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Once upon a very old time,
In a perfectly ordinary forest,
Created solely for my words in rhyme,
There lived a very smart tortoise, modest and earnest.

In this same forest of the mind,
There lived a vivacious hare,
She was so stunning, all animals she could spellbind,
And wherever she went, she spread love in the air.

It so happened that the tortoise, our protagonist,
Found himself having an intimate crush
On the hare and if you get my drift,
He wanted to live a life with her, lavish and lush.

So he decided that to her he would propose,
And try to woo her with his intelligence and brains,
To marry her was his ultimate purpose,
He would surely convince her of his pros and gains.

But to his utmost horror, she rejected him downright,
And looked at him in pure disgust,
“no”, she said, “ you can’t win my love’s right,
because it is not for you that I lust.”

But persistent, and smart, he threw a challenge of love,
To her straight to the face,
“will you agree to marry me, my pure white dove,
if ever I beat you in a race?”

The hare agreed readily to the proposition,
Amused to think she could win without a care,
Alas, she didn’t know what the tortoise knew about the situation,
For he had read the story of the tortoise and the hare.

As soon as the race started, away she zipped,
While the tortoise slowly followed behind,
“He’s lost!”, she thought, “ his cream has been whipped!!...”
but the tortoise had something else in mind…

Half way through the race the hare began to tire,
“Oh!” she thought, “for the tortoise I’m still way far ahead…”
so into the hollow of a tree she did retire,
to have a nap in nature’s comfortable bed.

She was still sleeping blissfully when the tortoise reached her,
And saw her asleep in the hollow,
He could have won the race and won his love so dear,
But though he had knowledge, his mind was narrow.

“She’s the girl I love”, he thought,
we should be on equal terms, I shouldn’t get an unfair chance,
and without any fortitude and forethought,
he took a rash decision without a second glance.

“hey! Wake up! The race is still on! Don’t stop!”
his bellowing voice awoke the hare,
she nimbly bounded away, refreshed from the pitstop,
leaving the tortoise to stand and stare.

Obviously, the tortoise lost and well,
What happened after, I know not,
I hear he spent the rest of his life brooding in his shell,
But all this teaches an important lesson about love, does it not???
3.2k · Nov 2010
What she means to me…
She is the world to me,
An infinite source of eternal glee…

She is the pinnacle of compassion,
God’s greatest creation…

Looking into her eyes gets you transfixed,
Into a world where love, joy and sanguinity is mixed…

Her voice, my rhythm divine,
Which makes me glad to know she’s mine…

Her heart, that’s the sole reason for my being,
Since she’s into the habit of heart stealing….

Her smile that inspires me into motion,
Her mind that brims me up with every positive emotion…

She doesn’t realize, she’s worth lava to a volcano,
The fish to every Eskimo…

She thinks I’m joking, but she’s my life’s repertoire,
My one and only true desire…

She’s as sweet as candy,
And as intoxicating as brandy…

She’s my sweetheart, one of very few,
Who makes every day of my like adventurous and new…

She means everything to me,
For now until all eternity…
Dear Diary, I know I haven’t been treating you properly,
I’ve been mundane and confused lately…

But I didn’t know if you would understand,
About the need that my heart did demand…

But I have to turn to you, I have no one else,
The truth echoes within me, like sound through hollow shells….

It all started when I met that person,
Who shone as brightly as the brightest sun…

I won’t mention her blessed name,
In case later there’s a risk of blame…

But I remember my entry in you that day,
“ my life has changed in every way…”

And though my feelings perplex you,
I assure you, Diary, she is one of very few…

I’m sorry I didn’t tell you this earlier,
It was because I was confined by fear…

For a guy like me cant get someone like her,
But still, my wretched heart holds her dear…

And though I try to repel the attraction,
I yearn for every possible interaction…

You have all right to be angry, and more,
Because all this in my troubled mind I did store…

Is the situation bad, you ask..??
Getting me back to who I was seems an impossible task..

