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redspace Dec 2013
ceilings become walls
walls become halls
halls have floors
floors have doors
doors that won't open no matter how hard I keep pounding on each one.
you always gave me these metaphors for your soul; for your body.
"You see, my love,
my mind is a ceiling and my brain turns on like its fan,
swirling round and round when thoughts of you arise.
That air, those thoughts,
start bouncing off of my inner walls,
they touch my eyes when they see you,
my ears when they hear you,
my lips when they taste you...
They all eventually lead to my halls...
arms and legs, you know.
They get the jitters.
I call them the halls because they are dead ends,
so you gotta turn around when my fingers start snapping
and fidgeting,
when my knees start shaking at the sight of you...
when I get cold feet...
Anyway, once you've turned around,
you'd find the flats.
The floors, my dear,
all starin' at the doors."
this is where you'd always trail off, but I knew what you'd meant
your tired soul was aching for those doors to be opened
never mind your thoughts and you limbs
and your sins
never mind your arms and legs and head and mental strains.
you'd always wanted your heart ripped wide open
so I politely knocked on these doors for you
but you never let me in
I rapped with a passion on each one
bur you never let me in
I started banging on these doors, desperate and longing for what was beyond
I was tired of peering through key holes
hoping that maybe my broken fingers might fit the slots
or finally turn the knobs
but you never let me in...

later that year, I came to the realization that you always left your window open
and this day, it was shut.
I walked to your door, and it was wide open
this door had floors
floors had halls
halls became walls...
...and I found you from the ceiling,
that fan would never turn on again.
redspace Dec 2013
I watch your personal vapor rise up and over the curl of your bottom lip
as you tell me about your night.
Your teeth clank ever so slightly
with the words that make your tongue slip on the frigid air.
Your hair falls in your eyes with each passing expression
and you continue to brush it away,
over and over and over again.
With each time this happens,
I watch your locks fall into the bends of your fingers
and the space between your knuckles,
and I wonder what those spaces would feel like between mine.
I bet your hands are wonderful...
My eyes meet yours again and your gaze turns sad
as I feel you think I'm not listening.
Believe me, darling, I've never listened quite so loud.
My ears haven't heard a voice like yours in ages
and my body feels those vibrations from your rib cage  
complimenting your steady breathing as you tell me those tales    
words falling off your lips as I watch them go      
and I can still smell your stories on your coat        
in your clothes          
from your neck when you lean in too close            
and let those hands stroke mine              
sing my hair a lullaby to sleep amidst your fingers                
and I just keep talking                  
and you just keep talking                    
and we never seem to stop and punctuate these words.                      
I only wish now that I could taste them, and we can listen to each other talk all night.
Replying back and forth with our voices so loud that everyone can hear                          
our bodies feeling the other's vibrations from clashing collar bones                            
keeping steady breathing as we speak more and more clearly                              
letting it fall from our lips to our coats                                
to our clothes                                  
to our necks when we can no longer pull away from each other                                    
and those hands                                      
god, those hands are now wrapped in my hair,                                        
screaming it awake                                            
and we just keep talking                                              
and we just keep talking                                                
and we just keep on talking until we finally stop to punctuate these words!                                                  
Funny, we only try and tell this story when our eyes meet,
just after you've pushed the hair from your eyes.
Before either of us can start from the top
your hair is in your eyes once more
and your tongue is seeking refuge behind those chattering teeth
and your vapor is rising again
and I'm longing to listen some more.
redspace Dec 2013
Inspiration is a hard thing to come by.
I sit in my room and I think of you, and I think of the ways in which you picked apart my things.
One by one you collected my CDs.
You took my books with no intention to read any of them.
I think of my clothes, and the way that they fall across your body, and how you look better in them than I.
do I do this to myself?
You come into my home and eat my food, you ***** my dishes, you make a mess of my floor;
littered with throw pillows you're too **** lazy to fluff.
Just because throw is in the name doesn't mean you actually do it.
You don't throw things.
You just don't.
Throw me around again.
Break my dishes over the counter after you dump your dinner on the floor.
Rip my clothes up as you say if you can't wear them no one will.
Burn my books that you never read anyway so those words will never reach your heart.
Crack those CDs and may their tunes never reach my ears or yours again.
So I'll sit in my room.
I can still hear you crying in the yard.
But I'm not coming outside.
Inspiration is a hard thing to come by.

— The End —