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Apr 2014 · 752
So Cold
Regal Pinion Apr 2014
Do you know what you are, Michael?
You are cruel, callous
You claim you are creative
But clearly you cannot be
For you are just cringe-worthy and crass
Worst of all
You are cold
You are so cold that your heart is frozen to its core
You are so cold that your crisp soul chills the world around you

You are cold
So cold
You cannot deny it

You're right
I am cold
Let me tell you how cold I am

I am as cold as the frost on your window
You would gaze at it wondering what it was
When really it was nothing but a simple pattern of fractals
You added the mystery not I

I am as cold as snow
In a young boy's hand
Clumped into a ball as he throws it to his companion
Whom reciprocates the gesture
As it unfolds into a great battle of primal urges
But of course they see it as nothing more than fun and games

I am as cold as a cliche milkshake completely filled to brim
With two straws for two lovers who care too much

I am as cold as a Winter's lake ice
I may be thick but it is in this that I casually protect on-comers from the chaotic abyss below
As they teach their children how to skate and smile
Yes for now they will fall but in due time they will be able to glide
And for that moment they are filled with joy and rapture
And perhaps their care free smiles
Could conjure concepts for people to create a world in which we can gladly call home

I am so cold that when you cry and express hurt feelings
I am the one who places my hand on your injury and relieve your pain

You're right I am cold
So cold

And I will never deny it
Mar 2014 · 826
Regal Pinion Mar 2014
Should I speak with velocity
As I claim to leak veracity?
Share a fair stare leads to “harassing me”
Silence holds a gold ferocity
But platinum resides inside a travesty
Yet the origins of this casualty
Was not the first fatality
It's birth was an idea, you see?
Are you sick of this this hostility?
Is your health a grim variety?
Failed to conform to propriety?
Here's an inferno “Oh no, a monstrosity!”
So why chastise my morality?
Must I despise and note your deformity?
Lead covered gold is not a new novelty
But somehow chaos seems so orderly

Cheat on Death with Immortality
Sleep with Lust for chastity
Uniqueness is another banality
Copy/pasted originality
Experience this eternal finality
Our follies are a great mentality
Your demise is your vitality
Real life is surreality
Feign the truth with validity
Pride upon your humility
Rust brags of lost durability
Insomniacs thrive restlessly
If you engage in logomachy
Then you'll love this: sophomachy
“Who's more manly?” Phallomachy
“Let's do what's right!” Hypocrisy

We act like we have modesty
But we boast of prowess internally
“Maybe if I work with integrity,
They might notice, and appreciate me”
Work too hard? Liability
Conned her heart? Lie-ability
Honesty at start? Futility
Torn apart? Utilize utility
Day dream REM stage: Insanity
Sanitize with rage: Calamity
Perhaps it's a phase: Therapy
Live like “good ol' days” regretfully
Raze a raised loving family
Tame their ways with amnesty
And watch them break their identity
Of perfection tainted in fidelity

Are our minds just a cavity?
Uprising against the gravity
Speak high of low society
Think I'm crazy? Analyze me
A grave cradling a memory
Of each ill-fated ideology
We die for our biology
Pyromania is the new cryology
Feb 2014 · 1.3k
Regal Pinion Feb 2014
Every ending starts where the next beginning plays
Followed by a rush of people who hurry to be delayed
Absence makes the heart wander for those who cannot wait
For the signal to pick up lines of oblivious candidates
Self-doubt leads to blame leads to truth leads to death
It hides behind your mind to find you blindly obsessed
You don't know why it fails when then you were best
At leaving a place with another, now you're one less

Are you lost or just lonely?
You stay up all night thinking, “If only...”?
Ghosts of Desperation holding
You in a choke hold; is it warming
You all up from the inside?
Casting half-laughs staring wide-eyed
Ghosts of Self-Pity abide to reside
In that choke hold redefine pride

Why are you not happy solo?
Don't give excuses like “I'm friend-zoned”
Why put her in a choke hold?
Afraid to let go and leave her throat cold?

