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Apr 2019 · 182
1,011 miles
Elaine R T Apr 2019
Last night I had a dream
that I felt your touch.
A kiss
on your lips.
After what feels like forever.
Because to me
four months is forever.
An eight hour work day is forever,
especially when I come to see you.
Don't you wonder why I sleep
the weekdays?
It is so when I wake up,
you'll be there to kiss me
"good morning"
and we can visit with each other
all night.
Before I travel 1,011 miles away.
Mar 2019 · 905
Elaine R T Mar 2019
My soul keeps me up at night.
If I move in my sleep,
I disturb her.
She leaps off the bed,
and walks around the room
until I cater to her needs.
She's quite quiet,
doesn't say that much.
She's especially shy.
So she keeps me up,
until she falls asleep.
Trying to snuggle away,
the late night headache
she gave me.

Mar 2019 · 156
I'm Just Trying to Bedazzle
Elaine R T Mar 2019
The cheapest glue
in the smallest tube.
And yet the "crazy"
"SUPER glue"
ends up where
I do not need it.
Between my fingers,
under my nails.
However, no one has ever said
gluing sequins is easy.
Or is there a trick in which,
I do not know?

Mar 2019 · 231
Words Said
Elaine R T Mar 2019
You say,
"We'll see,"
I take that as a yes.
"Will you call me?"
"We'll see,"
So I stay up and wait,
and wait,
But your exhaustion
creeps in,
and that yes
becomes another "We'll see."
For tomorrow, at least
since you've fallen asleep.
I guess I'll just listen for you
calling to me in my dreams.

Mar 2019 · 1.1k
Elaine R T Mar 2019
I sip my coffee.
The taste is bitter,
All I need is sugar.
You walk in the room,
And soon I realize,
The sugar needed for my coffee,
Is you.
The day we made it official,
Coffee was there,
And so it is now.
A constant reminder of every cent spent
on coffee for 3 and a half years.
I sure hope more coffee comes along.

E. R. T.
Mar 2019 · 404
Nature & Chaos
Elaine R T Mar 2019
I live by a river.
I drive by that river everyday.
Do I look at it, as I drive?
I wish.
Not that I am too busy,
for nature that is,
But because,
I am a terrible driver.
One look, one swerve.
As if the river itself
could affect the land.

E. R. T.
Mar 2019 · 128
love and death
Elaine R T Mar 2019
Play me for keeps
Play me for dead
Anything you want
I don't care
You're in my head
I see you when I sleep
But when distance is involved
It is I, the one you love
The one you haunt
E. R. T.

— The End —