Because as of now, I can live without filling you with ink,
But I shall die if of her I don’t think…

Yes, its serious, yes I know,
Nowhere is this relationship going to go…

But I still prefer this existence,
Where she and I can be just friends..

For the exuberance that comes with her being,
Seems to give life a whole new meaning…

Diary, I know you are about me, not her…
But she is now part of me, it does appear..

So let us chronicle my love, in liaison,
Let us tell the world about my passion…

For, one day, when I am but dust,
You will show everyone what I did lust…

Diary, I’ve jumped into a well, and I cant come out,
Except you, no one can hear my wretched shout…

Dear Diary, let the pain no longer keep us apart,
Dear Diary, please imbibe the weepings of my broken heart…
1.9k · Nov 2010
It’s in newspaper ads, and on T.V,
Pasted everywhere for us to see.

A new entertainer in town, they say,
Giving a performance before going away.

Who is it this time, I wonder,
Who is it that people go to with a cheer?

It’s a ventriloquist, a puppet man,
He’s supposedly made everyone his fan.

And so it was to see the show I went,
It was a boring life’s escapade, godsent.

Robby Rob, was his name,
This name so engulfed in fame.

He was spectacular, and really good,
Now everyone’s excitement I understood.

There he was on stage,
About twenty five years of age.

He and his puppet, joking, laughing,
To everyone happiness he did bring.

Then the show was done,
He left with a smile on his face,
We had had our share of fun,
While he and his puppet left in grace.

How happy he looked, how content was he,
He seemed to be satisfied and filled with glee.

But, who knew what was really happening,
In his life from the beginning?

For in his room,
So full of gloom,

The ventriloquist was a different person,
One who looked glum and devoid of fun.

Who knew,  that he was an abandoned orphan,
Who had struggled for obtaining a bun?

Who knew, the problems in his life,
His heart cancer, his huge bank debt, his eloped wife???

The lifeless puppet, his only friend,
The only one who’ll stay till the end.

As he sheds his tears,
One falls near his puppet’s eye,
And as he is filled with his ever growing fears.
Along with him his puppet does cry…

They hug each other, close and tight,
For them, nothing seems to be going right.

And yet, and yet, I walk home with envy
Thinking that the Ventriloquist’s life is happy and carefree…
1.6k · Nov 2010
Cupid's arrow...
A beautiful place, filled with flora and greenery,
Where nature’s daintiness at its best you can see…
I sit by the roses, at my favorite spot,
Pretty much confused, lost deep in thought…

All around me are flowers and trees of every shape and size,
A kaleidoscopic foliage appeasing the eyes…
The rustic elegance forms a romantic view,
If only I could share the romance with someone I knew...

There’s a reason this place is called Cupid’s arrow,
Its to contemplate, and come to know,
If love has struck you,
And if that love is pure and true…

After which its for spending quality time with that special someone,
To pass love around and have some fun,
To fulfill your romance’s every desire,
And stoke your heart’s burning fire…

So I sit there, wondering, pondering,
About him, and if it was love he did bring,
He entered my life just a short while ago,
Until then who he was I didn’t in the least know…

That he likes me he has made it passively imperative,
And in certain subtle ways I find him attractive,
But do I truly love him? That I do not know,
And it is this answer I want Cupid’s arrow to show…

Whether by destiny, or by chance,
It was here that we had our first fling of romance,
All it was, was that we passed each other,
Each staring wistfully at the other…

But for these few fleeting moments time slowed considerably,
And I remember each moment, vividly…
How entrancing his brown eyes were,
Ad how the rest of the world became a blur…

And just as we were crossing each other, the blissful trees
Whispered romance through the pleasant breeze…
And rained a shower of flower petals on the two of us,
It seemed over our infatuation nature did dote and fuss…

Which is why I took this as a sign,
That maybe, maybe this guy could be mine..
My once chance at true romance,
I really want to take that chance…

But what if he were to break my heart,
What if cupid’s arrow tore me apart,
I’m smitten, but I’m not sure I love him,
Because hearts succumb easily to materialistic desire’s whim…

And what would happen to him, if it didn’t work out…
He too, would be heartbroken, no doubt…
I care too much to affect him in any way,
If anything happened I wouldn’t live to see another day…

So I sit wondering, whether I ever dare,
To even try and lay my heart bare,
Open up and confess everything,
Or just let it remain a fling…

All around me, nature portrays romance,
But love, it’s a double edged lance,
The trees are rustling again, I see him walking towards me,
I have to decide if Cupid’s arrow has struck righteously…
1.4k · Dec 2011
Seconds, minutes, hours-
They constitute and make up time,
Yet my very fabric of time,
Was made wholly of you.

