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Aug 2017 · 55
Heart of an angel
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
A beautiful mind
Comes with a
Beautiful heart

The caring words
You say,
Lifts up my
Spirit everyday

You have a heart of
An angel

And that's all
I have to say!
©Cherisse Powers
Aug 2017 · 74
God of the world
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
God of the world
Wants us to be
Faithful and true

God of the world
Is always going
To be with you

God of the world
Set our hearts free

He does this
He loves us
©Cherisse Powers
Aug 2017 · 61
Message and the way
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
This day
I pray
For everyone
To worship your
One and only
Holy name

Praise you through
This storm of life
You have suffered
And then you died

This day
I worship your
Forever name

Want to be
With you through
My fears

You're the real reason
Why anyone is here
On earth
That you created
Several years

You're the message
And the way
Of my one and
Only soul

I love you
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
My heart
Flies like a dove
Right into
Jesus arms of love
He is the reason
Why this
Little sparrow
Believes in his
One and only truth

Get down in a
Worship of prayer
Jesus will forever
Be apart of my life

©Cherisse Powers
Aug 2017 · 64
Hears our every thought
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
God hears our heart
God hears our voice
When sometimes
We really can't
God hears our thoughts
That come from our mind
Every time we think
God hears our whispers
When others seem like they can't
That's the power of his love
Is so real
Is so very strong
God hears all our prayers
The ones that he doesn't
Answer, he does that
In protection for our life
Let God heal your heart
Take him in today
Let God be apart of
Your everyday walk with him

He hears everything
That you're going through
God will forever understand
Your thoughts and needs
Only because
He cares and loves you
Very deeply you see

©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
I love you
For what it's worth
You have the key
That opens up
This little angels

I love you
More than
The tears that
Fall from my eyes
When I sometimes cry.

I love you
With all my life

Today and forever
I blessed to say
That you're my
Knight and I'm
Your queen.

Nothing is ever
Going to tear
You away from me.

That's the power
Of my strong love
For you baby

Because with
You and I
We're in the eyes
Of Jesus Christ
©Cherisse Powers
Aug 2017 · 72
Beauty of God's love
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
God's hands
Touches your heart
He heals the
Broken pieces
Of your life

God knows how you
God's hands
Will protect you

He is holding you
Close to his side
This storm of life

God's hands
Will heal the wounds
That have been
Cut and bled
Over and over again

When you allow
Him to come
Into your life
You'll begin to
Tear up more
Than a thousand

Because the
Beauty of his love
Is priceless

He fought and
Then died
For our sins
Of this whole
Entire life

Thank you Jesus
And amen...
©Cherisse Powers
Aug 2017 · 106
My heart bleeds for Jesus
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
A sign from God
Is all I needed,
It came
Like a bullet
To the heart
It hurts
Yet it feels good
The sign from
God is trying
To tell us all something
When we decide
To not listen to him
Our heart will bleed
In confusion
On what he is trying
To tell us
And when we decide
To listen to God
Our hearts will cry
Our for mercy
Now we know
The decisions behind
The glory of our
True father Jesus
©Cherisse Powers
Aug 2017 · 169
Gentle love that you give
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
The rhythm in the wind
The sparkle in your eyes
Has me wanting you tonight

The rhythm of your voice
The touch of your hand
Makes my heart melt
Just for you baby

The rhythm in your
Gentle hands
Takes me to a different
Place tonight

It has me all over
Your body of love
As we set underneath
The beautiful stars tonight

Holding each other
Feels so very right

Right now
I'm in heaven
With your sweet
And gentle love

Forever we will
Always be us

©Cherisse Powers
Aug 2017 · 224
Forever with you baby
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Just want you
To love me all
Over my sweet
And gorgeous body

Want to be in
Your sweet arms

The sweet moist
In your lips
Keeps me craving

For that next
Romantic kiss

You Make me feel
So good baby

That I want
Your love even
Than I did
The other day

Just want you
To love me
In that ******
Kind of way

Because I am yours
And you are mine

Forever with you
Is all I really
Want tonight

As you put your
Big hands
Down the back
Of my shirt

I can't help
But smell
The sweet scent
Of your manly

It has me falling
In love with you
All over again
©Cherisse Powers
Aug 2017 · 189
God is not done with me yet
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
God is not done
With my life yet

