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Dec 2010 · 692
RandaRue Dec 2010
You never were the person I thought you were.
Are you tired now, from the web of lies you've spun?
Are you afraid yet?
That life as you knew it is over.
You can never go back to time before,
you wanted more credit than you deserved.

Everything is now nothing more than one sided memories.
Pictures with holes in them.
You have already walked out and locked that door.
Which there was never a key.
The memory is so old it can no longer be held.
A fading thought of what once was, clouded over with time.
And no way to wipe it away.

Are you done wasting everyone's time?
There isn't much left now.
Have you done anything worthwhile yet?
Accomplished any important life goal?
Surprise someone, break the mold they have put you in.
Blow apart the labels you have been slaving under...
Mar 2010 · 900
RandaRue Mar 2010
Sorry if my heart froze, and you've been locked  out in the cold.
You didn't deserve my wrath; it wasn't yours.
Shouldn't have spewed it at you.
No need  to explain away my moods.
By now you should have some early warnings.
Please, stand straight, hold still and don't leave.
I will come to my senses soon enough, my heart can't stay locked;
I am far too much for that.
And your passion will always thaw me.
Your love is the only thing strong enough to reach;
through my ice prison.
I never like knowing I caused you emotional harm; it makes my soul cry.
I will makeup for any disappointment that I may cause.
All I've ever wanted and still need; is to be with you.
...if you were to leave, I would come undone.
without you the world has no color.
When I fall, I hit hard and I am shattered.
without you...
Everything is unbalanced; off kilter.
And I have lost my life filter, you make things make sense.
You are my understanding and compassion.
without you my world is nothing more than a blank page.
Together our story is without end.
As my love will always live; our story can never die.
Forever, I am yours
All that you are; means everything to me.
Because, anytime you look at me; I melt.
Nov 2009 · 598
never alone
RandaRue Nov 2009
when you  are lost in the dark and can't see your way,
reach out  and hold my hand,
I'm going to walk you home.
When everyone is against you and you feel out numbered.
You can count me as two, and I'll be standing behind you.
And when all you can do is curl up and cry.
Come look for me first, I'll come with you to keep watch while you let the walls fall and dams break with the huge torrent of tears of confusion and pain.
I'll never leave you, my friend...
I'm as close as you needing me can reach.
Oct 2009 · 637
ME, myself, and I
RandaRue Oct 2009
Don't hate me; love me.
please, don't throw me out, like yesterday's news; keep me.
I'm the only one that has to look the mirror in the eye.
Every morning, that reflection will not lie...
And still I meet my own gaze.
I will easily live up to everything, I could and should be!
Oct 2009 · 1.2k
couldn't go
RandaRue Oct 2009
Couldn't go without you.
But, the more you wanted,
the less I had to give.
Couldn't have gone on without you.
One minute you were there, refusing to leave.
Couldn't go on without me, and then I blinked
and our time has ended.

You have moved on, and I had to let go or drowned in the pain.
A pain so fierce I couldn't go on breathing.
And the path you sped down head long, was blocked to me.
Couldn't go forward and follow after you.
The path grew over instantly, and even now as I look back,
I'm not sure what direction you took, you are long gone.
And, I couldn't go.....
Sep 2009 · 3.3k
I am there.
RandaRue Sep 2009
Good morning friend!
You weren't expecting me?...
It will be ok, I just wanted to say,
I love you and miss you.
Deep down in the soul.
No matter where you are,
or what you do.
I'm only waiting for you, to need me.
To talk, walk, and be friends.
When you can't figure out which
direction to go,
listen to the winds and
my loving guidance will flow to you.
Over mountains and lakes,
over miles and miles, all the way back to your soul.
Have a wonderful day, my lovely...
Sep 2009 · 753
just love...
RandaRue Sep 2009
Just love me...
when I can't seem to smile.
Just love me...
even with all my yelling, sorry it's mostly in my head.
Just love me...
The voices get louder, and I better just lock myself up.
Just love me...
The only way I know how to share my feelings is in poetry.
Just love me...
Because, I already love you....
Sep 2009 · 1.1k
RandaRue Sep 2009
Growing up hurts,
deep down in the guts;
or so it would seem.

Growing older hurts
when everything familiar,
becomes uncomfortable, again.

Learning life's lessons hurts,
strait to your soul.
Some may not get past
the simply breathless pain:
of a broken heart.
Or when some small unspoken
dream dies, as the realization that
your love is not going to be as easy,
or as soft as you thought it should be.

Everything in reality, either gives pain or pleasure.
My love hurts, but it is a pain that is worth living through,
rather than living without....
Sep 2009 · 571
my love
RandaRue Sep 2009
You are my heart and my soul.
With you loving me, I become sane.

You and me together forever,
was always my goal.

I'm sorry if I use you as my cane.
Sometimes I may fall.
Can you pick me up and carry me home?

So I can curl up into a ball;
in your arms; maybe someday in Rome.

As long as I know you are mine,
and I am yours for eternity.
I would have found you even
searching the entire coastline.

We were meant to be together it,
was in the mind of Aphrodite.

I've loved you for a decade already.
I will keep loving you as long as possible.
I would give up everything to find you if lost; gladly.
Even if that may make me liable.
Sep 2009 · 2.2k
peaceful transitions
RandaRue Sep 2009
I know you, yet you don't really know me.

I am always here , whenever you need me.

Deep down, I am, a part of you.

Connected; to a twin soul.

Want to take you away with me.
just us; alone.
To a secret place inside my heart.
Deep down close to my soul.

Want to spend an endless day getting back to knowing you.

Please hush now...
everything will work out fine.

Peaceful Transitions----
is all we have now.
Great to learn how to see in different aspects.
Sep 2009 · 621
Shading of Life
RandaRue Sep 2009
Miss the days when life was simple,
never really expected to accomplish too much.
Back in those long lost days,
free to explore life, closely...
Long ago days full of music,
when love came easy.

Grew older, realized loving people
is complicated.
Emotion finds a way into the
simplest of friendships.
Coloring them with shared experience.
Everyone of them effects us differently.

We may seem very similar, but still
we are not the same.
Without pain there will be no joy.
Without lies there is no truth.
Will you live with that?
Can you?
Sep 2009 · 813
Summer Nights
RandaRue Sep 2009
Sizzling summer nights.
Don't even want to use the light.

Too hot for cloths of any kind.
If it gets any worst, I may loose my mind.

The heat may be cool.
But you will still be a fool.

Melting into a puddle,
pour it with a funnel.

Where did you go?
Why would you lay low?

I've been searching for years,
I haven't quiet conquered all my fears.

Self-doubt can ****,
And you will never get your fill.

Emptiness follows me around,
until we are found.

Does anyone hear us crying out?
Will it matter, do they have any clout?

Summer has come, although is will ease with moon rise.
It is time to say good-day  and good-night, sleep tight and keep wishing big wishes, you might be surprised what will come true.

— The End —