Time started when you came into being,
Time flowed when u breathed,
Time was what you made of it,
Time had only you in my head…

Time slowed down in your absence,
Mere seconds seeming like hours,
Time flew when I spent it with you,
Hours and hours seeing like mere seconds…

Times were happy when you were happy,
Times were sad when you were sad,
Times were good, times were bad,
All according to your state of mind…

My time was synchronized to you alone,
Certainly not to some GMT,
I was accurate, precise, to the dot
In time when it came to you…

A person ceases to exist when their time comes to an end,
That’s exactly what happened to me when I lost you,
My foundation for living completely destroyed,
For all the time with me you had toyed…

Without time, there is no existence,
So also, I stopped to exist,
Without time, there is no sunshine,
So also, I stopped seeing the light of day…

Without time, there air doesn’t blow,
Without time, the water doesn’t flow…
Without time, I have nowhere to go,
Without time, what to do I don’t know…

With you absent, no control on time,
The end to my life’s chronology…
I exist, as but an anachronism,
Like a hellish beast of necromancy…
I would say I’m dead, or dying, or both,
But cant, as there is no you, no time,
So all I can say is that Im non existent,
Since you wiped away my chronicles…

And to think that it all happened but a year ago,
A year in GMT measure…
A year which seemed, and still seems
More of an infinite eternity…
It’s a hot summer afternoon, perfect in every way,
A time to enjoy and relax, loll about and play.

But the afternoon’s long shadow of darkness makes it clear,
That for a particular group of students, disaster is near.

And this unfortunate bunch march into a hot class that noon,
With filled stomachs and eyes full of blissful slumber,
But still, there is a sense of impending doom in the air, and soon
The class will have to face up to a nightmare they fear.

Then at half past one a man walks in,
He smiles and says,“ good afternoon, class, lets begin!!”

The sir then starts his physics lecture,
Much to the students agony and dismay,
And while they curse and snarl silently like a mangled cur,
They wish they had never lived to see this day.

And in no time the teacher sends out a barrage,
Of “physics”, from lasers to parallel rays, characteristics of a coherent light source,
Reflection, Wein’s displacement, sinusoidal wavefronts and an electron’s charge,
He shouts his voice out till he goes hoarse.

I too, as part of that class, try,
To make sense of the gibberish spoken,
But its hopeless, I give up with a sigh,
I doubt his explanation could be understood by the smartest of men…

And in the sweltering heat of the afternoon, with the lecture being a bore,
The students just can’t listen to him, but can certainly do a lot more…

And within minutes of the lecture the class is in its own world,
Where life by quantum physics is not obscured…

Boys start throwing paper pellets at one another,
While mocking the teacher behind his back,
Meanwhile the girls giggle and nudge each other,
Laughing at the jokes they crack.

And oblivious to all that is going on around him,
The teacher goes on to say why the LEDs glow dim.

And I am caught, in a whirl,
Of various activities all around me,
And while I pen down a poem, think about my favorite girl,
I am amazed at the sight I do see…

The class becomes more and more unruly, falling apart,
And at a certain point it is too much and hence,
The sir stops talking about the critical value, and does start,
To take the class’s attendence.

No sooner is the roll call done that the herd stampedes out,
With many a push, a yell and a shout.

The same phenomena will occur again next week,
Isn’t it an example of college life at it’s peak?...
Why? Why do you all treat me so,
Why do you look oddly at me,
And think I’m your foe?
Why can’t I your friend be???

