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Nov 2016 · 671
Rory Herd Nov 2016
Unassuming leaf
Welcomes light, breathes energy
Wind blows, smooth blades gleam

Blue skies heat strikes green
Providing shade and sugars
For my revelry

Awed by humble tree
Wherein a branched court perches
Singing passerine
Trees are awesome, **** the system
Jun 2015 · 534
Rory Herd Jun 2015
Am i allowed to write this book
though the language is not my own?

Am I allowed to walk through blossoms
from the trees your father has grown?

Am I allowed to slip my tongue
in the space behind your heart

where the flag of love lifts in the opening dark?
*Written by a charming steampunk lady with a typewriter running a poetry stall called 'Poetry While You Wait', Otago Farmers Market, 23/03/2013
Sep 2014 · 795
First Cloud
Rory Herd Sep 2014
To watch the clouds roll on the firmaments plain,
Both within, and without, their expression won't wait

Observe sun-lit rain falling all in silkened threads,
Descending to proclaim 'earths rock be thy dream bed'

There water grew static as a new storm of green
An epoch of floral tempests only the sky had then seen

Inspired perhaps by radiations spectroscopic artistries
They desired to wear waves from 495 to 570

What mad dreams the clouds cried out of such passion to be
Miraculous life, the nuclear fruit bore from star to tree

Matter motioned towards conscious devotion to survive
Unconscious becoming conscious predation of others nuclear awareness' to stay just a while consciously alive

Electronivorous cardiomagnetics emanating fields of matter fine
Introspective auric spheres vibrate to harmonies a'chime

Such hearts all a-hum to dimensions they defined
And so from a singularity there would be a beautiful mind

What flowers that bloom on these electric fields,
The art-forms, machinations that matters personal reality yields

Richest pollen for the mind is the written fantasy
Colourful petals formed by guitar pedals is one beings audio-mis en scene

How many depictions for the eyes there are of Venus' divine bodies
No greater art form than complementing aspect, force, and frequency

Oh First Cloud, sailing horizons where one never sees the limitless sky
For there is naught else to compare, no antithesis or edge to help define

We find there forms for pleasure, pain, ideals, but not answers to the neu(t)rons darkest, heaviest dreams
Flung through a universe without Dao, only gravity and dopamine

Matter would politicise, while surfing a rock in a black sea round just one of many long blazing days

Their surfing worlds, mirrors of radiation coursing through an existential void-walled maze
Rory Herd Aug 2014
Under pretenses of platonic embraces
You placed me in your dark spaces
Seems i'm left to try putting pieces back together
Or dare to stop the yelling in all forms of weathered
Your wounds old as my half-life
A knife-artist with words your whetstone's worn from tears
And fears
Inspired by years of life read strife
In which dynamic characters play out their rage but there is no separating stage
To guard an audience too young an age
Witnessing rated 14 years of pain coming frequently to term in your dynamic rib-cage
Only to be released like one of Gigers beasts
Tell me how you entertain healing with your lesions so unyielding
When your brows wielding a dark frown it cues a cowards heart to fall down
I must confess my weakness' too strong to state psychological fact
Thus I would retroact as I came back after every attack
To this day my silence threatens more verbal violence
But I can't blame me as i'm not the only one to see what prunes this knotted family tree
We all suffered cuts by our lucidity
As we just try to be while on the perifery of such ugly scenes
Choosing instead to close an eye while our ears heard you mutually belie
Rather than wield the truth and be free of s(illy noise)
I wish you would truly lose it
Then this tale of anguish might end
But until then from dark pasts and burning astrology you won't be free
Your troubles need drugs emotion and stimulating company
Now which of those is most addictive to your egochemistry
Continually self-medicating to satiate such neuro-chemochotomies
The thrill of tripping skipping flipping dipping back into youth
Do we not serve to intoxicate you remake you ten times tall and years-lost proof
And in return the kitchen hordes and possibility doors we're open to yes I won’t fail to mention the gifts given above all of which was the two of you

By nature tragic
This tangent
Can't walk away once one’s chose the path of magic
So graphic
It's embarrassing to ever have had it
Hate no wit
These are the wounds I keep open from view
So no more shall I lay for you
For shame I speak then I make it true
Beggars can choose not to be fools but
These days i'm kool, gravediggin' on Dr. Seuss
( Dust Kings line: Now there's a playa who spoke the truth)