Get off my stool let me drink alone
No, Lady my heart is not sold
Laughing at my jokes does not make you gold
You're drunk and embittered: self-taught choke hold

Why do I feel so ******* tense?
Pasts present my present paid penance
One more drink then I'll go home
Six more to numb my damning sold soul
Liquid hubris raise my confidence
Make us all feel less incompetent
Let our veracious selves go unfold
Transgressions greet us with your choke hold

Let's frolic in our loss of breathing
We like the taste and we're not leaving
Alcoholic for this scheming
Forget your lives live like you're dreaming

In love with ideas in lieu of reality
Make us feel like we are the normality
One knight stands with armor rusting
Lusting for the din; it's rushing

Popped collar Icarus:
          Get into the choke hold
Self harmer ichor blessed:
          Get into the choke hold
Lost soul navigator:
          Get into a choke hold
Ex marks the *** for later:
          Get into a choke hold
Ice cold analyzer:
          Get into a choke hold
Wise tending ***** prescriber:
          Get into a choke hold
Fate maker pushed and pulled:
          Get into a choke hold
Let this story to be told:
          Let's get into a choke hold!
A story about six people in a bar and the follies of escapism...
Dec 2013 · 738
This Yellow Paper
Regal Pinion Dec 2013
Sitting waiting
Now debating
What to be saying
A gentlemen suggests
I should be a creating
Something to present
How elating!
But what if my skill was killed
And fading?
Mentally taming
Essentially maiming
My energy (now deflating)
How degrading!
But my frown's not staying
This must be fun
To be relating
While exhaling
Size inflating
Eyes dilating
Surprise! I rise
with This Yellow Paper
I was at an open mic and an elderly gentlemen suggested I write a poem on the spot to perform. I didn't know he was kidding... It was still worth it.
Dec 2013 · 2.3k
Glass Castle
Regal Pinion Dec 2013
Once upon a time paradox
There was a king in a castle of rocks
The castle was tall and to all who saw
It shined and shimmered by light by Law
The king was happy until his vice
Showed him a castle of rocks could not suffice
The reason this castle needed to change
Was because of the House of Endless Strange
The house shined so great the king shielded his eyes
He secretly hoped it was all lies
He ordered his men to work so fast
So he could have a castle of glass
The workers watched their hands turned red
As the king’s greed was joyfully fed
The castle complete from tip to feet was seen
To shine and shimmer by light by moonbeam
But the cost of this king’s vice
Was to be paid in an unforeseen price
He went to war with neighboring lands
And the catapult launched stones to every man
He did the same to the House of Endless Strange
And they smiled at the stones he gave
To react they attacked to throw the rocks back
And SMACK! The glass cracked since it lacked
The ability to not crumble
Under every rock that made it tumble
The king was to rebuild his castle, you see
To the castle it was once to be
Once upon a time paradox
There was a king in a castle of rocks ...
Dec 2013 · 2.5k
Clockwork Seraph
Regal Pinion Dec 2013
Feel the entropy heating up your gears
With meshing poetic rhetoric flowing through your ears

Pistons pinions piercing pulsing
Calculating creates cruelty convulsing
Which confuses itself as a new form of dance
But it’s actually mating while still wearing pants

There’s mercury around your hat’s brim
As you look up to your cherubim
They’re not good MCs you’re suffering from delirium
We’re not an ocean we’re a city: Pandæmonium
Whether stage, stereo, or behind a podium
My flow so addictive you need rehab to quit this *****

Undercutting uppercuts straight to the jaw
Dangling there mangled but you’ll never lose the awe
I can talk sunlight into becoming my shade
Stand up to me? Step down before you fade

I am the Clockwork Seraph
Each word must be cherished
Because words hold more power than any man
So I’ll trick the legless to take a stand

We’ll walk miles for this vile style
Bloodied grin? Show us your smile
All is well? Or all is in denial?
Who cares? Let it rest for a while

Throat grabbing metaphors
Chokes gabbing sell-out ******
Garrote grappling violent scores
Rogues glancing harlot stores

Cut to the point or cut to source
Cue the anointment meant for the Force
Wrong religion but ***** it any myth will do
My words are Set to Isis like Osiris rose for you