Why do you not talk to me properly,
Whenever I try to converse,
Why do you think I’m false and silly,
Do I have upon me a curse???

Why do you get irritated and annoyed,
Whenever I try to socialize,
Why don’t you bridge the gap, fill the empty void,
What is it in me you despise???

When have I done anything wrong to you,
That you all shun my company,
Why don’t you accept me as something new,
And let me live with you all in Harmony???

Why do you treat me like a social outcast,
And try to not feel my presence?
Why do you leave me like a ship without a mast,
In a storm dark, heavy and dense???

Why do you not laugh with me,
For all the jokes that I crack,
Why instead, do you laugh behind me,
Why do you have fun at my expense, behind my back???

Why do you like him, why do you like her,
And why don’t you like me,
Why do you treat me like a rabid cur,
Why not just throw me in the sea???

Why do you go behind people who don’t care,
When you can plainly see that I do,
Why do you leave my soul empty and bare,
Am I not like a friend to you???

Why is it that you do not want my friendship,
Without friends, my ship will sink,
Why do you all my heart to pieces rip,
And not catch the tears coming out of my eyes at every blink???

It really wouldn’t hurt you one bit, you know,
If to me a little friendliness you did show…
1.3k · Nov 2010
Whenst thou are fighting a lost battle,
The results can be oh, too brutal…

Every man who in his heart has love,
Will lose love’s battle at least once to say,
As he looks to the heavens above,
“Why!! Love has beaten me today!”

Every man who has felt this pain,
Who has fallen ill to this desire,
Every man who has gone insane,
Has wished to throw himself in the fire.

This heartbroken man destroys his soul,
He becomes lovesick, affection’s ghastly ghoul.

What, from love that that ruined man has gained,
Yea, love that is lost is so powerful and harmful, it cannot be restrained…
The thing you do to a discharged cell,
Or to the socks that have too much of a smell,
What is it? Doesn’t it ring a bell?
Because You adhere to that policy so very well…

The thing you do to a flower that’s dead,
So also to a pencil that’s out of lead,
The same unfortunate fate of a broken wooden bed,
A habit of yours that lies imbibed in your head…

The death call for a tire with no air,
The plight of a writer who has lost his flare,
The epitaph of a man about whom nobody cares,
The cold obsoleteness of all your stares…

The gills of a fish outside of water,
The remains of a pig after its meaty slaughter,
The detriment of someone devoid of fun and laughter,
You certainly know about all this better…

A Kingless queen in a match of chess,
A game of chance without a single guess,
A heart beating oh so loveless,
Their method of disposal is at your prowess…

Use and Throw, Use and Throw,
That’s the way you always go,
Use and Throw, Use and Throw,
That’s all the love and affection to me you did show…

For all the compassion, all the regret,
I’m an expendable? Do I know you? Have we ever really MET?
It’s just made me even more sad and upset…

After trying to make your everyday new,
I’m wound up being Use and Throw to you,
I’m use and Throw, insipid, inarticulate,
A used tissue can’t undo its sealed fate….

But if I were any of these above things,
Of which my lonely aching heart sings,

A battery could be recharged duly,
The smell of socks would get the heavy laundry,
A flower would find soil to unwither and bloom,
A pencil refilled with lead to avoid its impending doom…

All of these things I know I can do,
But I also know I can never ever have you,
Because all YOU did, was use, then you Threw…
After my usefulness I meant absolutely nothing to You…

Use and Throw, Use and Throw,
As tears and blood into my discarded tissue does flow…
I was nothing to you, I have nowhere to go…
After all to you I was just.. USE AND THROW….!
When night shimmers away and dawn appears,
Awakening all living things from slumber,
The sun is welcomed by all with cheers
As its heat signifies everything warm and dear.

Flowers arise in glory and bloom,
While butterflies carry on their endless pollination.
The first sign of day sweeps away all gloom,
And the sun is nicknamed,” god’s greatest creation”

And birds spread their wings and soar the skies,
Aiming to reach for the sun,
While the hapless baby bawls and cries,
And while the labourer butters his bun.

