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reflectionzero Jun 2014
Black roots are digging into the story.
The cover is mold and its pages are dirt.
It's growing into quite the beautiful lie.
Its branches are strong and cold, the trunk is hollow.
We gather around it and cry-- but nobody really cares.

Its blind limbs desperately reach toward nothing,
twisting itself into painful knots.
Ears to its base and knuckles to its bark,
Tap. Tap. Tap. -- Hollow.
Very hollow.

The type of hollow that comes
from years of being dead.
Alone amidst the cracked mud and brush.
We decided not to cut it down,
for there are fates
worse than death.

reflectionzero May 2014
neon flight I'm flying
feeling colors fingers
float through cotton
candy mist

stomach flutter eye
shutter carnival spinning
joy light glimmer
hazel summer sun

set in the west
I rise writhed
eyes met with
the dawn

rest lashes
back asleep
past so shallow
future so deep

breath held
count to ten
fantasy quelled
drown in sin

reflectionzero May 2014
cold veins
beat red fists
through cracked walls
of hearts home

fingers caress and
shudder my skin
he whispers nails
on chalkboard

don't touch me.

bottles bottom
coin tosses in
your stomach

she bore
my vegetative
eyes once

don't call me.

aggressive he
she depressive
bi polarize me
the perfect gender.

reflectionzero May 2014
I will tear you apart
break your arms
crush your skull
in-between my thoughts

you're no *******
match to my gasoline.

I am violent.
I am cruel.
I am evil.
I am black

you don't know me.
You never will
You never did.

Steadfast in your experience
aged fossil
I am forged of fires
beyond that
of hells.

cutie patootie
fossil fuel.

Bloom into that miserable flower
you're bent on becoming.
reflectionzero May 2014
s (o) c (i) e (t) a (l) |  m (e) (d) i (a) (s)
    |     |      |     |            |    |     |   |
o i t l e d a s
i s a o t e l d
i s o l t a e d

.i s o l a t e d.
| |||| || |

reflectionzero May 2014
my heart is
an open field
of jagged rocks
and pits covered
in dry grass.

my heart is
a dense forest
to the south
and a river bank
to the east

my heart is
a landscape
alive with feral
animals and
gentle beasts.

my heart
pumps like a
purple sunset
in a hellish
Phoenix sky.

reflectionzero May 2014
I am so afriad
of becoming
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