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Rebecca Hartel Feb 2011
Rock solid on the ground she lay
Can't think of anything to say
There above her he stands
Wiping off his ****** hands

Drags her body to his car
Doesn't travel very far
Stops the car and throws her out
New guilt to think about

Lays in bed but he can't sleep
His mind a hill very steep
Why'd he do it?
In his mind his thoughts sit

He couldn't sleep at all last night
His guilty conscious he had to fight.
Rebecca Hartel Feb 2011
Darkness surrounds us
Swallows us whole
Taking our lives, and tearing our souls

Trying to escape
But the barriors wont break
Scared to death we go hand in hand
Off to some kind of sadness filled land

So clouded we can't breathe
So crowded we can't leave
Seperated we become
Everything becomes one

Light appears overhead
I wonder if I'm dead
I look around
But you're nowhere to be found

I close my eyes
And tears stream down.
Rebecca Hartel Feb 2011
Tears flow
Emotions grow
People get the wrong impression
You're not suffering from depression

Pop more pills
The pain hurts so bad it kills
You try to stop
With that you let your body drop

Lying down
People all around
Your body lowered into a hole
To the sky flies your soul

Covered in dirt
You feel no hurt
The pain is gone
The suffering is done.
I honestly don't know how I was feeling when I wrote this, I just grabbed a pen and went with it.
Rebecca Hartel Feb 2011
Bruises on my left and right arm
Why must you cause me such harm
You push me, I fall
You seem to have it all

I'm hurt, I'm in pain
To you it's just a game
Tears are forming in my eyes
Listening to all your lies

Why must you be so mean
All the cuts have been seen
You take the knife, you cut, you slice
All my life you've diced

Bleeding wrists
****** arms
You thought you had me with your charms

I told you to stop
Thought I liked you alot
But abusing me is what you sought

You were wrong
You don't have long
'Cause when I get up
You're ******

So here I stand
Ready to fight
Here I stand
Black as night

I'm gonna win
I'm not a sin
You've already gone down in my mind
I've even stopped thinking of you all the time

I kick, I scream
I cause a scene
It's done, it's over
It was all a dream.
I don't really care for this poem but it has great meaning to me. I'm not ashamed to admit that there was a time when I suffered from major depression, I did cut myself. I wrote this when I realized that I could do better, I was better and that no one and nothing could ever have such an effect on me again.
Rebecca Hartel Feb 2011
Everyday felt the same
Always playing that stupid game
You broke my heart
You tore it in two
Now all I have to say is, I hate you

You said you loved me
It wasn't true
Now all I have to say is, I hate you

You had me wrapped around your finger
But it seems I only lingered
You had me in the palm of your hand
Made it feel like a fantasy land

You lied to me
Why can't you see
You always had control over me

But now it's different
I'm fighting back
Intelligence is what you lack

You cheated, you lied
Every night I cried
But now I realize what it was

You seemed smart and even sweet
But I didn't figure you would cheat

You don't care that you hurt me
I finally see
But the worst is yet to come

I told you I hurt and I was in pain
That was the point of your stupid game
I'm here to say that I have won
It seems fair after what you've done

I'm over it now
I'm moving on
The future is coming
The past is gone.
When this was written I had just gone through one of the toughest times in my life, for the longest time I thought I was the one with the problem, after a while I started thinking and realized, I'm not the problem, YOU are.
Rebecca Hartel Feb 2011
You were my hero,
You were my dream,
You were my highs and lows,
And everything in between

You were my everything,
You were my all,
You would beckon,
And I would call

You are my past,
You are gone,
You are nothing,
I am done

I feel happiness,
I feel new,
I feel whole,
I'm over you.

— The End —