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 Apr 2013 Relyn Anne Ramos
I am a hurricane.
My world is this ***** of emotions
on a saturdaynight with the vague taste of ***** and caramel.
All of my relationships smell like bodyfluids
latex with the fake taste of strawberries or chocolate.
My last wednesday consisted of two jobs, two bottles and no sleep.
It's how I like my days.
The people who were supposed to raise me snorted more than I ever will.

I am a hurricane.
In my eye, you stand.
 Apr 2013 Relyn Anne Ramos
I want.......
Quiero un corazon, lleno d'amor
Un corazon.

A heart.....
Por que tu no esta ahi?
Soy tan solo, tu no esta ahi.

Toco justo guitarra, por te olvidar
Por que tu no esta ahi?
Soy tan solo, tu no esta ahi.
Donde es mi corazon?
Creo esta perdido.

S T,  6 Abril 2013
Un poco de amor....

 Apr 2013 Relyn Anne Ramos
I grabbed a piece of sky
And pressed it in your hand
Mind, hold tight now
Lest it be ripped away.

I stole a slice of rainbow
And placed in your eyes
Mind, don't shut now
Let it show all for us.

I longed for waxless endearment
And you apportioned lots my way
When I looked up to see
You stood, holding stars out to me.....

And so.....
Starry eyes.....
Shiny hope....
Tingly heart....
Waxless en-dear-meant!

S T, 12 April 2013
Yes....waxless, indeed.

Mind, never did like...shiny, though....always preferred

NoneTHEless, it's endearment and its presence of any proportion, I definitely scoff not at.

I don't make light of the darkness
i lived within all those weeks?, months?,
years?, spent in a run down home with
windows covered in garbage bag curtains

mornings spent drinking three dollar wine
by the bottle till the bottle was to heavy
or my need to much

calling in the big help, the needle man
would needle me and i'd see her again

only she was not her, she was someone else
each time
she wasn't even a she, maybe it was a he
or a they, or a them

whatever they were,
he or she or they were my hero
in-between the ******
and the wine
Blood within the walls
Not knowing if you’re really here
Twisting, turning in your sleep
In your bed watching shadows creep.

Metal claws scrape
Giving chills down your spine
Demons laughing as you fall
In a Hell where they’re the Law

Fast pumping veins
Clown’s evil games
Will reign
Mother always said
In bed
With maggots in your head

Nightmare blades
Cutting my mind in half
Nightmare Blades
Pushing me through the glass
See no, hear no
Feel me, fear me

Numb to the touch
Desire spreads like a disease
Satisfy your taste of it
Just another throat to slit

Disappear with needles
Grasping death at hand
And ending to another life
Upon the stroke of midnight

Screaming and moaning
Spiders are crawling
Giving me signs
Of my
Devils in disguise

I’m closing my eyes
To hide what I see inside
Iron chains of order
Black wings of sulfur

Let me go, let me go
Entity of my mind
But there’s no way to escape
As the evil delivers fate

Hands and faces
Comfort and light
From sight
Forgetting my name’s
The same
As fueling the flames.

Nightmare blades
Cutting my mind in half
Nightmare Blades
Pushing me through the glass
See no, hear no
Feel me, fear me
There is an innocence in the first beer of the night.
when the mind is still free to breathe
and the legs free to walk
and the eyes free to see
and the heart beats on its own

As the cap twisted off
and my *** got comfortable in
the chair that knows all to well
how long this hell would last
I knew that the innocence would end fast

Time seems to fly by
while you sit and
do nothing more then
observe it

And I crave that dialog
that swims from my eyes
to my mind, like this secret
symphony played only for me

But you see, everyone sees
the same things that I see or
you see

This symphony has always been
that for all of us
but some of us listlessly rummage
in the darkness that anger breeds

Like seeds tainted with the devils
come it penetrates the hardest of
shells and births the **** we see in
the shadow of societies twisted ties

I’ll never understand why it is that
I am so enamored with watching this
destruction cross my mind but I am
and in the end it will too, end me.

