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Dec 2014 · 1.6k
An Old Loner...
Ray Savill Dec 2014
An Old Loner...

Let anger replace the yoke of an egg,
Chicks born in turmoil, soon left, to beg;
Shell is damaged with just one evil peck,
The Cuckoo landed,on different deck.

She placed evil eye on this christmas bird,
Made sure it kept him, away from the hurd.
He's the loner, emotional recluse,
The outward bounder, who discovered the truth.

Floundered on falsification and lies
All he needed was truth to devise,
A cup full of natural happy stings
That gifts the hope that church bells still ring.

Bay fronted windows, a mirror on life
Remembers that smile, the last from his wife.
Dec 2014 · 715
Ray Savill Dec 2014
Reptiles the pathfinder of humankind
Come from quagmire cognitively blind
Claws become digits, hind legs took on knees
There eyes looked forward, they wanted to please.

From upright gaite he saw his first sun rise
Walked towards horizones enticing skys
Began to gather, his perceptive root
To plant his rational, interlect route.

Grunts become recognised vocal conduits
Which co-operate with reasons pursuits
For eruditions ultimate clarity
Wisdom works for familiarity.

Knowledge deciphered in words to provoke
The birth of conscience a central yoke.
Jun 2014 · 386
Towards the super-ego
Ray Savill Jun 2014
The batsman advances to strike the ball
Two steps forward while raising his willow
Judgement is made by a discerning eye
To strike in the place to send the ball high.
He raises his head to see the ball fly
Beyond the boundary into the crowd
He hears the applause to confirm six runs
He is the hero, celebration begun.

Victory begins the enchanted march
Into the realms of whats the future cast
To be master of willow and leather
To win each game whatever the weather.

He sees himself in rightuous glory
He's the hero in mind and the story.
Jun 2014 · 718
Romeo's Reduction...
Ray Savill Jun 2014
Metal monsters move on mud churned medley
Looks for sacrificial popies relay.
Inch on inch creeps towards  black orifice
Photo technicality! Artifice.

Pale sly men tarry in busy canal,
Into human knowledge, thats the carnal.
Men fall to Soho decks complexity
With wishes to die in, dark unity.

Stood before trenches all born creators
Armed with their staff true master debators
Menial movements touches the hot brick
Copious pleasure to make the plot stick.

War! Fought between those that want, de lux fun
By male armies in total! Reduction.
Jun 2014 · 810
Ray Savill Jun 2014
There! The boiler is fixed upon the wall
Radiators beneath each window
With another in the hall.
Forty five millimeter pipe
Marches away from boiler
To feed a pump beneath the floor
With warm refreshing liquid.
His look, smile, said so much more
Or was it all just imagination?

The pump beneath the floor
Will circulate liquid to bring warmth
To the radiators beneath each window
With another in the hall.
A touch upon the skin adds mystery
Or was it an accident?
All just imagination?

Forty five millimeter pipe
Reduced to fifteen
That feeds each radiator beneath windows
With another in the hall
With warm luscious liquid.
Words sound a strange suspicious melody
Which fill imagination with mystery.
A fifteen millimeter tube rises in the loft
***** and true
***** to connect
The header tank
Away erected in the loft
Gentle stroke upon an upper leg
A smile that say's so much more
Eyes that enchant to speak a mystery.

Tees Elbows with connectors
Join together lengths of copper tube
Beneath the floor all out of sight
Will all connect to the boiler on the wall
With radiators beneath each window
And one in the hall.
Skin touched by lips that smiled creativity
To circulate a warm luscious, liquid mystery.
Jun 2014 · 638
Last Farewell...
Ray Savill Jun 2014
Each night, relived, the echoes of our last farewell
I'd spend another minute for eternity in hell
Nights dark wall surrounds, holds my mind fast
Day's become night's, by a single thought cast.
Alone, unseen by others, I stalk this lonely path
Surrounded by the herd, barely to be heard.
Fortune rarely covers, tears, falling on the hearth
Emotionally disturbed, hear no sound, unstirred
Look to others eyrs, but see no cries
Of pain, that aqua enshrouds within my brain.
Secreted in my psyche, alone, since our goodbye
Your love and memories guide, my lonely woeful sigh.
My heart so full of anquish, so much tormented pain
Without your love and loyalty, life has no future gain.

— The End —