He wants me to
Experience everything
That I possibly can

Before I reach the
Gates of heaven
Down the road
In my much older life

God still has to teach
Me a lot of things
About life
Before I go
And live with him
In the holy spirit
Of Jesus Christ

And that is to
Learn to accept things
In life that you don't
Want to accept

Later on, they might
Turn out to be
Beneficial to you
And the one you're
Fully and completely
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Take me away
I'm your arms tonight
Father God
You'll always be
The way of this sweet
Little girls life

You wash away
All my pain
You heal my hurt
When I feel like
There is no
Other way in life

Taking me away
Father Jesus
To your kingdom

I open up the Bible
And notice across
The pages in ink

That you gave up
Your one and only
Life just for me

Close it after an hour
Or two
Went into the other room

Get down in a prayer
Of life

Asking you father Jesus
To heal my wounded
Scars of life

Make me who you
Created me to be

Show me what's
Important in life

I fall short of your truth

I pray that I'll
Forever stay with you

In this name I pray
Jesus, amen...
©Cherisse Powers
Aug 2017 · 60
Love making
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
The love that
We make inside
Our hot and steamy

As we are underneath
The steamy covers
Of love

That's were
I see the true
Colors of our
Love making
And such

Motions of both
Of our bodies
Up against each
Others warm
And moist skin

You lean in
For a sweet and
Juicy kiss

That's were our
Love making starts
With a lot of bliss

As our love making
Will always go on
Forever not
Just in our dreams
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
God is good
God is great
When I meet
His glorious face
He'll surely
Open up the gates
To the loving
God that he really is

God is awesome
God is real
When you get
Down and pray
All your prayers
Will come true
One day

You just have to
Believe that it is there
He'll wash all your
Troubles away

That's the power
Of his love
For all of us, amen...
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
For years
I've prayed
I've cried
I've dreamed
For a True and
Honest soul sister
To come along
Then one day
Out of the blue
God sent you
To me to be
My one and only
Soul sister
For Life

I bless God
For This Everyday
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Love you with all my soul
Love you with every ounce
Of my sweet little heart
Love you with all my life
You mean the whole
Atmosphere to me
When God created man
He created the best
To live and share
A whole life time with
©Cherisse Powers
Aug 2017 · 126
A soft gentle heart
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
The time for love
Is always on my mind
You complete me
In so many ways
That others couldn't imagine

The sweet things you do
Sends my heart flying to the moon

The time for love
Is always with me
You know just what
To do to please me

When it is time for love
Gazing into one another's eyes

Mine sparkled every time
You touch me
With your gentle words
Of love

That only comes straight
From your soft and
Caring heart
©Cherisse Powers
Aug 2017 · 110
A connection through God
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
A connection
Through the wind
Jesus knew from
The very start

That we were
Made to be sisters
Through his
Holy name of love
©Cherisse Powers
Aug 2017 · 106
Giving all your love to me
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
The love you give
The love I want
The love you have
Gives me tingles
Down my spine
More than a
Thousand times

The love is so pure
The love is so right
I just have to
Have you in my
Arms forever

Come with me
Show me what you
Truly want and
Forever need

Baby you're my world
You're my light
You're my everything
To me in this life
I love you
©Cherisse Powers
Aug 2017 · 225
Need you baby always
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Let's get under the covers
And make passionate
Love all through the night

As we rub up against
Each others soft skin
It gives me the chills

When you put your
Warm hands
Down the back
Of my shirt

Touching each other
All over our
Bodies of love

You want me
And I want you

Need your ******
All over mine
Forever baby
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Falling from God
Is not what others want
Being in his presence
Fills their heart
And life with his
Undying love

When you know
What's right of
The holy one

Everything will eventually
Start to all into place

Until then,
All that we can do
Is pray

©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Feel the spirit
Come over me
Take Jesus in
My arms of truth

