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Raven LaMountain Oct 2016
The storm is rising as the winds are whipping at the trees.
Oh, how they bow down to the mercy of the queen.
Fierce branches reach for the ground.
Longing for the peace of the blue skies.
Mourning for the sun.
They are trapped in the path of rage and destruction,
Begging to be spared the tragic and mourning destiny to-be.
Oh, how they wish to be freed the shackles which they heavily bear.
Save them!
Save them from the wrath soon to be unleashed.
Or fulfilling a duty?
Their journey,
Yet to be revealed,
Shall be great.
Raven LaMountain Oct 2016
The anguish that you carry
it never fades away.
The deep black hole you fell through
it's now your home to stay.
The bruises on your arms
they're tattooed there forever
The hole in your heart
it will never get better.
The demons that you run from
they'll hunt you 'til you're dead
The angels that you call upon
they all will turn their heads.
The deafening blindness you wish to escape
it is now your lullaby.
Rest your head my little one
it's time to say goodnight.

— The End —