An unseen tapestry of majesty alludes to pagan revelry
only in the lines beside our eyes while the tale flows forth from the massives mind
it speaks of times of joy and height
In which we’d play and with sticks fight
the day
or contrast it’s way
For does not the dark shimmer around the bright
That we were hahh the feeling so pure
I must heed the god of audio
To which we’d all bow so low
Like hierophants the more we’d know
the more we would then grow
into a united flow
did carry us
like waterfalling up to drink supernal highs
Where boredom dares to go and dies
Shall we soar with a cccccometeor
and finally arrive
To a not so modest eden
Source of body mind soul feedin’
Where there grew a paradise of seats, and blankets, fires, sweet tea and loquatious freaks
And maybe some enlightening treats
what feats were inspired by the beats
And endless, endless pages of dreams!
And ancient wisdom stacked in reams against all walls they were the beams
which held the roof above our centers
To a place that if you did enter
Would stay inside of you forever
Ye traveller know what that threshold offers
A hospitality unmatched by emperors coffers
A spectrum of pleasures amid pain from swift boffers
And company of quality untouched by the weight of dollars
Dare to release the big red latch
and watch what mayhem unleashed that we dare catch
If one should be so lucky
and yes we found each other so very funny
and if the walls could speak they would only laugh or wryly beware
There’s just nothing to compare
To growing up and out and everywhere
As we did when we tred there

The best of times are yet to come but with no little death
And yet I sometimes wonder how much ppppparty we have left
But no words will reflect said bounties or meet the scales of justice
If that bird rocked to this scene, she’d get loose and lustrous

Not wholly tragic
Lifes tangent
I can walk where I please cast my own hands magic
Foot traffic
The best times do rhyme I know ‘cause I had it
A Deep graphic
I’ve danced with witches, fairies, kooks it’s true
What stories doth desire choose
Quite a bit of fun the two of you
Beggars learnt to live like lords it’s lewd
Aaaaand i'm still kool, gravediggin' on Alliterine Use

I learned the difference between bullstool and dreams
And it seems
That in between
So many passionate empathies and of the things you said to me which further your hypocrisy
There lies a respect not grudgingly cloaking a love of sound mind soul body which sees it’s mishaps p’raps and each repeat one agrees that ones heart feels dark when one succeeds to see what hurts a family tree
To ignore ones own lucidity Is stupidity insulting our intelligent tendencies
So now here see
We’re all ruled by our cruel feelings and selfish dreams as we all shoot for our own ending
Our heads never above our hearts it’s an ugly anatomy
Feel what I mean
So I won’t deny that by mistakes you witnessed of mine so many times I finally realised how to walk alright
And what it means for responsibility to be tried
To hold my head up so I can wield my hands and just maybe to be my own man
Those fools duels are not aside for you cried by spite to get me out of your life for just a while after you decide that what’s in your heart can hurt mine by an extreme vindictive right
So flightly I would leave nightly I’d fight me when I look back to see  where venom has thus struck thee
You didn’t see me
But one does realize what lies or rather cries inside and how it might set ones words alight

Truthfully tragic
One’s tangent
None of us seem to know all the magic
Let’s keep trying ‘till mastery is graspeedegh ( epic troll)
I want to rob a punk band with a shoe
Pulled off with good insights and tunes
Could be a spot of fun if you’re upto
Crunk your young selves yelling to be used
Beggars choose
To be with good company who feel the blues as well as all the other hues
Jun 2014 · 499
Rory Herd Jun 2014
I'm sickly with angst, and want to abuse this place of artistic expression,
With a mind now too awake to remember the next lines direction.
Rory Herd May 2014
I'm about to fly
And I know how to never die
Could learn how to forget why
One's path goes stretching into the night
To live life but never fight
Or even question what is right
These tiresome metaphors of light...

I thought i'd fly instead I bounced
Away from that I should have denounced
In heart and mind these thoughts do pronounce
As pros and cons in ****** bouts
Biochemical fits forming knots & skull sport-in-outs
Which reshape ones form with which it then flaunts
Fair or flawed by what beholders wants haunt...

I grew up in that view
The one I almost flew into
Got shot down by gravity's news
'bout it feeling equal reds and the blues
So many hearts broken only for hues
These words drown in metaphor,
But they're true...
This is rather crap I feel. To nihilism.
Rory Herd Feb 2014
my heart still beats itself to feel alright
for just a scratch-soothing while
i suspend myself in the fight
and smile as neurons crossed like fingers remember foreword
to a time when i'll always feel warm inside

Why my core has a habit of overh'eating' by feeding
on the very phenomenon-echoes repeating by striking minor chords of flaming screaming
having a heart is simply to imply a vascular system of circuitous bleeding
on the inside
it's becoming of a sensitives pain who's *breath inspires
irony towards the thought of what (and how this) sustains one's own life
for no barrier to the brain could block such a painfully bright self-beside site

I always feel but I don't always know why.

 makes me so angry, this night.
An attempt at writing from the top of the head not from behind the eye.