Open up your message
Studying your life
Long truth

Now I understand
You do the things
That you do for
Your children

It's because
Of your undying love
For each and
Everyone of us.
©Cherisse Powers
Aug 2017 · 67
Healing heart of God
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Worship you everyday
Taught me things
To guide my heart
In the right direction
Of your unending love

You lift me up
Every time that
I would stumble
And fall

You're the message
To my life forever

I read your word
As much as I can

Worship you everyday
Opening up my eyes
To a whole brighter
Message and way

Get down on my knees
Tonight in a prayer of healing

Want to worship you
And your forever
Holy light

Being faithful
Is all that I want
Healing the wounds
From the very start

Opening up my heart
For the first time

Coming out of the dark
Was sometimes really hard

Then one day something
It was Jesus speaking
To me

Saying I'm always here
Through the storm
And the rain

I won't ever give
Up on you
Not even after today
©Cherisse Powers
Aug 2017 · 660
Picture of God
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Real picture of God
What I see
Is a creator of so
Many beautiful things.

The real picture of God
Fills my heart up
With tears

To know that others
Out there find it funny
To mock and destroy
What God has placed
And made for our life's

When I see others
That are not of
The holy one

It hurts my heart
It hurts my eyes
And it especially
Hurts my mind

God gave us life
And he can remove
Us  from life
At anytime
That he really wants

Cherish the moments
And the others that
Surround your life today

Because tomorrow
It might be all taken away

©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
The touch
Of your soft

Upon my neck
Drives me wild

Caress of
Warm soft
Hands turns
The heart up

Passionately waiting
For your ****** love

Gives me tingles
Up and down
My luscious body

Dreaming of your
Lovable touch
Makes my heart
Smile and jump

Passionately waiting
For you to undress
Your luscious body
To me

As we're hot
And bothered
Underneath the covers
©Cherisse Powers
Aug 2017 · 100
Always my angel from heaven
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Life is different
Without that Motherly care
I've learned so much
From you

Tears can't express on
How I feel inside
I just want to
Burst out with a
Huge cry

Life is different
When you're not in it
My mind crumbles
And my heart is
In pain

I'll be with you
Again one day

Now that you're gone

Can't call you up
When I feel like
Something is wrong

But you'll always
Be my guardian
Angel from above

That will always
Have the most
©Cherisse Powers
Aug 2017 · 87
Gorgeous heart of God
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Gorgeous heart
Of God
You were created
By God's
Healing hands
Of love

Your gorgeous heart
It shows and it also shines

You care for everyone
That you know

Opening up their eyes
To a powerful Jesus
Of this whole life

Gorgeous heart
Of God
Is what you have

You'll go the extra mile
To pray for them and
Forever make them glad
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Dear heavenly father
Come to you
With nothing but
Tears in my eyes tonight

I'm just hurting inside
To know that someone
Special out there

Has finally arrived
At your door of light

Their no longer
Suffering in pain
Their finally at peace
With you
In your holy name
©Cherisse Powers
Aug 2017 · 55
Poetry of love
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Poetry gets my blood flowing
Like snow ❄ on a mountain
It might be chilly
And cold
It's the only way sometimes
I can get to your sweet
Little heart

Open up the gates of love
Tell me what's in your heart

I grab you by the sleeve
And you start to melt
Right into my lips of love

The way you touch my heart
The way you grab my soul
With your delicious eyes

Let me know that
I'm yours forever
©Cherisse Powers
Aug 2017 · 49
Passionate with your love
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Kissing you in my dreams
At night
Pulling you extremely close
As we make passionate love
To one another

As you hold me so close
In your gentle soft arms

I'm reminded of why
God made us simply
For one another

As you continue to wrap
Me in your love
That I so deeply and truly love

I know that I am made for you
And you were made for me
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
You're the heart
Of our friendship
You don't give up

You stick it through
Till you've had enough

Jesus placed you
In my life
To show me things
Of the holy light

I'm just blessed
To know that you'll
Always be here
In my life

©Cherisse Powers

— The End —