When the sun shines upon them,
All living things know,
That everything happy and new is brought about by the bright yellow gem,
And hence with joy does their life glow.

Because it’s the beginning of a brand new day,
Fresh, unique, and different from the last,
Fun and fulfilling in every way,
To help forget history and the past.

And so, also, as I look at the world around me,
Taking in the view,
Whatever I see,
Is not what I saw yesterday, but something new.

And as the bees store up their honey,
And businessmen store up their money,

My heart, warmed by the sun does sing
Gleefully welcoming a brand new day that’s just beginning…
The materialism of man, and his greed,
For worldly objects like money and stature,
Just shows that all of us need,
To experience eternal tranquility, learn a lesson from nature.

How many of us, have experienced the morning sun,
And felt the cold wind caress our face,
Why is it that we have to shun,
Nature’s free and fulfilling grace?

Haven’t any of us ever heard,
The rustling of leaves, the buzzing of bees,
And the lovely chirping of a male robin bird,
These are nature’s own sounds that put our mind at ease.

The feel of fresh grass on one’s feet,
And the pleasant wetness of a light drizzle of rain,
The glory of a summer afternoon’s blazing heat,
Don’t all these things calm us, and make us forget our pain?

How many of us have actually seen,
The rabbits scurrying in the field, and fish swimming in the freshwater pond,
The gentleness of a flower, the sprouting of a kidney bean,
Don’t all these things with nature help us bond?

How may of us have actually gone,
To a place where mother nature is at her best,
Where one can experience the romance of the night, the freshness of the dawn,
To find such places nowadays is indeed a difficult quest.

For in the midst of our lives, every day,
We hardly think about mother nature,
Don’t we all have problems that in some way,
Nature’s healing hands can cure?

So it is that man should realize,
That though in his world everything seems to be about money,
Nature has clearly proved otherwise,
That the best things in life are free…
946 · Nov 2010
All alone, I stand in the deserted room,
Where once happy memories did bloom…

Wasn’t it just one day before,
That this room, a surplus of joy did store…?

But now, it’s a desolute rock,
All essence of life it does block…

Gloom and melancholy fills the area,
The whole place struck by disaster’s mafia…

Maybe it was like this all along, but to it I was immune,
When the effects of “love” made me swoon…

For I really was in romantic bliss,
Just before my life ended up like this…

Maybe I was just fooling myself all along,
Maybe from the start itself I was wrong…

But it made me happy, and the room colourful,
And every day was satisfyingly eventful…

But then it all just went away,
Like good things were never meant to stay…

Maybe “love” was just using me,
Before throwing me into a destitute sea…

Maybe, maybe it wasn’t love at all,
But just my lonely heart’s call…

Maybe I just assumed everything that was happening,
Was “love” that into my life happiness was bringing…

Well, it doesn’t matter what may be the cause,
For there is nothing else to cause me loss…

I am, after all, living in an empty room,
Devoid of everything except sorrow and gloom…

Over which “love” painted fake colours,
That washed away along with my tears…

But im fine now, with this existence,
Where nothing else can be a grievance…

So, I stare into this empty room.
Which is in fact my heart where only darkness does bloom…
I’m taking a walk, on a starry night,
Enjoying the serenity of nature’s marvelous sight…

Drenched in the creaminess of the twilight view,
All things seem to be reborn, and new…

The sky is black, with patches of star white,
And the fireflies in the air make it look even more bright…

The pond shimmers, in a dark navy blue,
The frogs hopping on the water lilies forms an effervescent hue…

The soft fresh grass crumples under my feet,
And the trees sway lightly, cooling off from the day’s heat….

