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Oct 2013 · 682
RavenLily Oct 2013
Like a puppet on a string I dance before you my
Arms hanging beside my limp body i wait for your movement
Eyes downcast and my ever beating heart beating to a slow rythm.
Waiting waiting for my puppet master to tug at my strings sercurely attached..
Is this the moment he shall nudge me to life.
The waiting is forbidden lust and creepy physcio lies.
Do I wait forever.
I forever wait to feel his pull
To light up my life
My heart beats faster as my strings move ever so slightly.
Like a puppet on a strings i dance before you
Arms hanging beside my limp body i wait for your movements
Eyes down cast and my ever beating heart wraped up in the strings of your words thought and movements...for I am a puppet nothing more
Oct 2013 · 2.9k
RavenLily Oct 2013
Like a puppet on a string I dance before you my
Arms hanging beside my limp body i wait for your movement
Eyes downcast and my ever beating heart beating to a slow rythm.
Waiting waiting for my puppet master to tug at my strings sercurely attached..
Is this the moment he shall nudge me to life.
The waiting is forbidden lust and creepy physcio lies.
Do I wait forever.
I forever wait to feel his pull
To light up my life
My heart beats faster as my strings move ever so slightly.
Like a puppet on a strings i dance before you
Arms hanging beside my limp body i wait for your movements
Eyes down cast and my ever beating heart wraped up in the strings of your words thought and movements...for I am a puppet nothing more
Aug 2013 · 429
RavenLily Aug 2013
May not like my choices
May not like my life
May not understand

But to me there are no
I am who am i fought hard to find me
I cried for me alone
I accept me

May not like my life
But im me.
And me has been there from day one.
Jul 2013 · 699
Tell me, do I
RavenLily Jul 2013
My love, how do I express my love
do I say Im in love
do I say my butterflies dance when I feel you close
do I cry because we are far apart
do I say how little I breath without your name slipping thou my mind like smoke danceing on the wind.
Im lost Im scared Im forever changing my mind about how I want my life to go
do I let go and dance with the goddess , run with the wolf that scared my heart forget my pain and kiss my past good bye do I fly above the tree carefree and happy..
what if I crash
what if I fall
what if my wolf bites me again can my body take it once more
I cry cause Im scared to be
reckless and fear the unknown
Im safe in my little blahh world where Im loved as a queen
thou that queen is hurting she and cries daily for her king.
she fears him.
so my question to all whoever graces my words with their eyes
do I stay safe in my world or run again with my wolf where his bite is deadly and his words could **** me but his touch is sweet and he could make me if he trusts in himself to raise his queen to the mountain she belongs on ..
to give her understanding to give her compassion knowing she fears
give her praise for her soft heart and kind words that twist sometimes in the wind.
do I say run with me my wolf
or do I die waiting for those butterfleis to reapear in another..
May 2013 · 903
letter to the dark side
RavenLily May 2013
Why be me?
Why be the victum as you call me?
Why try to still get you to see me.
You never will in the state you are in..cold dark place surrounded by your minions that whorship you for they get to bask in your good side..
Its all i ever  all i ever wanted and you took it away..
You tell me im heartless and cold yet you dont see me crying for you daily cause the man i fight for loved me so much he would have never spooke the words to me you have over and over..
You got what you broke my heart for..your freedom your choice to do as you respondablities for anyone but you..yet you choose the hard path and ill forever be blamed for it..
I still fight evertime we talk for you to see me and you call me heartless because i point out the facts..
You call me cold when i speak the way you do to people.
Im mean when i dont hide the way i feel..
The fact that you do not see me for the woman that i truley am shows me things that i didnt want to face..
Im not heartless im the oppsite i have too much heart for you i care too much and its comes out in a way u cant handle.Im cold cause words never let you see how much my hands are shaking and my tears are blinding me you forgot who i i forgot who you are cause the man i love so deeply would have never let me think the worst of him and be okay with it..the man i put up so high on a mountain to admire would have never thought of touching another woman before me...never talked to me the way you do as if me of all people were out to get you..
The man i love would have never left me alone scared of the world knowing im scared of the dark..but you did for your chance of having freedom and many woman to make himself feel bigger..when all he had to do was look deep in my eyes to know i thought he ruled the world..he was my everything and it wasnt im punsihed daily when im me or i get too emonational because it causes him pain and i become the cruel one for being me..its best i know to step away from him but my heart still beats beside him and i feel empty..
Apr 2013 · 723
I am nothing
RavenLily Apr 2013
I am nothing...
But a speck dancing in a green feild
I am nothing...
But a girl locked in a sliver tower high above
I am nothing .....
But a flow of purple slik
I am....nothing
My mayor tells me im not
I am nothing....
He keeps me safe from the monsters below
I am nothing...
Over look me and by pass my laughter
For here in my tower of light and joy my world is safe and complete
For i am nothing over look me....please ....for I am waiting for someone...
Apr 2013 · 914
kitchen floor
RavenLily Apr 2013
Kitchen floor..
A simple thing it seems
Yet its filled with so much
As many nights ive sat stairing
At the door placed inside that leads outside..
That­ kitchen floor holds my heart inside as i cried on it
Beat the cold tiles with my fustration of life
Hit it with the death of my father
That cold broken ugly tile floor
Has been there to catch me.
Been there and not given away to my abuse
You might think its just a floor that its job  to be under you.
To me its a soild place to fall my kitchen floor..
Apr 2013 · 532
RavenLily Apr 2013
I am shame
I am the shame of the world in which you live
I am your shame
I am the shame you hate to love.

