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RavenLily Apr 2013
I am shame
I am the shame of the world in which you live
I am your shame
I am the shame you hate to love.

I am  the hurt
I am the hurt in which you breath
I am your hurt
I am the hurt you hate , hate to love

I am the lust
I am the lust you can not fullfill
I am the longest lust you shall ever long for
I am and forever will be the woman you hate to love
RavenLily Apr 2013
I find peace amoung the dead
Souls free From the mortal
I find peace amoung the dead
At peace I find the answers
Stairing at the unkown,
I find the calm.
The screams inside my world the tears and agony
Come to a halt to lay at the feet of the dead..
Strange it is that my peace comes at the price of the dead.
Not to say im always dark morbid or lost..just that i write better there
RavenLily Apr 2013
Looking for a sign,
Sreaching life,
Catching glimspes of life
Life moves as a fast moving train on a path of never ending unknowns.
Standing in the middle is the lost and clueless trying to catch that ride.
Some fall and lay their tears crying in their own pain
Some fall and rise to a higher standard of pain to
Fall harder.
Some get lucky to have the train slow down so they can glide on as their ease.
Some just fight, fight and fight more for what ride they need want or demand in life thats best for them.
The fighters, are the woundec broken and rebuilt and put together with cheap glue..
But they fight
With blood seeping from their eyes
They fight for what makes them breath..
Or just keep going
All to get to the end of the ride of their dreams
Even when they feel its
A lost ride and the conducter of the beatuiful train has given up and left
They fight inner battles
Ugly monsters
And protect what they need for that prefect ride....

Now ask me what i am? A fighter or someone who gives up to the pain and lets the world step on them as they go by...ask me..i dare you..
RavenLily Mar 2013
Amuse me
Amuse me keep me rollin

For I fall when the ride stops and they day ends

Amuse me
Amuse me keep me up

For I crumble to lifes woes when the wheels stop turning.

Amuse me amuse me ohh Lovely one dont let me fall
Don't let me go,
Keep me up .

For I am the weak thou all the strength and brave I fall easly and break hard.. For those that hold and ride the ride for too long..need to be amused when the wheels stop ..

Amuse me my love keep me strong.
RavenLily Mar 2013
I think of you offten, when the wind blows. For its there I feel you most.
When time goes by and I breath with lifes woes I think of you for its you who taught me how to breath when life is too hard..just breath
Ooo how I think of you when I see the days crawl by ever so slowly. Days I've been without you, days to come I will be without your laughter, voice and wise mind.
Just breath for it all goes on, time ,days ,growth into a new life.
They say life goes on when fathers life will go on with knowledge of great but for  those days when the wind blows just alittle too hard I still crumble to my knees..and breath your name..
My father passed in May..To a great man who will never know how great he was..R.i.P. Big John..
RavenLily Mar 2013
she wakes with fog in her mind she wakes to sounds of misery

her body feels like deaths sweet touch has laid his fingers upon her heart.

his memory glides thou her sleeping soul to remind her of the loss.

she raises to start her night to kiss the satin moon goodbye

for tonight she puts to sleep his memory for good, her pain ended,

for tonight she ends the pain his torturous words created

for tonight the pain washes away with flowing blood , she scream his name once more

she wakes with fog in her mind she wakes to sounds of misery
Written couple years ago..(2011) Im not in such a dark place now.
RavenLily Mar 2013
Sitting, thinking, days gone by, of past and things left unsaid,

Cries from my heart as u slip past my touch.

Pain as I watch you grow without me, you find yourself without me.

Without me I once thought you would never live. Without me I mourned you would die.

You sliped past my grasp and stole my heart. Your robber of souls you death reaper of the hearts.

Without me..without me..i cry..without live as u did with your wings alittle larger.

With out me I fear..fear.. fear what? I cry!

I fear that without you I will die..
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