And a night owl twists its head all the way around,
To look at me and greet me with its hooting sound…

And the crickets chirp, grasshoppers leap,
And my mind goes into thoughts deep…

For every thing reminds me of her,
And the atmosphere around makes her feel near…

My mind is put at mental peace,
As I hear the cackle of sleepy geese…

And as I hear the fluttering of a bat’s silky wings,
My heart beats for her and sings…

A green eyed cat stares at me,
Her beauty, in those eyes reflected I see…

And as silvery glistening fish splash about,
I know im in love with her, no doubt…

And as I look at my hands, and think of hers,
A sleeping squirrel gently stirs…

My love for her, passive like the night,
So irreproachable, and elegant, it feels so right…

And though a lady bug scuttles away,
I know she will be there for me, come what may…

And I wonder where she is right now,
As I walk by a drowsy cow…

The sleepy horses whinny their agreement,
That she is indeed an angel godsent…

And as the cool breeze ruffles my hair,
I realize how much for her I care…

And everything about this night is perfect,
Only because I see her in its every aspect…

I would walk endlessly, wishing the night were forever,
For then she would never leave my mind, ever…

And as the owl flies over my head, towards the moon,
Deeper, deeper into her memories I swoon…
738 · Nov 2010
As night faded and dawn arose,
the armies prepared themselves, armed and ready,
Both the armies to each other were foes,
the situation was about to get very messy and ******.

The warcry echoed, loud and clear,
It was time to fight, time to put aside every fear.

And as soldiers marched into the battlefield,
the mounted knights followed the ranks with lance and shield.

The armies faced each other, then there was a silence with a pause,
as men readied themselves to end their lives,
To fight the battle, win for a cause,
and how they were to make widows of wives.

"Attack!" came the royal command,
followed by the clash of cold metal against metal,
as hot blood flowed onto the land,
as many heroes valiantly fell.

The Bishops too, were busy, healing the wounded,
And for the dead many a tear was shed.

The Kings gazed at the fight,
unmoved by the violence, the soldiers sad plight!

The gruesome battle went on for ages,
the dead thrown in trenches, the prisoners in cages.

By and by one king did see,
that his army was defeated, all was lost,
and as he, in defeat, tried to flee,
He was surrounded by foes, his face aghast.

It was then that the players declared," Checkmate!"
thus was decided the king's fate.

The defeated king will get his troops back eventually,
so that another battle can be fought, similarly.

So, this is how chess is played,
Isn't it a brutal and fancy masquerade?...
703 · Dec 2010
Entering the depths of my desolate mind,
A surely etched image you’re sure to find…
An image of love and overflowing compassion,
That has me enraptured in such a fashion…

An image so perfect, its too good to be real,
A sensation so numbing its hard to feel…
Which links itself to every part of me,
Just as every drop of water belongs to the vast sea…

And though now it seems to have become obsolete,
Due to various ends and means that just don’t meet,
It’s essence still strongly burns within,
Even though it’s  just an end that didn’t even begin…

Such is the power it can emanate,
And make me the master of my fate,
No false pretence, it can illuminate the dark…
No doubt, its made more than its mark…

But it’s a mark that was never shot, never even aimed,
Just a hopeful dream from one so maimed,
An image whose real reason for existence,
Is based on false belief and such nonsense…

And when this thought taints the mind,
Pains so incoherently it can make one blind,
And nightmares arise where dreams once sprouted,
And every logical explanation is doubted…

And the heart which still wants to express,
Emotion that has crossed the limit of being pointless,
When crying makes more sense than laughing,
When detriment happiness does bring…

And a pre-existing void widens exponentially,
Memories attach and detach themselves infinitely…
And a thousand times each blink of an eye,
You feel like you get reborn after you die…

The pain difficult to reconcile with every time,
Reincarnated destruction by something so grandly sublime…
And the more it keeps hitting me hard,
More and more of my thought and action it does ******…

A worthless dream, like freedom for a bird in a cage,
The redemption of youth to a man in old age…
A trumpet that does not make any sound,
An aeroplane that never left the ground…

And wisps of reality can blow everything away,
While sleepless nights turn into unproductive days…
As the soul chokes over something that just isn’t there,
Gasping and rasping for a breath of fresh air…

An image that shatters, but doesn’t shatter,
That means absolutely nothing yet is everything you hold dear…
An image that isn’t at all supposed to exist,
Yet in which I am living amidst…

— The End —