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redspace Dec 2015
I sometimes watch a setting sun in your honor.
Reminds me you favor orange and look best in red.
The mingling of those colors will always be you.
I cannot brush my copper hair and not think of you.
I cannot watch my cherried cigarette burn and not think of you.
I cannot wait for it to turn black, for that's when I miss you the most.
Burnt out and extinguished like the feelings I had for you.
Untangled and smoothed so we can both feel relief.
But when you've got skin warm like sand and a smile like the sun,
I can't help but wish for those colors to stay.
You're a beach I could lounge by for a lifetime.
I'm still getting over the idea of everyone loving it, too.
Tall girls like forests of green, small girls littering fields like streams.
All the other places I've yet to be, because I'm stuck at this beach.
Watching you set over and over again.
I don't want to leave because I'm not ready yet.
I'll let my hair tangle.
I'll let my smokes go stale.
I'll let my eyes be shut by the blinding light you are.
But I will keep you close in those sunsets.
Because *******, I've never seen someone burn so beautifully.
Had this stuck in the draft pile. Read it again and nearly cried. I guess it was time to post this for you. I still miss you.
redspace Oct 2015
I don't know how it feels to have the color bleeding from my eyes
Seeing the fires through the highs
Having the chills and getting by
through the night just long enough to see straight again.
Stumble back to a tent, say a prayer, resounding amen
That you'll wake in the morning with some enlightenment
on the adventures last night and what you thought they meant.
I don't know how it feels to see a girl you love cry
Feeling sorry for herself and the downward demise
Of the love and the lullabies
that you used to hum to her through muffled sheets.
You kiss her face, stroke her hair and find your own peace.
Both drifting into dreams.
That heavy sleep.
I don't know how it feels to be left high and dry
Your directions discredited and thrown aside
You're back by the fire staring at the sky,
And I know it's been weeks
since you've really felt your heart beat.
Just stuck on repeat,
sitting in defeat.
I don't know why I never posted this. I just read it again and know exactly how I felt when I wrote it and why I wrote it and it just makes way too much sense not to make it real.
If for no one else, myself.
redspace Feb 2015
Your eyes are my night sky
Bursting with energy emanating from a darker backdrop
Always twinkling in spats and shining with rhythm
Reflections flicking back and forth from sources near and far
I am weightless when I realize the vastness that consumes me
Your eyes are my ocean
Coming in and out like waves 'neath masts of ships much like your lashes
Breaking against the shoreline that is the sandy tan of your face
Mingling blues and greens that are never quite that simple
I am drowning when they hold my gaze like mermaids after sailors
Your eyes are my earth
Forest and browns that hold mystery and adventure
Wandering souls exploring with ease
Fresh air that soothes and warms
I am alive when I take it all in

No night sky will ever feel like a frightening open space
No ocean will ever feel like a terrifying abyss
No earth will ever feel like I have lost my way
I am not afraid because I have you
Your eyes are my home
This will be the first of many.
redspace Oct 2014
He's the color of my coffee and his lips are like ***.
You've got a warmth like sand, a smile like the sun.
He runs me around, I'm too extactic; too dumb.
You keep me grounded, yet on my toes. Light; let me run.
He drowns me with waves; gritting teeth and splitting gums.
You help me grow, but remind me struggling is half the fun.
He is an ocean, once calm, I've turned violent and numb.
You're a beach I can sink my toes into, you give me life, and I've begun.
redspace Sep 2014
Hazel eyes fixated on your presence
They're always warmed when aimed in your direction
Strained from darting as soon as you take notice
Comforted when your voice calls them back home

Ears mangled by holes filled with metal are ringing
They're taunted with quiet words inaudible to another
Excited by the melodies you breathe
Soothed once your lips stop speaking and begin searching

Faded white lies partnered by benevolence
They're still cold in our reflection
Pained from us both knowing this
Ignored once we're again alone

Tears angled at the nostalgia of the beginning
They're haunted by the love they must smother
Ignited by the hard truth I had to receive
Moved once they're landing on a different heart string

Red hair and cold hands still craving your essence
They're becoming quite close with affection
Tangled from knuckle to root in a tight fist
Loosened when yours are finally shown

Fears spoken about our posture and sinning
They're flaunted by life and we love her
Delighted with all that we both believe
Strewed across the air along with the cigarettes we're smoking

Hazel eyes still in love with your presence
They're always here if you should turn in my direction
Strained from seeing our feelings fall from notice
Comforted when you still, after all this, give them a home
I still love you ever so much. It's alright we can't be together. Just keep being my everything else while you're at it.
redspace Sep 2014
Cracking sunflower seeds between rigid teeth
Swigging beers through pursed lips
Inhaling menthol cigarettes with tired lungs and a tight rib cage
          I'm left not knowing the difference between your exhales and sighs
I could say that times like these will brand my memory forever
Salt and shells will never taste the same
          my teeth are left weak from clenching when you're in pain
Alcohol will never completely flow through
          my inebriation is always accompanied by you
Cigarettes still consume me and nearly smother
          as you're asking to *** one, and I'm lighting one off the other
I could tell you when small talks lead to deep moments littered with empty bags and condensation, that I am the happiest I have ever been.
I could tell you these things when there was us.
Picking and choosing which seeds to take from the same pile, fingers interlaced, losing count of drinks and who gave the last smoke to who...
But here we are and us is lost
          our night ends when there are no more smokes to share
Menthol still burns through most of our air
          our drunkeness calls for sleep and warm clothes
We'll both get sick and keep the other close
          our appetites and muddled minds both soothed and still
Eating and conversation so easily a thrill
My mind is numb from how these moments keep recurring
          I know you're hiding sighs inside of exhaling smoke
Us meant that I could soothe that stammered breathing and those bruised ribs, because us meant you curling into me while you slept through it all
Us meant that it didn't matter how much we'd had to drink, because us meant the other would be there to make it all seem okay
Us meant that we could eat together, and smoke together, and sleep together, and love each other, and kiss, and smile, and laugh, and just be.
Us meant a lot of things, but us isn't what we are anymore.
It's just we.
We're still passing off sunflower seeds and just barely touching hands
We're still drinking from the same beer bottle
We're still sharing cigarettes
We're still catching the other smiling in our direction for no reason at all.
This poem is a mess much like my head and my heart.
redspace Jul 2014
It's the lines around your eyes when the sun is in the sky,
it's the bend of your back when you've been holding me too tight,
it's the holes in your pants, that cigarette in your hands,
it's the muted stance when you're silent..
I could write about you all day.

But I can no longer rhyme about you.
No more, can I peel back dog-eared memories to construct sentences in your honor.
I cannot put a pen to paper without first wanting to drive it into my skin to make amends with the aching I allowed into my bloodstream.
Because I let those little lines become what I breathe.
I didn't write you haikus because I'd speak them before we'd sleep.
I didn't send you letters because I'd trace them on your ribs while you'd dream.
I didn't leave you notes because I'd plant them on your lips when you'd wake.
I only wish that these personal journals would have made you stay.

I am your poem.
When your name leaves my mouth I am fluent in love.
I hope one day you may find me folded and forgotten in your junk drawer and decide you want me to start writing again.
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