(May) Dr. Seuss (may) strike me down.
Rory Herd Oct 2013
To live in a place both bright and warm,
On which the art of the heart is reflected in form

But the heart contains shades of the twisted and absane,
From experiences of visceral desire and pain

Casting shadows betraying the walls of this bright place,
Misshapen against the radiant-true worlds face

Opening eyes of men towards their worldward sprawl,
Thus above there lies the heavens in monochromic fall,
Such colourful devastation, to open the hearts of all.
Sep 2013 · 1.8k
Rory Herd Sep 2013
Once, I was gifted the brightest jewel of all the wide worlds wonder

It shone for me with a brilliance, as it had for no other

But in my foolishness I cast this priceless jewel away

And as it fell t’was broken, the light scattered asunder

Now, it will not shine for me

And so, I stand in darkness

The bitter pain of watching its warmth shining upon others

As my own space dimmed, to dark and ugly colours

But it was I who cast the jewel that broke, and made itself anew

Stronger, fairer, brighter than the untouched jewel that I once knew

Still, I cannot bear to see

And so, I stand in darkness

A jewel so bright, many have sought to bask in its fey light

This is no earthen gemstone, nor star that graces the night

Most, too foolish to keep it shining upon them alone

A jewel set in the breast of artwork fairer and brighter beyond sight

Woe, it shines the least on me

And so, I stand in darkness

A darkness I would have flee from unforgiving fire

To burn the earth and all the heavens until I’m alone

To end this world with fell flames is to what I aspire

And watch the gods despair, at the crumbling of their thrones

Yet, I must not turn ugly

And so, I stand in darkness

Anguish will never wear such a resplendent face, as the one that I shall paint it

Despair will be sung truly, in a sweet melodic guise

I shall mould regret into a bolt of ruthless doom, enamored with a purpose

And pen loss in lustrous tales, to gild a readers eyes

All, done with some subtlety

And so, I stand the darkness

To sound a scream which rends the land, leaving a scar behind

To cry deltas flowing back through past deeds, flooding that frame of mind

For it to nourish life, of a beautiful, and evolved kind

Thus emptied, to float up and admire it from above, weightless, and refined

Though, I must tread silently

And so, I walk from darkness

Finally I saw the truth, after I was told a lie

Delivered into the blinding light, I was left wondering why

Why I was cursed with the folly to commit the greatest of life's crimes

Why I must now see sense, and what has passed me by

Still, t’was a choice made by me

And thus, I’ve burned with darkness

Never, never, ever again, to break such fragile, precious things

Nor walk with tactlessness, or tragedy in my stride

I'll shine with luminescence of thoughts and deeds most high

When some facets of that young boy, have finally, truly died

My own jewel shattered, with minds eye open wide

Now I understand, this allegory of dark and light
Jul 2013 · 562
To the beautiful women
Rory Herd Jul 2013
To all beautiful women
You have a powerful smile
Now this may sound strange
But please stay, listen for a while

Our hearts in your hands
You must handle with care
Because your carelessness and cruelty
Is a harsh burden to bear

And do not take it for granted
This gift given to you at birth freely
For it has won you praise and love
Without effort, so easily

Beautiful woman, let the day shine through your smile
Beautiful woman, please come talk to me for a while

Beautiful woman, won’t you take comfort in my arms
Beautiful woman, please heal me with your charms

Beautiful woman, you are an exotic being
If only you knew, you could pluck my heart like a string

To all the beautiful woman
You hurt like you heal
As you send my mind spinning
On this maddening wheel

You need to understand
Just what you do to me
Whether weighing me down with grief
Or lifting me up with glee

I prize your smile more than a gem
In the memories of my mind
And it is my wildest of dreams
That you would value me in kind

Beautiful woman, you hold me in a trance
Will you let me take you by the hand, and run off with me to dance?

Won’t you visit me, upon your graceful wings
I truly seek the healing that your love brings

You just don’t know how much I need your smile today
Please give it to me in any sort of way

Beautiful woman, you shine like the night sky
Beautiful woman, I have this sudden urge to fly
An extremely embarrassing poem I wrote when I was sixteen....
Jul 2013 · 484
Rory Herd Jul 2013
I meditate each day

To improve myself, and the world

For my own evolution, and the betterment of others

So that my mind will serve me and my Will shall be strong and true

So that my emotions will not control me

And so that my body will be a fit vessel for my soul

I meditate so that I may perceive Truth and Beauty, emit Love and Peace, and walk only in Wisdom and Light

I meditate so that these words are not twisted by my ignorance, and bring no suffering

I meditate to overcome my greatest and only foe, myself

For I choose the path of Enlightenment
Jul 2013 · 1.8k
To Brandin
Rory Herd Jul 2013
Good sir, I remember when our adventure first began
At that party, among many hugs and the odd “I love you man!”

