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1.1k · Sep 2013
Morning Thoughts
RecklessMagic Sep 2013
There can be so many stories behind a smile,
But I'll never let you see the fragile damage you've caused,
It should be non existent and yet my heart yearns for more,
Of the delusional heartache my brain has made.

Have you always been like this sweetheart?
Who hurt you?
Who broke you?
Adulthood is something we can never avoid,
But with that look in your eyes I can tell so much more.

Battle scars and warrior marks,
Bittersweet moments.
Love and affection doesn't come your way-
Oh but it does in multitude.

See this is only for you.
I cannot stop.
This isn't something a shrink can help with,
My beautiful addiction,
Let me help save you.
806 · Sep 2013
RecklessMagic Sep 2013
Stab me again and again, darling,
Puncture me yet again.
The piercing bellows that my body give out -
Are only whimpers for more?
The blood that drips from the wounds is satisfying to savour.
Your psychotic acts are my vicious, outrageous, indescribable infatuation.

Stab me again and again, darling,
Puncture me once again.
Knees meet concrete with a condescending crash.
Poor thing, so deceived to this excruciating game you’re playing.
This was not ever the game I had anticipated to participate in.
Can I abandon you now?
Will you let me?

Stab me again and again, darling,
Puncture me yet again.
Persevering thing,
I worship this,
This mockery,
This exchange.
You were the only one that heeded,
So I snooped too.
Except your tidings injure-
More than mine do.

Stab me again and again, darling,
Puncture me once again.
Keep your ****** symphonies,
I don't care about the prose.
Give me the blade I'll do it for you darling.
Isn't that what you want?
To slaughter me?
With every lyric, and every metaphor.
This kind of adoration damaged way more than the death I went through afore,
Fragmented by crystal,
And I still slice too deep and it’s only my fault darling,
You did nothing wrong.
God, you didn’t nought wrong.

Stab me again and again, darling,
Puncture me yet again.
Let’s rest now, hand me the dagger,
Let’s be thoughtful about things,
Take me out of the way,
Gut me,
Dissect me,
Mutilate me,
Let me bleed,
Let me drown,
****** me,
Empty me out,
Look at me for who I am.

Stab me again and again, darling,
Puncture me yet again,
Help me commit.
We all have our dark hours.
788 · Sep 2013
Better Pastures
RecklessMagic Sep 2013
They said we’re on to better pastures,
But we’re circling the field,
Running track but the team never lasted cause,
No training- we just deal,
With the things we hold inside us,
Insecurities and doubt,
Say nothing on the outside and,
Inside we cry and we shout,
For the hope of fulfilment,
A miracle to begin,
Never been to the land where dreams come true,
But don’t they start from within?
Or are we hopeless and deluded?
Too optimistic to see,
That dreams never come true
In the earths reality,
So what am I to do now?
Broken heart, shattered desires,
What’s the point of this uncertainty?
That’s got us on edge all the while,
There’s confusion in the illusion that we have it all figured out,
We stray and take matters into our own hands,
And we end up with knout,
So what am I to do now?
Broken heart, shattered desires,
What’s the point of this uncertainty?
Am I too optimistic to see?
That His plan is bigger,
Than what we imagine,
Dream or believe.

— The End —