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reflectionzero Apr 2014
not to be a downer
but I'm not blinded by the light
I'm not side-stepping feelings
I'm not looking for a fight

and not to be uptight
but god still hasn't grabbed me
in the middle of these sleepless nights
shaking my restless head saying
"you're going to be alright"

and not to be a pain
because we're having a good time
But I've driven every lane
and I've crossed every line

and not to be a bore
because we still need friends
but I hate to be adored
for playing pretend

look here, I'm happy now
everything is cool
smeared on smile
sittin by the pool

selfie. like.
grin from tongue to tooth
everyone's contrite
when no one knows the truth

reflectionzero Apr 2014
jagged gem, the worlds gravity
                               pressed you
                                        bustion and *fire

sentient jewel

and d i s l o d g e d.
reflectionzero Apr 2014
A poet in love
Is a match soaked
In gasoline.

follow my writing!

it will kick you in the diaphragm.
reflectionzero Apr 2014
Glasses thick
Brilliant mind
But not my pick
To bump and grind

Legs akimbo
Astute *****
But better a window
Than a door

Grade A student
Pass your tests
Keep tongue fluent
Off my *******

Red mark checked
Thesis compiled
You'll never wreck
Me *******

Quantum ****
Solve any issue
Keep your ****
In a tissue

Quick sharp thinker
Professor adored
But I can't finger
Your SAT scores

Six degrees
Pencil *****
Modern Curie
acne genus

Please take me seriously. Really.
reflectionzero Apr 2014
Sharp yellow auras l i n e d in a row
divi ded  black by hazed perception
something the stars can't (show)
white markings lead me to a deception i know.

Distant windows warmly welcome in their shade
Worn doors dangerously dead-locked as they're made
My kin not kindled within walls nor has it been
More out next  to flames left  to our poison: a  living  sin.

Strut  Hard  Caution
Cement Shatters

reflectionzero Apr 2014
I've always found, "adult"
in its practical application
to be a limiting word.

Much in the same way
I find the word, "child" to be.
They both attempt to condense
the infinite and spiritual nature
of the human condition.

To balance a child's wonder
and retain the wisdom
of your years.

It's not about taking out a mortgage
or burying yourself under work.

We are in the world,
but we are not of it.

It's hard to throw out labels
and expectations
and just be,
reflectionzero Apr 2014
What wonder does the dawn bring
in her rise over the Eastern Hills?
What fates are sealed
in the last moments of will
when she sets in the West?

How icicles melt
and snow does water
at the sight of the day

How plants do grow
and seasons change
within the turn of
the month of May

When green does die
as every bird will fly
as religiously as a prayer

As noon stands tall
casting shadows for all
for whom we are the mark
that it bears.

We talk of death and life
so short like sand
just part of the beach

We speak of plans and strife
so light as if
naming days of the week

What wonder does the dawn bring in her rise over the Eastern Hills?

Does the sun of the summer warm us just as a winter breeze chills?

No wonder or surprise
for both invoke
the same in mind

Time, regret
Sunrise, sunset
You will have lost
what you will find.

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