A cool breeze lulled the trees to sleep
The wise old owl did cry
All the forest creatures looked at him
Shook their heads and sighed
Their eyes are closed, can’t you see, he said
Not a single one has moved
They all smiled back in response
As if they all approved
A complete rush of stillness fell upon the air
Like one had never felt before
Nothing moved at all or stirred about
Upon the forest floor
The wise old owl sat completely stunned in wonder
Colossal eyes, searching all around
Thinking perhaps the trees were not the only ones
Who were sleeping sound
Suddenly the earth began to move and tremble
Shaking everything within his sight
All was stirring in the quiet forest
Trembling now in fright
The wise old owl no longer felt the breeze
Which lulled the trees to sleep
Now afraid to even move one inch
His stillness he did keep
Such awful terror filled his tiny heart
Off racing went his mind
Wondering if the trees were now awake
Angry and unkind
Copyright *Neva Flores @2010