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Dec 2013 · 306
Forget It
Rebecca Joy Dec 2013
i wrote a poem that no one will read
maybe someone will
but they won’t know it was me
Dec 2013 · 268
Rebecca Joy Dec 2013
you call things poetry when it is not
since for that words must dance
and these are tripping over their
Dec 2013 · 287
In June
Rebecca Joy Dec 2013
i want
for you to spend the night
under the covers
in my bed
in the middle of june
with the fan blowing soft
so i can wake up in the morning
with you beside me
and i can kiss the back of your neck
and trace my fingers down your back
until you wake up too
because i know
you always lay on your stomach
when you fall asleep
and that you
always sleep a little later than me
May 2013 · 381
Guided to Guide
Rebecca Joy May 2013
Little Lion Girl
show me all you have–
Roar as loud as you're aloud
and then a Little more.
all the World's below your feet,
Remember to Remember–
the grass the road the snow the mud
and all Steps in between
Little Lion Girl
I know you know Be Brave
Fear nothing you can't see–
What you can Fear their own
in Something Somewhere Somehow.
go on Little Lion Girl
show us all the way–
to Kingdom Come
to Peace and sweet Freedom
as you are night and day.
Little Lion Girl
not all see Light as you
you are Young and you are Pure
but one day that will End
and the Clouded may consume
Remember to Remember–
the grass the road the snow the blood
and all Smiles in between
May 2013 · 298
Why Not
Rebecca Joy May 2013
We walk the earth just to lie beneath it
So my dear,
Appreciate what you will while you can still see it
May 2013 · 464
Rebecca Joy May 2013
I want to know how your bones curve
Under your skin
And I want to know how your skin
Feels in the morning
While my touch is still waking
While your body is still waking
I want to know how you’d lay
I want to know how you’d stretch
Whether you’d curl your toes
Or bend your back
I want to know if you’d wake with a sigh
Or a smile
Or both
May 2013 · 465
Wake Up
Rebecca Joy May 2013
You called me on the phone
In the middle of the night
After weeks without a word
And you cried with me
Just to feel happy again

— The End —