After that life has never been quite the same
You brought another sun into my world, for me to bask in its flame

In time we got to know each other and it grew brighter until
You made me a Protagonist, and I joined you in battling evil

However, you were so sad for reasons only you can really know
For its true the greatest enemy lies within, and it’s not easy to show

But we all cared for you so much, and again our days grew brighter
After all, you are a Protagonist, and at heart the greatest fighter

Together we overcame all, defeating the darkness we ever faced
With the mages power, the warriors skill, the ninjas stealth and haste

And while you may sometimes feel sad, as the good-hearted often do
I will always say; this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you

For when you tire from life’s battles, and all others fail or flee
I will always be by your side, for you to lean on me

Even when I leave the world, and am set free of this mortal coil
My spirit will be there to guide you, through all hardships and toil

Though I think you will seldom need me, no matter your feelings hue
Because you possess a  unique soul, one Beautiful, Strong, and True

Though yet many sunny days and moonlight night lay ahead, filled with laughter, good times and a friendship most epically won

I think our adventures, Sir Brandin, have only just begun
Also not to be taken seriously
Jul 2013 · 745
The Wizard's Garden
Rory Herd Jul 2013
Upon a sky-flung hill, in the arms of mountains tall and white,

The world goes by

Rich grass rolls ever onward, where feet rarely tread

From which bright flowers sway to and fro
Caressed by a passing breeze

Clouds sail over them On High,
Their shadows traverse the land below
Gliding across the fields, soft and silent

Sunlight bathes the earth

Captured as bright jewels in small streams
That wink and dance in the vibrant waters

They run down to small lakes, clear and smooth,
A perfect mirror of the vast blue, and white nomads ever adrift
Where lone islands of natural hues rise above the surface

The streams gather before a cottage, lax and quaint

With windows gazing out in contemplation
Drinking in the lofty vastness, through lucid eyes

Its water-wheel similarly oblige the tarn at its feet
Lapping softly with each passing day-dream
Nestled in green, amid a tranquil tide of wind and light

All is warm, and still
Inspired by a scene from the Studi Ghibli film, 'Howl's Moving Castle'.
Jul 2013 · 574
Rory Herd Jul 2013

I must let the evil escape to nowhere and stay there forever and forget about those sad souls in their dark foolishness
Then the flower can grow and drink in the suns wonderful madness while the limiting weeds lay withered and forgotten
and finally i shall grow up to the sky in body and heart will shine anew good with petals for all to see
Shedding the dark oppressive skins that weigh me down and breathe a foul air on those i love
Seraphim will be akin to me and i will be the void that joins all peoples
finally my dreams spring from my head and become as real as the thoughts of others we cannot control
i find the strength from within like an old long-lost friend, loved and forgotten until the needs arise again for its foundations to lift my feet
The joining of sun and moon will find the boy with the black velvet smile gazing at the undeniable truth as the weak break the bonds and become strong
The hour hand dips in favor of those who see it with calm eyes as the minute hand races like a new born spirit across the universes dial

for it is i who have bonded my own chains and branded my own heart but now the hand of folly and chains becomes the hand of healing and the voice of wonder-mad free singing voices  
That spirit, the holder of truths in its majestic eyes that holds the choices and equilibriums, the answers and the questions to begin with, that final step. I have chased it along the streets and rooftops of that place only so rarely catching and grasping it before it breaks away and the chase of wills begins again.
those light moments when its tail i so rarely grasped vanishes around that corner and down the distant
So i gaze round it and...

And the road with the beckoning hand shows the way and each step gives more and more to the brave foot that walks into the clarifying light of Revelation
Something I wrote years ago in a byronic fit which is a big flaming metaphor and not really a poem, if it interests you....
Jul 2013 · 3.6k
Rory Herd Jul 2013

They drift in the breeze
Bright petals swaying to a golden-yellow melody
Their fair hews blend together as one
Ones garden becomes a ray of sunlight, in dance
Moving to and fro with Mother Natures breath
In her ***** they rock
Their colours a precious gem, alive and unclaimable
Their sight like honey for the spirit
Their growth a gift from the soil, given freely and with joy
Beloved Dandelion
Something I wrote as a joke in my 6th form biology class.
Rory Herd Jul 2013

Woe that you should be my muse,
To have me painted and scarred so many hues

And oh to carry this poets heart,
Flooded by tides of feeling, floating world apart

In a flowing void of deepness,
The Self cast inward far,

Awesome gravity from all directions,

A black hole, holding ones brittle moon star.

With strained might it's forces burn the sea of mind,
Crashing thought-waves intoxicated on the outer worlds shore,

Breaking onto rough and rational sands,
Oft shadows of their true selves tender moon-star flaming,
Vagrants misunderstood and poor

And so ever the artist quests to rightly express,
pressurised creations they may yet release

Making room for the abstract storms atoms to saturate the waking,

Liberating its blooming centre of still, silent peace.

— The End —