It’s after the second or third beer that you become
cognizant of that candle that’s burning
in the front of your face

It smells like ginger and reminds you of
your grandma’s house for some reason

But everything reminds you of your grandma
when you’re into the bottle deep and wishing
you’d spent more time listening to the words
she tried so hard to give you

You remember the times that she wrote you
letters when you lived in a house with no
cable television, no phone, no VCR, **** there
wasn’t a computer let alone the internet

So forget about Tumblr or Facebook or
emails or any other way to avoid the mutiny that
mankind has become

Walking the plank was real and
no one wanted to be told to take that walk
so everyone acted like men and women
with respectful fingernails and clean socks
that could be seen when pant leg
raised when sitting down for dinner with
your neighbor

I always wondered what she would have done
if she’d been born instead of me
with all these tools
and resources at her disposal

She was a smart cookie for
the time she grew up,
writing poetry on a ledger that
time has forgot

And here I am just waiting for the
garbage man to pick me up
because I never had time to drive over to

her house before or after happy hour
always told her I tried and that’s not
a lie

You see there is a rush hour for drunks
like me

The traffic is stand still and
bitter and you can see the pain in the way
the driver in front of you clenches the steering
wheel, hunched over and ready to drive through
as many cars as he or she has too

Just for that dollar off a drink he or she
is going to drink regardless of the time
or deal they make

And it’s about that time that my right foot
begins to shake because I remember that
I am nervous even when I am three beers into
a black out night.

I’m never safe and you aren’t either
so says the sigh as I finish number three
and order number four

And one more before I hit
the door and cross the street
to buy the party treats for the
rest of this ******* night

Eighteen beers and a pint of

Eighteen beers and a pint of

Eighteen beers and a pint of

Eighteen beers and a pint of

So I settled my tab and I shook the old man’s
hand who had sat and told me about all the
various things that could break a man

I checked them off one by one in my
head like a baseball card checklist that
at one time was the way I killed time outside
sitting in a summers sun

But now I *** stale cigarettes
and used up ***
to pass the days
as time slowly kills me

The indian with the ***** beard
has my beer and pint on the
counter waiting for me

He sleeps at ease at night
knowing that he’s slowly
killing every drunk that
walks into his seven

Looking for heaven
looking for salvation
looking for ripe virgins
to sacrifice
for the betterment of a
whiskey night

American terrorists we are
when the dark hits the
tip of our cigarettes and we’re
fine with shutting our minds off to
the plight of everyone’s fight because
we have enough liquor tonight to

ward off the demons that come out to
play when happy hour ends and your
back in the thick of rush hour
The walk from that seven
eleven to
home is lonely
possibly the loneliest
walk you’ll walk
because you are left to think
about what you’re about to

See society has tied us up in
it’s restraints, painted us a picture
of wholesomeness that
ends up burning down the white picket
fences and ****** the daughters
while the son’s fail out of school
and end up in a trade
shuffling feet on desert land
dying at the hands of
the real monster
the monster with a real face
and no trace of giving a **** if
the enemy is man or woman
sinner or saint
just another enemy at the gate
trying to take
what ain’t

At the door now
you can feel your arm pulse
your ears twitch
your soul scream
you’re about to pour the first drink
fire the first shot
pretend that tonight
one of them won’t be blanks

I’ve retained this habit of keeping the caps of
my bottles next to my drinking area
or inside my pockets

I’m not sure when I began this
habit but it’s ruined a few washers
a few dryers
and at least one ****

At the end of the night there’s a little
graveyard of caps
a drunks Arlington
where you can morn the passing
of one bottle
after another
senseless, this war
you laugh as you keep pulling the
necks of these brown *******
drinking their life’s spirit away
with little remorse for them
or yourself

And that, in the end, will be your
My magnum opus

— The End —