Scheherazade’s in her padded cell full of fright
Shouting frantic nonsense for 1,001 Asylum Nights

Love is a chemical that seems too harsh
It comes from the brain, we call it the heart
Anger is an arrangement that can tear you apart
Here’s an outlet try again end at the start

Take a breather now
While sixty feet under water
As you drown

Yesterday’s miracle is today’s explained fact
Truthful anomalies become outliers for the mass

If a beat drops does it plummet to its death?
Was it suicidal it could be anybody’s guess?
It tried to forget so it kept all repressed
Tongue play twisted by the embittered press

Oh yes! Says the ******* moaning ghost
Raise your glass take a sip prepare for the toast
Overdosed on rufilin for the life/death duality
The party forgot to plan this half-hearted tragedy

Fires burn like thunders boast
Of the speed the hot flash was provoked

I don’t do battle raps I just humiliate my foes
There reputation lying in graves row by row
Blank stares earned as they feel the throes
More white towels thrown in as their hope corrodes

My left hand spits for the pages thrones
My tongue tests it to see how it flows

Shoot for the moon and if you miss
You’ll be surrounded by infinite emptiness
Obviously I’m different so I won’t waste your time
Every rapper claims their special somewhere down the line

Are you lost? here’s a map: blank canvas
Crumble it up to see it form a crevice
A Knight of Bedlam here for your service
Rising with the lunar crescent for their hubris

Blood stained White Knight
A hero’s antithesis done right
Funeral garbs for this sable raft
Beating hearts for disabled craft

Buried in deep and now I’ll rise
To the occasion to claim this prize
The only thing we all have in common
Is the differences in our perception

I am the Bayssic scion
Hold on tight if you plan on riding
On my dark white lyrics
Beautiful insanity with spirit

Each and every person you meet
Is as real as you imagined them to be
From my mind un-vaulted in hopes it’ll last
Join us now, through the looking glass
Sep 2013 · 4.8k
Power of Wordplay
Regal Pinion Sep 2013
Think I'm strange? Why do you ponder?
My wit's so quick it leaves behind thunder
It got me arrested the other day
They said 'sir, please put that knife away'
But it was sharp enough to slice right by
Subtle enough to slip and hide
Imagery so visual there's spotlight and stage
Bow to the audience and present the Word Play

Abstract, deep, or maybe pretentious
If that's weak then save me sweetness
Or just be bitter all the time
I think we need more flavors in our lives
But some phrases are too sour
Some spicy hot
Combine them in a daily diet
Eat up the lot

Synesthesia hides in these words
Taste the color of what you just heard
Compare the senses that I stirred
As each sentence takes the third

Oh Santa what have you got this time?
Were you there to spare a fair
But lazily placed rhyme?

Yeah right twas the night
Before crisscross applesauce
When all through my head
Concepts, points, tangential joints
Changed all of the topics instead

Now say 'bye'
To your mind's eye
As it all becomes so real
And paint a picture
So dreamlike
As it all becomes surreal

How do you feel? Not with your heart
Now let's leave that enclosed
I refer to the hands. Understand?
Palms tapping and exposed

Oh no. Here you go:
A pun and paradox
How do I land my desert boat
By these dark white pair of docks?

"No. Look see, *****,
It's an oxymoron"
Well isn't that just great
Zip the chit chat
Have a Kit-Kat
While I take a...

No wait! Don't break copyright infringement
Clichéd rhymes should have signed I'm going off the hinges
Some were so slant that even Emily Dickinson
Would refuse to go and ski on them and she'd rather stay hidden

Was that reference too obscure or was that understood too fast?
Now that I asked that question I look like an ***

I'd break the ice but I can't skate
I'd break the glass but it'll lacerate
I'd break the tension but at this rate
I'd break my spirits when it's too late
Too late for what? Explain you say
Poems can be made to be vague
Flow so sick it causes a plague

Well let's just say my home anyway
Runs off a never ending source from me each day
The energy:
Of Wordplay
When Prog-Hip Hop and Boredom get together, they get a bit too friendly and have a child.  
This poem is that child. And the metaphor used to describe was entirely necessary.

— The End —