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 May 2013 Rebecca Piatt
Oh hello there… What’s your name?
I can’t seem to hear you…
Ah, I see your problem.

See here?
This is where you look, It’s a hole in the door.
No no no…  Don’t knock. They know you’re here.
You see its made of glass, they see us, you and I
But we… we have this… little hole.

We see them, but we’ll see the little things.
The unnoticed wink
The oh so slight smirk
The ever uncomfortable shrug.
They see us… It’s true!
But theres solid air
Right. In. between.

Don’t go screaming, don’t go shouting
You’ll only look the fool, I’m telling you.
So come over here, move on to the next hole,
See what you can see.

That girl over there? She’s just like us.
That guy there? He doesn’t like what we do.
Some people can’t stand it. We see their mistakes, or… insecurities.
But we don’t really know what’s going on… do we?

Now now… Don’t give me that look.
you know its true.
Just look here, I’ll show you.
Why… He looks sad, and the way he watches her?
Oh and her glare. Now… It’s not our place to judge, remember that.
We’re just watchers.

Most people don’t know about us, and few ever notice.
It’s true! There’s a difference between murmurs through this door
and a real conversation.
Ah, now you’re getting it. I can tell by your face.
Now now… Don’t look down, it’s just fine... you’re not alone.
Just keep an eye out.

See… Look here.
See her? She’s looking right at you.
She’s a rare one, just watch…
she’s walking straight towards us.

See… There are people, people out there, who see that door you're behind and the hole you’re looking through. They’ll see you… Just as you see them. And they’ll break this glass door.

Knock knock my friend

She’s calling you out
Now now… don’t cry, It’s just fine
Yes… I know they’re happy tears.

Hold on tight, they’ll hold on just as hard.

Goodbye and take care.

— The End —