I am  the hurt
I am the hurt in which you breath
I am your hurt
I am the hurt you hate , hate to love

I am the lust
I am the lust you can not fullfill
I am the longest lust you shall ever long for
I am and forever will be the woman you hate to love
Apr 2013 · 474
Peaceful dead
RavenLily Apr 2013
I find peace amoung the dead
Souls free From the mortal
I find peace amoung the dead
At peace I find the answers
Stairing at the unkown,
I find the calm.
The screams inside my world the tears and agony
Come to a halt to lay at the feet of the dead..
Strange it is that my peace comes at the price of the dead.
Not to say im always dark morbid or lost..just that i write better there
Apr 2013 · 553
ask me...
RavenLily Apr 2013
Looking for a sign,
Sreaching life,
Catching glimspes of life
Life moves as a fast moving train on a path of never ending unknowns.
Standing in the middle is the lost and clueless trying to catch that ride.
Some fall and lay their tears crying in their own pain
Some fall and rise to a higher standard of pain to
Fall harder.
Some get lucky to have the train slow down so they can glide on as their ease.
Some just fight, fight and fight more for what ride they need want or demand in life thats best for them.
The fighters, are the woundec broken and rebuilt and put together with cheap glue..
But they fight
With blood seeping from their eyes
They fight for what makes them breath..
Or just keep going
All to get to the end of the ride of their dreams
Even when they feel its
A lost ride and the conducter of the beatuiful train has given up and left
They fight inner battles
Ugly monsters
And protect what they need for that prefect ride....

Now ask me what i am? A fighter or someone who gives up to the pain and lets the world step on them as they go by...ask me..i dare you..
Mar 2013 · 1.4k
Amuse me..
RavenLily Mar 2013
Amuse me
Amuse me keep me rollin

For I fall when the ride stops and they day ends

Amuse me
Amuse me keep me up

For I crumble to lifes woes when the wheels stop turning.

Amuse me amuse me ohh Lovely one dont let me fall
Don't let me go,
Keep me up .

For I am the weak thou all the strength and brave I fall easly and break hard.. For those that hold and ride the ride for too long..need to be amused when the wheels stop ..

Amuse me my love keep me strong.
Mar 2013 · 1.1k
life goes on
RavenLily Mar 2013
I think of you offten, when the wind blows. For its there I feel you most.
When time goes by and I breath with lifes woes I think of you for its you who taught me how to breath when life is too hard..just breath
Ooo how I think of you when I see the days crawl by ever so slowly. Days I've been without you, days to come I will be without your laughter, voice and wise mind.
Just breath for it all goes on, time ,days ,growth into a new life.
They say life goes on when fathers life will go on with knowledge of great but for  those days when the wind blows just alittle too hard I still crumble to my knees..and breath your name..
My father passed in May..To a great man who will never know how great he was..R.i.P. Big John..
Mar 2013 · 428
She wakes
RavenLily Mar 2013
she wakes with fog in her mind she wakes to sounds of misery

her body feels like deaths sweet touch has laid his fingers upon her heart.

his memory glides thou her sleeping soul to remind her of the loss.

she raises to start her night to kiss the satin moon goodbye

for tonight she puts to sleep his memory for good, her pain ended,

for tonight she ends the pain his torturous words created

for tonight the pain washes away with flowing blood , she scream his name once more

she wakes with fog in her mind she wakes to sounds of misery
Written couple years ago..(2011) Im not in such a dark place now.
Mar 2013 · 506
RavenLily Mar 2013
Sitting, thinking, days gone by, of past and things left unsaid,

Cries from my heart as u slip past my touch.

Pain as I watch you grow without me, you find yourself without me.

Without me I once thought you would never live. Without me I mourned you would die.

You sliped past my grasp and stole my heart. Your robber of souls you death reaper of the hearts.

Without me..without me..i cry..without live as u did with your wings alittle larger.

With out me I fear..fear.. fear what? I cry!

I fear that without you I will die..
Mar 2013 · 1.3k
RavenLily Mar 2013
love, what is love, the timeles question..the age old question of every human walking it hormones.. is it lust to its it rather heart reaching pain so great it becomes a new feeling all together..ask me that question ill give you my answer.. ask him hell give his answer..ask the old lady moruning her loves death and she will give you her answer..the young man weeping for the lost love that slipped thou his quick fingers..they all have their ideal..they all cry for their ideal of the age old pain they quest for..the ultamate high , the quickness they mourn..

love, what is love, is it kind and forgiveing..forgetful..ever lasting..the souls walking this earth sreaching for the sliver cord,weeping daily, dieing inside for they missed that chance..the age old question of every human..what is love..You ask me i cry.. is burning and mournful, and lost its pain and joy wraped in a beatuful package tossed to the side by the needs of those in love..its forgetting you cried for someone..quick lighting speed demands on the heart for it cries to be loved back as the heart does ..sliped thou fingers time robs youth and beatuy , love replaces grey hairs and wrinkels and tears ..seals up cracks of wounded souls..touches so soft it breaks your heat to think it will is....clueless..

— The End —