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Raven Cloud Dec 2011
You call me a *****, a ****
You hurl insults like stones
That beat my spirit ******
Black hatred pools at my feet
Thick, Choking, Threatening
To drag me down into itself

Your fear cuts into my soul
Leaving a thousand wounds
A thousand times a day
I taste the blood of an innocent
Who is not so innocent anymore

How many of us will you burn
On the altar of self-righteous loathing
Salem reborn, Even the closet
Is no longer safe
Raven Cloud Dec 2011
They come for me in the night
Torches burning, screaming their hate
Calling for the death of the witch.
Drug from my bed, I am flung to the earth,
Afraid of their anger, afraid to move
I do nothing to resist

For it is true what they say, I am a witch.
I worship my goddess the earth,
When the moon is high in the night.
Now the mob compels me to move;
Against strong hands and blind hate
I am helpless to resist

The judge, his eyes dark as night
And blazing with furious hate,
Gives the decree "Burn the witch!"
My body is frozen, I cannot move
I want to scream, but I resist
Unable to stand, I fall to the earth.

The pyre is built on hard-packed earth.
A malevolent presence on this unholy night,
The chosen tool to carry out their hate.
Towards this sinister form they force me to move
Kicking and taunting, for they cannot resist
Reveling in the victory of catching a witch.

My world narrows down to this darkest of nights.
Through a haze of pain and fear I move,
Wishing myself anywhere else on this earth.
Wishing that what they believe of a witch
were true. I would fly away far from their hate,
Calling my magic, I would use it to resist.

But spells cannot save me from their hate,
And herbs would be useless should I resist.
As I am tied to the stake driven into the earth
The flame casts shadows that move
and dance against the backdrop of night
And fan the eerie chorus of "Burn the Witch!"

Silent as night, the spirit of the witch
Rises above the hate, and does not resist
As it quietly moves from the plane of the earth.
Raven Cloud Dec 2011
I am the goddess in the temple
I am the mother holding her son
I am the crone in the corner
I am the girl embracing her lover
I am all of these and none of these
I am Woman, I am strong

I have watched the ages flow by
Like water spilled from a mountain
I have wept for my sons
And ached for my daughters
My sexuality has been stolen
My voice is silenced
I have born the brunt of societal shame
****** upon me by men who fear my power
I am Woman, I am strong

But I refuse to bear the shame
I take back my rights
My voice is no longer silent
For I am Woman
And I am Strong

— The End —