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Apr 2013 · 295
untitled 3
Relyn Anne Ramos Apr 2013
your eyes were blue
and i drowned deep

it started as a drizzle
then became a puddle
until it was big enough
to form a whirlpool
taking in all of me
i sank in a tidal wave
of who i was before you--

and i didn't die
i was reincarnated
after your tears
brought me back to life.
Apr 2013 · 214
Untitled 2
Relyn Anne Ramos Apr 2013
I’m still as broken as I used to be
trusting in promises that meant so much
to my ears your lies were poetry
for I believed that a heart
can love only once

I thought that I was enough
I thought that I’d forget you in time—

even if love blooms from wilted flowers
I still see no promise in spring.
Apr 2013 · 346
untitled 1
Relyn Anne Ramos Apr 2013
i should have known
that the tides were meant
for me to play along
and not for me to fight with

i’ll float in the sea
before i sink into submission
until i end up in the hands
of someone looking
for a washed up pearl
in ravaging waters.
Apr 2013 · 330
Relyn Anne Ramos Apr 2013
I catch a glimpse
Our eyes meet halfway
My heart races
As I lose my senses

In the abyss of my mind
I hope I will find
That we never can be
More of what others could see.
Apr 2013 · 612
How to Forget
Relyn Anne Ramos Apr 2013
I would have to rely
on drugs
in order to recover
from you

for the pain
that never seems
to go away

to keep me sane
for a functioning brain

for temporary euphoria
a tinge of a smile
even just for a while

for the scrapes
and for the
scars to fade

All knowledge used
and resources searched
still I couldn't find the cure
to make me forget you.
Apr 2013 · 351
in the sea
Relyn Anne Ramos Apr 2013
i let the tides
wash away the
worries in my mind
i let the waves crash
with the fears i had,
my voice was too soft
in the salty air, but it
was heard by the current—

where it took me,
away from reality
without going astray
from everyone else

i was lost in a paradise
where i managed
to stay afloat, for
i never had to drown
in lonesome thoughts
and i never had to
bare down to feel worthy

in the sea
i was me, and
i never wanted
to leave.
Apr 2013 · 285
in this life
Relyn Anne Ramos Apr 2013
we only take what we can
and return where we started
like ants stealing our sweets,
we consume the marrow
of this earth

we come back for more
in the hopes to acquire
the sweetness we worked hard for
often times, we are stopped,
mid-track, holding on to sweetness
or to nothing at all—

leaving behind what we have
or who we are, as the sweets
that people behind us
would stumble upon.
Apr 2013 · 235
Relyn Anne Ramos Apr 2013
you pull out
flowers like
they’re weeds
and they die
on your release

while i thrive
on stale air
waiting, where
you left me—
Apr 2013 · 675
Relyn Anne Ramos Apr 2013
from my eyes
to the ravaging sea
to the endless ocean
to depths unseen
subtle, raw, fulfilling
in pain, in tears, in suffering.
Apr 2013 · 1.3k
minorities have minorities
Relyn Anne Ramos Apr 2013
it’s an unspoken rule
in a society that thrives
with as many people throughout
the whole color spectrum
Apr 2013 · 951
Relyn Anne Ramos Apr 2013
Hail Mary full of grace
this is the start of your darkest days
the Lord is with you
the shadow within is waiting too
blessed are you among women
look at the pale faces of the passed brethren
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus
foreshadowing won’t help your crumbling aegis

Holy Mary Mother of God
miracles aren’t in multitudes of cod
Pray for us sinners
and for everlasting winters
Now and at the hour of our death
long until your final breath
in suffering, there is no end.
note: too much horror movies isn't good
Apr 2013 · 637
Relyn Anne Ramos Apr 2013
seeing you again, all smiles
in out old spot over a cup of coffee
i couldn't help but reminisce how we used
to be, and how we went from strangers, to friends,
to almost lovers in the same spot we're in. but love was
something that was never fated for us. but i love you. and as
i look over my cup of hot coco, it swirls in rhythm with my thoughts.
oh, the bittersweet goodness is what i've always loved. as it swirls slower and
slower, our talk approaches its inevitable end. i wished it never did. i didn't finish my
cup, thinking that you wouldn't leave if i didn't. i guess goodbye is still bitter, even it it's bittersweet.
Apr 2013 · 362
men cry three times
Relyn Anne Ramos Apr 2013
once for coming out
of their mother's womb
for words can never suffice
a breath instead of a tomb

twice for the first scrape
on a limp knee
because the first steps
are always the hardest

thrice for a love
unknowingly lost
where the chances all used
makes life a big loss

men cry thrice
the third being the longest
where tears are unseen
because broken hearts
cannot shed memories
of love lost in sudden.
Apr 2013 · 667
Relyn Anne Ramos Apr 2013
on sleepless nights
thoughts of you
pull me away from
the ocean of my
deep thoughts
and lull me to sleep

some nights,
they help me stay afloat
and stay on course
to have good dreams

tonight is not that night
Apr 2013 · 829
Relyn Anne Ramos Apr 2013
the sun and the moon
must be lonely things
giving hope for all
without getting the
love they need

the sunrise and
the dusk are all
the sun could get
closest to the moon

and the stars in
the night sky, never
seem to be as bright
enough as the sun

eclipses must happen
for a reason.
Apr 2013 · 377
Relyn Anne Ramos Apr 2013
I was lost in you

in your blue eyes,
where I saw the morning sky

in the freckles on your back
which formed celestial bodies
i’ve grown to memorize

in your thoughts,
where our melancholy
formed odes to our existence

in your lips,
where all my words unsaid
made sense

but you never realized
that you lost me.
Apr 2013 · 258
Relyn Anne Ramos Apr 2013
**** the love
out of a person
and you’re left
with a mind that
acts based on
pure reason
and no intuition.
Apr 2013 · 216
Relyn Anne Ramos Apr 2013
--too blunt
to hurt like bullets
but when fired
in all directions
I’m the only one
who gets hit
and it hurts.
Apr 2013 · 318
Relyn Anne Ramos Apr 2013
Our stars may shine
at different times

the constellations
we form, may not
be aligned

but in hopes
and dreams, we
Apr 2013 · 235
Relyn Anne Ramos Apr 2013
there are things
that many would do
to complete your puzzle,
make you whole, thinking
that by picking up the pieces
you’d be better again.

little do they know
that the only
thing missing from you
is yourself.
Apr 2013 · 373
Relyn Anne Ramos Apr 2013
a million glances
go my way

in fear of judgement,
i run away
and hide myself from
condescending stares

looking for comfort
in the midst of strangers,
i see myself looking
at something familiar
outlined by my hopeful eyes

closer i go,
trying to make out
the memories i’ve
hidden in my great expanse
of a mind

little by little
the vagueness becomes
surreal, and i am left
admiring my view
for its exquisite beauty

until you catch me
looking at you.
Apr 2013 · 603
Relyn Anne Ramos Apr 2013
if wilted flowers
ever bloomed again
into a different kind,
one that would be
so much beautiful
than it ever was,
you would be that flower.
Apr 2013 · 683
Staying in
Relyn Anne Ramos Apr 2013
Bodies shiver
On a night of thunder
Eyes stay open
Thoughts bedridden
Lying side by side
It's better staying inside.

— The End —