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535 · Jul 2015
A Boring decision
In that dingy room,
There is a smell of dust,
And smoke,
Many unborn notings vie for attention,
In thousands of files mingled with dust,
Decisions creeping for attention,
Decisions await confirmation,
Discussions and Divergences,
May some day,
Converge(to the bewildered few),
To some decision(?),
One has been taken today,
"Put up these files Tomorrow".
These are my personal observations, no offence meant.I will welcome reactions.
530 · Jul 2015
Why On Earth
Can The Earth afford,
1000 HP ,5 liter,petrol guzzling cars ,
Tons of Black smokes,emissions,green house effects,
Industrial toxins,carcinogenic products,
Life Styles,Gigas and Gigas loads of Thermal powers,
Malnutritional Deaths,Droughts,
Poverty,Disease,CO2,Destruction, Nukes?
As She has done so FAR?
Can we not be kinder to Madame Earth,Humans,Children,Kids,
MY appeal to fellows on this planet....For God Sake.

— The End —