Mar 2013 · 471
French Class
Renee Ransom Mar 2013
Walk  into class .
Hoping for something different
Hoping against hope that you'll make sense of her

Having to put up with her voice for an entire year.

As you sit there
Your mind wanders
To places that only you go to
That only you happen apon in her presence

You try to focus.
Honestly you do.

But just like every class
The same thing happens
The same routine every day.
Her voice lulls you into oblivion.
Sweet slumber.
Mar 2013 · 1.2k
Walkin On The Line.
Renee Ransom Mar 2013
How many of you serve the world?
You know?
Your friends?
Your REAL friends?
Prioritizing your time by your wants.
Self over family and friends.
Partying over School.

If so, Raise


Well how many have lied?
That teeny tiny white lie?
It never hurt anyone.
No big deal!

If you're not raising your hand,
You're lying.

Want help?
Try to change your ways?
Because I know
That this side has a gravitational pull
Too strong for you to deny.

And no need seekin out the big guy.
He'll just tell you what you don't wanna hear anyways!
Still wanna reach out?

Go ahead.
Raise your hands in song!
Praise his "Holy Name"

But you'll be back.
I know it.
YOU know it.

So why try?
You're just gonna keep walkin back and forth between this line.

Back and forth.

Back and forth.

Why do you walk the line?
Scared to commit?
What's stopping you?

Oh yeah.

YOU'RE stopping you.

Because you're so easily distracted.
Swaying from side to side.
Never really committing.
Doing what you believe to be just enough.

So tell me.
If I own this side.

And HE owns THAT side.

Who owns the line you like to walk on so much?

You decide.
the regional creative arts group of florida presents....
Mar 2013 · 949
Renee Ransom Mar 2013
everyone "loves" crushes.
they make your heart race.
make you feel alive.
they give you hope that you want be alone.

but here is the thing about crushes,

                 they crush.

they crush your heart.
           until theres nothing left to be crushed.

now tell me..

        still "love" your crush?

you going to move onto the next,
thinking this time,
won't be like the last?
Mar 2013 · 718
Best Friends Forever
Renee Ransom Mar 2013
We all have that one person.
That person we trust.
With gossip.
Our lives.
That one person who we can't live without.
It would be hell living without them.
Going from day to day,
Feeling lost.
But that one person.
Who brightens your day
With just the sound of their voice.
That's the person who we cling to in the dark.
Who we run to for comfort.
Who run to us when they need us.
Who expect us to understand their pain.
Who loves the weirdness that is you.
Accepts it.
Embraces it.
Nurtures it.
And at the end of the day,
Will still be with you.
No matter how long you go without them.
No matter the distance between you.
They will always be yours.
Your Best Friend.
For my best friend.
Mar 2013 · 3.4k
The Dysfunctional Family
Renee Ransom Mar 2013
Welcome to the family where there are fights daily.
Where you don't have a happy place.
Where you can't fit in.
Even here.
Where "mommy and daddy" hate each other.
Where mommy is still married.
And not to daddy.
Where your brothers ignore you.
Telling you they love you.
Then spitting in your face.
And your best friend is the only one who understands your pain.
But she's thousands of miles away.
Leading a life you can't be apart of anymore.
Welcome to the dysfunctional family.
Welcome to my life.

— The End —